It is incredibly neat, tidy, and well made. However, you have to think about gameplay as well as aesthetics. Unless, you know, you're into that sorta thing. Other than that, it is fairly rudimentary, but it's amazing at how well done the platform is. By this single map, I already have the feeling that you're very good at interlocking and the like, simply by the screenshots. The gameplay does need some work, especially the spawns, where I suggest you read the F101 on Spawn Zones by Devinish, if you want to consider making more competitive maps rather than excessively aesthetic. If not, and you'd rather make some more Aesthetic scultpture maps, then you're already really good at it.
What many people have failed to realize is that you only have one life a round. Then it's over, that's all there is to it. It doesn't need complicated spawn systems because you only spawn once.
It does get pretty boring after a few games. I can only sword fight so much before my patience quickly runs out. Maybe make a few more platforms like that so you will have to jump to each platform to kill your opponent. I think that will add some additional skill in timing your jump as well as your lunge.
i like the map not very unique but one thing is for sure i love the design made by the beautifully interlocked bridges
I made something like this once. I blocked off everything leading out of the center ring of Guardian and gave every1 swords.
But this is pretty different... fall deaths are possible on both, but this one has no walls and is inescapable.
i could tell right off the bat that the gameplay will be so much fun, but other ppl just judged it by how it looked, it could cause some hectic gameplay, would it be good with 4 players or would that cause too much crowding?
It is NOT, I repeat, NOT set up for four players. Edit it at will, but the spawns will not work correctly for four player mayhem on the default map and gametype.
No, this is more toward being a mini game. Please leave out comments that solely bash the map, we're looking for constructive criticism here, not pointless 'lolololol sucks' kind of comments. Anyway, simplicity typically makes a much more fun game, compared to the overly interlocked messes that you usually find here on the forum.
yea dude, its not the next revolutionary map out there. but its not terrible. nice ring. i myself don't particularly need a sword duel map, but it looks decent and kool enough
i think, its allready been done. a lot, even if the map itself isnt based on the ring, a lot of maps use a ring of bridges in them, instead of making a ring and leaving it at that. its a little plain for an idea, Its just a ring.... nothing else, nothing different, nothing original, just a ring... but dont get me wrong, many good maps ive seen use a ring, but they make more than that
This is perfect! Now I can show my friends how to really sword someone without being cheap and getting out of the map! 9/10
the basic idea of this map, an arena has been done many times. i does look very neat though... just doesn't get a dl from me, since i or most other people could make this in about 5-10 minutes