Hahahahah! EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAh I actually got an infraction for laughing! Remeber everyone,l if you going to laugh, remember to type an essay explaining what was funny so it isnt spam!
edit: im pretty busy at the moment but ill try hard to make a review, you can still use the one above Count me in i was thinking of creating my own review group but i thought screw it, the review hub is so much better; and for my review map as a part of the team:ramparts im pretty active so ill try my hardest to review as many as i can
Ok for the most part you did a thourough review, but, maybe needs to be a little more in depth. There are a few things I'm going to point out. Don't judge too easily. Now, Ramparts is a good map. But, you gave it a 9.5 for durability. I know for a fact that spawns in some areas can be questionable. And if you used version 1 then you should know it is possible to get out of. Maybe like an 8.5 or 9 for durability, because I have played Ramparts many times and it does not score that high. The only other thing I can point out is your rating for originality. The center structure of Ramparts is actually the same as the one from Eviscerate. So, if you add that to the mix it would probably score about a 7.5. Just remeber that 7 or a 7.5 is still good, better than the average map. I read your entire review though and know it to be true, mostly. I also thank you for bringing proof or your dedication of your work and showing to the Review Hub, instead of just asking to join. Overall good read for a review, hopefully you will be one of our newer members that helps G043R and I jumpstart the Review Hub again.
Forgive me, but I am going to have to leave The Review Hub. I don't want to let my name be one of the many who just sit on the "List of Reviewers" and don't do anything. I don't have time to do reviews. If I did, I would definitely help. Not only that, but DRiSCOLL's review was the first in weeks, and he's merely trying to join. BTW, Yellow...The time you spent going over his review, you could have done your own. Leave the validating to G043R & Matty. Just thought I would point that out. On a final note, if there are any new members in the future, know that I will be greatly disappointed if you even try to get away with reviewing a map solely on pictures, and not by giving it a playtest, or even 3 playtests. <3
Cough. I have done a review recently... Lol. They still have to "validate" but still its obvious hes a good member. Soory to see you leave.
Way to detract from my point... You did a review almost 2 weeks ago...When was the last one prior to that? I don't even think there is an official answer for that it's so far back. BTW, stop arguing over nothing.
Who's arguing? Lol, stop trying to make me seem like I'm arguing. Before that though... Umm..... maybe..... like.... two months? EDIT: I went back and I think it may have been far longer than that. I really don't know, but, we may have more inactive members than I thought. I know Vicious is still fresh, and Roche, as well as, I think Halo.
How was I not informed about this move? I thought the Review Hub was gone... Well, I don't really remember how the map I was supposed to review ages ago was, so I'm calling for a review date. Sounds exciting, don't it? How about Wednesday, 9 p.m. EST ? Open for suggestions, so let me know what time's good for you, and if your willing to participate. Members up for this date: -E93 - - - - - Six would be a good number, seeing as though we might not have enough for 8, which would be the ideal number imo.
I'm in...Sorry about not letting every one know about the change... I was trying to see who would notice and those that did...actually would keep up with the Review hub... Matty been kinda I guess distracted with something I can't move Yellows review but I think we should still have reviews going... and Yes I can make it Wensday...9PM EST
I can make a wednesday review session if you like, but could it be a little earlier than 9pm EST? That's about 3 am here, so if it could be made earlier then I could participate. If not then any review parties starting at a more reasonable time here can count me in, I can't really start after about 1am here, which is 7pm EST I think.
Ill help you guys out, I don't need to be a member of the hub, you clearly have to do some special stuf to be one, but if you neeed people to play with, I'm right here.
Wednesday, Starting 7:30 p.m. EST ? Open for suggestions, so let me know what time's good for you, and if your willing to participate. Members up for this date: -E93 -G043R -Pegasi Delta - - - Well, I never visit the Forge Parts of the Forum, but I had noticed it got locked ever since,...well, it got locked. Check the Review Hub Social Group. No one answered my question, until yesterday.
I can do 7:30 PM EST, but I'd prefer if some future reviews were a little earlier, during the day at weekends etc so I can participate without disturbing the rest of my house. Seeya there, send me an invite when you're starting at Pegasi Delta.
E93, im no member, but i'd love to help. which is cool, cas im leaving at like ten that night, and going to my cousins for a few days. and i guess i didnt understand, even though i read full post, is it up to members of the hub to choose review maps?
Well, we usually get a list of maps, and pick one of those. Guys, send me a friend request at Eduardo Dubs That way it'll be easier when time comes. Bloumbas, you're welcome to play too. We might need some fill-in people, but according to some rules, 50% of the party must be part of the Review Hub, so as long as we're half in it, you're good to go.
Theres another one for you, ill change or delete anything in that post/future if there is anyjust reply, Thanks for all you coments and replies on my over review, yes i agree it wouldn't be a review, just like a critic would review a film without even watching it, but i chose these maps because ive played many games on them in many differant gametypes.
Did you review with at least 50% percent of your party with Review Hub members? Cuz if not u know this will not be recorded as they are not official.