Remember guys I'm trying to cut back on the list pile up... Its fine from now on I would rather take the map suggestions more spaced out I mean ...I told this to some of my few forging friends if you want some one to look at your map..take the time to look at others as well ... I know we all don't have the time but this is a two sided sword, help and we help... as for the maps both of them looked rather interesting .. Besides the fact that I am scared shitless on taking on Danger zone I'm willing to review this map... I'm going to ask though.. (only to review members only) How should we do single game mini games?
I dont think you can just ask to have your reviews, if it does well on its original post, odds are it will be checked out. If everyone could just ask, the hub would be over their heads in maps. Maybe recommendations of oters maps, but not your own, or at least I dont think so. I'll delete ifI I'm wrong.
Thanks for letting me know. I copied it, and changed some things from the old Review Hub thread in Off-Topic. So maybe that's why... I'll have the links updated and changed to be working properly by tommorow. I think we should do it like any other map. We'll just specify on his gametype. I myself have a question now: Do you think we should start anew on the Maps to be Reviewed List? It's pretty obvious most of the members that are supposed to review some of those maps, won't. Maybe, we should just Start a new List, with completely new maps. Most of those are maps from May. Should we start accepting to do reviews for people? What do you members think?
For E93 I'm for taking some Suggestions not a forced list... because I think what happed in the old list ...people would come by do a review and then simply post there map expecting to get a review ..and it ended up totally one siding the reviews ..(meaning only the people that reviewed ever got there maps reviewed..) Now as Yellow has been talking about the idea is review maps you like ..not what your told to do... because maps you don't like to look at ...your not going to play well simply put don't let some one force you to review... Now on to map to review List... I'm going to state from now on there is no list ... You review what you want... The list only got started because people keep suggesting maps and I think the reviewers didn't want to do one or some of the maps... so I mean what good was the list? The only real list we should have is a positive map list of people who have said they are going to review something and maybe a deadline of when to post it by..(thinking of the dead line as an IF only if you guys want it...) This in turn will limit build up of maps and you can't spam the thread with suggested maps any more... its only if a review want to review it that it says up here... Now I have been thinking about Suggested maps as well... I think some good reasoning would help... just a map link is almost advertisings but to explain why you think it should be reviewed is up to you ...I mean your not making much of a case for us to want to Review a map if your not taking the time to show us something worth our time... that goes for map makers in you present your maps helps as well but ... thats why we take suggestions ... people can help any one else they see with a good map... Rant over... Thanks for all the suggestions guys.. but remember don't over do it... or I will take that rule out. (crap for got the mini game stuff) lol ... Well I personally think for Dangerzones case we could judge him on most of review sections... but if the case arises I think we could go for on case bases...
That should be edited, made formal, and then edited onto the first post. Then, it'd be much better. About the List: I just have one question: Where should we get our maps from, should we just search and roam the Map Forums, in search for a good one, or one we'd like to review? Or should we just still allow suggestions? There could be a list like: MAPS TO BE REVIEWED blbalblablalbalbalbal by blablablablalbal blablablablalbalb by blablalbalbl MAPS UP FOR GRABS amasslakjjf fkslajdlskdfjalskjf lsldakjlksdaj laksjfkl - sdafjlkja Know what I mean? Then we could just take maps from the Grabs section, but it wouldn't be neccessary. And if after a week, or a month, and no one had grabbed it, I'd remove it from the list. What do you think?
as for maps up for grabs you can keep a list but I am not going to keep up with it... thats all you man... and if we are all agreed i will up date the first post
ha you should get your maps from my sig haha. I'm glad review hub is bgetting started again, GO4ER you seem like your in charge haha. I think you guys are right, you should get to decide which maps are reviewed, because if you take suggestions from people about their own maps, like i said in my first sentance, then your gonna end up with some crappy maps, and people not liking their reviews, and some maps would get like a 1/10 and your review would be like you fail, this map fails, and everything you do fails. When you ever do review maps, hit me up, twas a fun game last time.
Hey guys, you think you can review map Shihuruville maps, don't review the first shihuruville if you decided your going to review them, i have to post the remake first...
Link Shihuru? OK guys, time has passed, and I decided to partially keep the list. I ''cleaned'' it up, so now, we have a completely new list. For those members and non-members who didn't catch the last conversations here, if you decide to reccomend a map, I will put it up on the Up For Grabs List. Note that we might not want to review your map, and that's just something you'll have to deal with. The list so far is as follows: V TO BE REVIEWED V Danger Zone To be Reviewed by G043R V NEW ADDITIONS V Warlot Bad Posture Once we get enough maps on the To be Reviewed List, I'll schedule us a Review date
i dint thik you could actually ask to have a map reviewed, but okay thats cool, i think youll get some garbage thugh, no offense to anyone on forgehub. but since your saying this, E93, you think you could throw my map on the list? bad posture, its in my sig, ill give you a link if you want it. EDIT- so haha am i gonna get on the recycle list to at least be checked out, i caught the conversation, im just a little confused E93
For those members and non-members who didn't catch the last conversations here, if you decide to reccomend a map, I will put it up on the Up For Grabs List. Note that we might not want to review your map, and that's just something you'll have to deal with.I will stop putting maps on the list when we have reached 10 there. If the members do not like the maps there, I will recycle the list, and we'll start anew. PLEASE note that we are not going to review your map, unless we want to. Do not beg us to put your map there, and cry about it later when I take it off the list. I don't care how many views it has, or how many downloads. If it was there, and no one liked it, too bad. Feel free to edit that onto the First Post, if you want to. List edited.
hey again fellow review hubbers, You might get a friend request from me (DRiSCOLL14), My map is almost done and i will have some more free time on my hands to play maps and review more. I agree that making a list of maps that people recommended is a good idea,it feels like we are active but the problem with it would be like you mentioned before; a map could be pretty bad and it would be unfair on the map and creator to review it. That's why picking the maps worked, we could stick maps we like and know well, that way we could give a good review. so yes i will be available but not tomorrow because ill be away and next week will be away from Friday to Monday, just giving you all a heads up.
Did you not read that? We're not here to give good reviews about the maps, kissing ass. We're here to make reviews. Be them good, or bad.
i read through the last page, but it kinda just talks about ideas, it doesnt have any of the maps names, sory E93, im tough to deal with, im an idiot haha my bad about making you go through all this trouble. What im getting to is, could you add my map, Bad Posture, to this list, since I cant found it, like the up for grabs list.
I know I'm not a member but oh well. I really like the recycling list of 10 maps. Also, you should say that a map can't go on the list twice so if it goes on and gets recycled off, it can't go back on. The only way it can then get reviewed is if a tester seeks the map out. You might have said this but I can't remember. If someone recommends their own map, they should post a description as to why they think you should put it on the list. PS: If you review danger zone GO43R, don't get to pissed at me (It can be really hard and frustrating at times). And once again, it would be great if you guys invited me if I was online when you are reviewing the map.