The Review Hub

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by G043R, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    ok, well i understand that you will only review my map if you want to, but id like to post my map, its called Centennial

    thanx, even if you dont review it.
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Dude E93 I'm reviewing Hotel Zanzibar and Eclipse, but I'm too lazy to put links.
  3. E93

    E93 Guest

    lol, I'll find 'em later. Just remind me. I'm gonna go play some Olah Tres

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    yes i did read that but i was stating facts :) and technoly i was quoting go34r

    im not picking on him or taking it out of contex but i agree with you there E93, if there map is that bad and they don't want to see what we have to say well than they shouldn't recommend it to be.

    hope you saw the rest of my post and good job guys keep it up :),

    p.s: when will i be invited in the review hub social group?
  5. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    okay thanks bro's im an idiot, and got confused hahaa, glad your eviewing again. maybe i can help out durring some of your testing games?
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Leave home for a few days and look what happens..

    I have to say again and this is the last warning DON't over do the Review my map please...

    Thanks E93 for keeping the fort down while I was gone... and Yellow..Keep doing what your doing man...

    E93 I will update the first page with the list from now on..once I get all this stuff working ... I start school in less than 24 hours...

    As for a Group? What group? I mean I haven't made a Silver account or w/e and the social group on FH isn't active I don't know who made it but I care less.. I mean I need you here on this thread not there...

    ... ahh any thing else up?
  7. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    Gopher seems really panic. How is my review hub buddies doing? Anything happening with the topic, or uhh.. With your life? I'm starting to think this topic is boosting it's moral support, and when you need people help in review sessions I will be here. =)
  8. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Good to here.. as well I'm tired today..not panic.. I'm working on creating a silver account for the RH team ... i'll work out the details later..don't bug me about it..
  9. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    The links are in my sig, but i'll give you a list

    Shihuruville P2

    Shihuruville P3 (high priority)

    And Shihuruville P1 once i get to post the remake version, which should be in about an hour....
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

    #130 E93, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I made the social group a while ago, and i can keep it up to date if i knew who needed adding into it. It's up to you guys to use it. Make a new one if you want to.

    Its very helpful.
  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    Well, I'm not to worried about that.

    Personally, I like the thread better, because it's so much easier to Edit your posts with the list, most importantly, I can tell when someone has added something here just by looking at my subscribed threads, but I'd need to keep checking the group every 15 minutes for a new post. Know what I mean?

    Btw, I got a PM from a certain Markkus.
    I checked the old Review Hub thread, and he wasn't on the members list, but he seems to be in the RH Social Group. I don't know what to do. Is he a part of the Hub, or not? It's fine by me if he is.

    And I was wondering, why don't we have the Members List on the first post?
  13. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I was trying to boost our numbers before we have a list of people but if you want it up ... I can put it... as well Soon I'll just have every one on a live account similarly to the TGIF where all team can be quick to find...
  14. E93

    E93 Guest

  15. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    #135 Shihuru, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  16. E93

    E93 Guest

    How hard is it to read the last pages?

  17. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you're mean!!! :cry:
    I was only asking a question!!! :cry:

    P.S. I already knew your guys only do 1 map at a time, i was just adding the remake and part2 for future references, or for other reviewers... :(
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ...I don't know how many times you have to suggest the same maps..

    I'll start a new list once people show they are really helping the RH... as well Again I post about the account for the Review hub..will be up soon..
  19. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Heyy, i think i have a good map for you guys to review, its nnot by me, but I was skimming around for some good one, since the list isn't quite full yet. How about Blindside by metallic snake and blazeisgod?, Ill throw in the link in a second, i need to go find it again, if that hasnt been reviewed yet.

    ah here it is =) Blindside-BlazeIsGod-Metallic Snake
    #139 Bloumbas, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  20. E93

    E93 Guest

    G043R, you don't need to edit the list onto the first page then. I realize, that it actually is more practical if it's here.

    And, I was about to say something...but I forgot....
    Oh, yeah...
    There's no use for me to keep on editing maps onto the list now, seeing as only me, G043R, and The Yellow are active among the RH.
    I say we start the members list all over. Clear it out, leave us, and start recruiting again. This time, we'll only have 8 members though. Perfect for our 4v4 Review Session. What do you say?

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