I will talk to matty about adding your review in... When is the next review time, I would like to be in the next one...
As would I. Whether or not I'm busy, I will try to make it, just try to make it later in the evening, like 7-10 gmt-6. I should suspect that if I'm there, shad0w should be there aswell...Though, I can't speak for him.
These are the people I invited. Halostriker-No Show, G043R-No Show, Gunslinger-No Show, Haruki-No Show. The people that did show were Blood Fire, not in the review hub but should be, Roche showed and Matty came. So next time as soon as your done with a game just like quit or something. And if I'm on Call fo Duty just say Review Hub and Ill get on. And I'm not pointing fingers at someone I'm just pointing out who didn't come.
I'm usually online but some times I am testing My recent map and I personally don't want to jump out of my own test sessions.. It goes a long way in saying REVIEW session at this time... heads up... but I am glad we reviewed...:joker:
I thought that the Review Hub died awhile ago. Didnt know it was back up for another chance, just invite if you need a tester.
NO it didn't die.. I wouldn't let it but Its not an I task WE need to keep it alive.... I'm up for a map review Friday around 6ish EST any one up for it?
If you guys would like me to join in I'd be more than happy to. I think you can trust in my review writing capability, and I'd like to see the review hub go on. I'm in GMT timezone, but often stay up pretty late. I think 6 EST is around 11pm/midnight, so I'd be able to put in at least an hour or 2 then G043R if you want. EDIT: I also think Blood should be in the review hub as The Yellow says, he'd be a good asset.
Yeah I haven't seen Matty in a few days.. I will find some mod to get it done... alright Lets here some maps to review guys... mine is from Ghost town http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/20980-marooned.html Marooned
gopher, what about pegasi? He offers his services. We aren't denying him the right to help us are we?
I know your not so pose to ask to join but hey so is there anyway i can join? This is an example of my serious map posts/reply http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/24047-favela-2.html#post318544
First off did you mean to mispell Predator in your custom title? Secondly I already think I mentioned you should but maybe just PM G043R about it. Petition for Bl00D F1R3's Review Hub admission. Just copy paste and add your name: 1. The Yellow 2. Tex 3. Pegasi Delta 4. Shad0w Viper 5.
I know pegasi already suggested him, and shad0w and blood are cool with eachother. I have also added myself. One more person, but wait, that makes no sense... The only other person (to my knowledge) is g043r.. >.> Whatev
Alright Guys whats up with the list? We don't need to petition people into the Review hub...its by works you get in... YOU help review your in... if you write your in... As far as I am concerned I am not limiting people to being in if they are going to help get this thing running but at the minute we need to GET CRackalackin...
Lolol, hey hey I'm crack-a-lackin! I've had the only review in recent months. Lol, your gonna have to come down with an Iron Fist to get us back into shape. Oh well then Bl00D has shown he can review and stuff so I think you should just add him... nuff said?
Is the Review Hub crew gonna die? I certainly hope not. Good review Yellow, about damn time someone reviewed a map.
I want my map reviewed, but I really don't know how. Is their another thread where you can post your map?