the road warrior Made By:Manbearpig Enpentigo's got the pic's Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer the road warrior was made after the base in that movie mel gibson was in thought it would be cool to make so ya thats about it enjoy : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Titan Aquatica made by:Manbearpig the ship is all cheezbob that man is a fordgeing god rest was all me pic's speak for them self's : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing if you have a good map you want moded talk to Enpentigo everything gose through him first ill be happy to put in wrath bolt's fireing upward's at start, skull's, water, guss turrets, anything the wonderfull people at fordgehub want {no 13 year old's}
This post is not up to standards. Map threads must have at least one picture. To embed pics look at this tutorial for help. Welcome to Forgehub. EDIT: Wow. I completely missed that bottom part (amazing considering the text size). You cant advertise for modding here mate, nor can you post modded maps. If either of those are modded they need to be taken down now.
The No.1 rule here at Forgehub: NO MODDED MAPS!!! I'm reporting you and contacting a mod a mod to lock this. You are going to get in trouble. And also, your tags are:avalanche, dietmug, mods, porn and sex? wtf? I'm still going to get a mod to lock this though.
Seriously? You aren't supposed to publish modded maps or even advertise modded content, I think it's a punishable offense. The maps themselves look like you've just gotten a forged map and added clones, oddballs, flags and wraith turrets. Finally DON'T VOTE IN YOUR OWN POLL!