The Rig [fixed]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SILVERBACK ONE, Jul 18, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    Note to any admins: please dont delete this post, delete the other rig post on the page after this

    Map Title: THE RIG
    1 flag ctf map on avalanche : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
    In the old posts the link didnt work but it works in this one.
    Sorry the link is to my fileshare as i cant post my map on the bungie forums, i posted a thing in the wrong forum and got banned. I know the no filshare post rule thing but I can't post it any other way.


    I have cut off half of avalanche and put a big oil rig looking base in the middle. The flag is on top and the enemy have to take the rig , get the flag and get it back to their base. In the photo below you can see their base in the distance. And also a photo of what it looks like when you start off in their base. There are loads of ways onto the rig, one of the best is a working evelvator. Throw the grav lift at the barricades and it will work, credit for that idea goes to a guy called Camelot George. you can also man cannon onto it from both sides, and there is some grav lifts lying around. I think this can work with 8-16 people, but your gonna at least need the two teams of four as half of avalanche is quite a big map.

    The lift can be quite dangerous to use but a tip would be maybe try throwing a bubble on it as you are using it.
    The defenders have to watch all sides off the rig and work out where the enemy is, The enemy just have to sneak on or blow their way up to the flag and get out alive.

    It's a little bit like sticking blackout in the middle of avalanche.

    It can be hard to get a full room for big maps like this so anyone who wants to play can send a friend request to the gamertag g5252.

    #1 SILVERBACK ONE, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  2. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    Your map fails in two things. One, there is alot more space on the map which is un used, but of course that's REALLY hard to fix and close of the map. So that's doesn't matter. Two, the armory. Other than that looks really good and fun to play in.
  3. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    alright well as said too much open space which is really hard to fix. Sencond armory NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And lastly turn those bridges upside-down, it just looks so much cleaner that way
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    You should only have the map name in the title. It's the rules so people can easily find your map. By adding on to it, people know that you're new and will not click on it. Ask a moderator to change it for you politely and you will not get an infraction. Also, by saying "fixed" you are implying that you already posted the map before. Never post a map twice, just fix the last post by clicking the edit button in the lower right corner. By posting twice, you bumped somebody else off the newest maps section who deserved more time on it. You already had yours. Please be more considerate.
  5. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The open space dose not seem to be a problem at all. If the team wants to win why would the stray from the map? It makes no sense they would not gain any kills. Second The armory is a bit a problem. It makes un-blanced gameplay . The maps outline and structure looks awsome. Nice work 4/5

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    Thanx for the advice and the replys, I have play tested it to fix a few bugs and there isnt really any unused space outside the rig, people can use all the half of the snow that I have blocked off, and they do use it to mess with the team on the rig.
    As for the armoury making it unbalanced well it was designed and stocked to balance the map once everything else was done. So the armoury and its contents actually balance the game, well i hope so , I need to play test a proper game with teams of 6 or 8. It's a long walk from the armoury to the rig so it makes it fair, plus the rig has weapns and the other team need that stuff to make a start in the game, but once they die all the spawns change.

    I might post a version 2 of this map once i play test it a few times and tweak a few things, so keep those friend requests coming to the gamertag g5252 and help me get big games together............

    And sorry about all the noob mistakes like doubleposting and the filshare link problem.
  7. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I downloaded the first one so I guess I'll DL this one. Looks like a very fun Avalanche map with great floating structures but I would recommend interlocking the floors so theres no bump. I know its hard but the map will seem a lot better. Overall the map is fine and the first one was fun to play on somy friends and I will have alot of fun playing on this map. Good work!

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