Please Stop: We have tons of inactive members right now. If you want to become a part of the Review Hub, posting wil help you. Read thoroughly the first page. If your map isn't on the list, give it some time. If we don't end up putting it on the list, don't keep bugging us to. Maybe we didn't think it was fit enough. The Review Hub: Note: For an ordered list of all of the reviews, please consult the 'Review Hub Archive'. The Review Hub is a collective group of ForgeHub members who provide detailed thorough reviews on some of ForgeHub's most popular maps. We do this so that our members can find out what the best maps are. This thread is aiming to be a continuation of 'The Furious Review'. We offer similar guidelines and rules. Reviewed Maps: Radiation 7/10 Frozen Cargo 6/10 Pinnacle 7/10 [*]Pearl Harbour 8/10 [*]Harvest 8/10 [*]Solitary 8/10 [*]Battle Of Verden 5/10 Offbeat 7/10 Shift 8/10 Triumph 8/10 Lunar_Chronicle 8/10 Strider 6/10 Reprise 7/10 Separation 7/10 Temple Nights 7/10 Deviation 9/10 Distortion 9/10 Reach 101 6/10 Thriller V3 7.1/10 Catalyst 8.7/10 The Opera House 7/10 Ganghouse 4.6/10 Diameter 6/10 S7 Line 6/10 Renegade 8.5/10 Atrium 8/10 Atrium 8/10 Elysium 7.5/10 overpass 7/10 Cubical 6/10 Electron 8/10 Project X 9/10 Indiana Wine 8.8/10 Battery 7/10 Compartment 8.2/10 Confinement 3.4/10 Attack The Fort 4/10 Jedwali 8.5/10 Project S 7/10 Map Rating Criteria: Maps will be judged and reviewed on the following five criteria: Enjoyment: The FUN factor! A high scoring map will have people saying "it's over already?" and "let's play that again!" This is probably the most subjective category, because what is fun for one person might be boring or frustrating for someone else. Balance: "Tank beats everything" is great for Campaign, but not for Multiplayer. A high scoring map will have a counter to every strategy, weapon, vehicle, and piece of equipment. Durability: You can't break this map no matter how hard you try. A high scoring map will work right every time. Players will not be able to escape the play area, will not be able to spawn camp, and will not be able to exploit any features of the map. Aesthetics: So pretty you almost forgot you're supposed to be killing people. A high scoring map will look good, obviously. This doesn't necessarily mean neat and tidy, but the map should have distinct features to help players immerse themselves in the game and orient themselves within the map. Originality: Another death pit? Fail. A high scoring map will help players experience Halo in a way they never have before. This can be done with innovative layouts or original game settings. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just present something fresh. Each of the above will be rated out of 10. An average of all the scores will be made, and that will be the final score. Just like 'The Furious Review'. Q & A: How do review a map? Experienced ForgeHubbers will be given the oppertunity to become part of the Review Team. These are the only people who may choose and review a map independently. But if you aren't one of those, you are still free to recommend maps, and also to be welcome into the map reviewing game sessions. What is a Forge Review, and what is a Map Review? A Forge Review is someone's first impression of your map after they have downloaded it and looked at it in Forge mode. We can usually tell a lot about your map from a Forge Review. However, we still can't tell how the map will function in an actual game, so we might get a lot of people together and play an actual game on it. Only then can we give you a thorough Map Review. How do you decide which maps to review? We browse the maps forums looking for quality maps. Once we find one that looks like it has potential, a Review Team member will check it out in Forge mode (aka a Forge Review). If everything looks good, we'll download the custom gametype (if there is one) and play a match. Will you review my map, please? If you've received a good initial Forge Review for your map, chances are we'll play it and compose an official Map Review. If you've received a poor or mediocre Forge Review, try making some changes and improvements. Please note that we'll only give your map one Map Review, no matter how many versions come out. Exceptions can be made for exceptional maps that only required a few small adjustments. If I get a good review, will my map get featured on Forge Hub's front page? The decision on which maps get featured is ultimately up to the Guilders, Masons, and Staff. But if you get a great review, you probably have a great map. And that's the first step toward getting it featured. I disagree with the review you gave me. What makes you think your opinion is more important than everyone else's? I never said it was. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and the opinions on what makes a good map differ greatly. This review presents the opinions of a few players, and I expect that even the Review Team will disagree occasionally. Settle down. Why is this posted in Off Topic? I didn't know the best place to put it, and I didn't want to clutter up any of the other boards with it. Plus, I wanted the extra freedom I get in Off Topic. Other staff members are more lenient about double posting. Plus I thought the reviewers would do a lot of posting here as they set up different review sessions, and I didn't want to worry about spam. Since posts in Off Topic don't count toward your post count, no one cares if we reply with stuff like "ok". If you want to post a review, fill in this form. Quote: The Review Hub Map Name (include link): Author: Reviewed By: Enjoyment: */10 Description Balance: */10 Description Durability: */10 Description Aesthetics: */10 Description Originality: */10 Description Overall score (Average of the above): */10 Overall map feeling, areas to improve, areas that you really enjoyed Map Reviewing Rules - Atleast 50% of the party must be part of the reviewing team for a map to be reviewed - If the map comes with a gametype, you must play it with the gametype - You must play with the recommended amount of players - You must not be bias, try not to include your personal tastes - The review must be written in a professional manner - You must be supportive of the map creator. Respect that the map may have taken a while to make. - Try to get opinions from everyone in the party, even if they are very mixed. Recommended Map Reviewing Process - acquire a map to review. ether find one yourself or take one from this thread - Organize it so you can get a few reviewers present - Take a quick forge through of the map with the reviewers - Read the recommended players and recommended game type for the map - Use that amount of players, and if so download the recommended game type - Play a few games, on different game types if possible, - Discuss the map well amongst yourselves, come to a good conclusion on all the aspects of the map - Construct your Review, post it in this thread as well as a reply to the original map thread Thinking of joining the Review Hub? Well it isnt that easy. The Review Hub team is a small, friendly group of individuals, all capable of spending alot of time and effort for the cause. If you think you are capable of that, then the best way to get yourself in is to get yourself noticed around the team. You could help out with review sessions, offering your opinions on the maps, and generally being helpful and professional, you can also offer some maps to be reviewed. Your good deeds will not go un-noticed, and i will regularly be asking the team who is standing out and who isn't. Please - Do not PM me, or anyone in the team, asking to become a member. That is the worst thing you should do. The list so far is as follows: V TO BE REVIEWED V Danger Zone To be Reviewed by G043R V NEW ADDITIONS V Warlot Bad Posture
Now just opening up into Idea... I'm trying to get this revamped, so if you want invites Now is the time to message me.
Dangit G043R, can you change my name to The Yellow now that it has just been moved.... before I forget again. Oh and you need to make it go to the gamertag, The Yellow. But that is two capital I's in Yellow. Ok thx bai.
Soooo... Does that mean you will be playing halo? Does that mean you will be rating Project S? =O Finally, some official rating...
I hope this can get back up and running. Now with Me, G043R and Ivory capable of managing this thread. I don't think we should rush into anything. 1 map per week would be awesome. Were also open for some new members,
Please, for the sake of all that is holy... Delete that list of members, besides matty, me, shad0w viper, gofer, ivory, yellow, and anyone else you are 100% of that is going to be in the group. I can't stand not knowing for sure who is in on this.
I'm more interested in seeing how many people are going to get active on this... but I will soon Tex.... As well I'm wondering on what days you guys can be here on and what type of commitment I can get out of you guys... I am also making some rules stated now... and will update my second post for some notice.. -you can only nominate one map personally ... as well only 5 maps can be nominated at a time... I don't want a build up like last time...
I wish to join the review team please. My Xbox Live name Is Kagemusha Xx. Thanks for your reviews and I promise to be loyal. Just ask Tex was gonna review Project U before you guys did.
Project S Author: Tex and Shad0w Viper Reviewed by: The Yellow Enjoyment: 7/10 I loved Project X. I liked Project U for what it offered. But, Project S seemed different. It is enjoyable for sure. Much better than most maps. But it just wasn't as exciting or epic as the name it is supposed to live up to. For the most part the action kept up and was interesting. There were some epic self sticks due to shield doors and bizzare Mauler suprises. Other than that it could get a little repetitive. Maybe it is because of the size. Just moving about a fairly small space using the same routes and methods. Balance: 6/10 This is where the map suddenly kinda stooped. Matty, Bl00D and Roche and I all started ABC Flag. At first it was alright.Then, one hit kills with the Flag became an increasing problem. It just didn't work. When both teams got the Flags one person would continually try to return their's but get killed by the Flag carrier. Then, coupled with the Mauler, camping increased. You easily can sit behind a shield door and camp. So that is what happened. Durability: 10/10 If you can get out or escape this map, I will give you my head on a plate. Nuff said. Aesthetics: 8.5/10 This is where this map shines. Wow. Everything looks awesome. The central bridge collumns are excellent. Merging the silver portion into the ground was a great idea. And the snaking curve of the ceiling, it looks fabulous, not to mention a pain to make. The little niches and nooks are all clean cut and well made. The curve of the lift with the walls looks good as well. And of course, the outside scenery is an added bonus. Everything looks well forged and clean cut, but it just doesn't quite reach that "O....M....G" that certain maps like Reflex have attained. Originality: 8 I'd have to say that basing maps off of letters is not only practical for good layouts but also quite original. This map mostly seemed unique. I hadn't really seen any use of bridges quite like it. And the ceiling looked new also. The map feels like something other than Foundry, but to me not quite as original as some other maps. It has a good original layout for gameplay, but doesn't have a particular flare like a train or anything. Overall Rating: 7.5/10 This map has some great aspects and ideas incorporated. But the main thing that my fellow reviewers and I agreed on was that, the gametype specified for Flag and Bomb, didn't work. It was meant for larger maps like Project X, not for smaller maps. Having one hit Flag kills just destroyed the fun for us. And maybe the Mauler shouldn't be in Flag. We agree that our conclusion is that Tex and Shad0w Viper should re-vamp their gametype for Project S and then it should be fine. But for now, it just seems off balance.
I'm not going to argue Enjoyment...Balance...nor Durability I personally never got that "O....M....G" from Reflex...which is why I find that rather debatable. Though, like I told you over private chat, I won't ***** at you for a rating that was generally agreed upon by more then one member of the review hub. As for originality, I guess I feel like it should be a little bit higher...but then again, the maker of a map always thinks highly of it...I guess I shalt argue this aswell. As an all around note, I would just like to say that the shield doors at the top of the lifts are rather a necessity, either they are good there or they are good not there (Or for that matter, bad if they are there, bad if they aren't there...). If they aren't there, people have an easier way to kill people...If they are there, then they have the chance of being mauler trapped. Though, if you were to play tactically, you could do a few things different. Personally, I don't want to argue over a silly review with my fellow forgehubbers / review hub members. Just know that I am in disagreement with your review.
What the **** ever gerbo, way to take my words and twist them against me. When I said "Finally some official review," I completely forgot about your review, but bear in mind, you haven't done a review in ages. If you seriously have some problem with me, then don't talk to me, or about me. It's really getting annoying hearing you ***** about minuscule **** dude. Even if it is jokingly.
Yeah about that... You see, I know very well that some maps I make will do well, and some maps I put alot of time into just don't turn out well. So what I'm saying is, although no cares for Gerbil's assinine presentation of his review, it was pretty cut and dry. I mean, I liked your other maps, but really I think you need to cut your losses with Project S. It was good, just not as good as you had hoped. Which I think is why you have handled yourself greatly from my review, thank god you didn't complain as others have concerning their maps. As for you Turbo Gerbil, if your comments are not beneficial to anyone here at Forgehub, don't post them. And that includes instigating.
Lolololol no I mean like don't be bummed about Project S not turning out as well as you'd liked cuz I mean you can learn what went wrong and make an awesome map. Lol, if you stopped forging what Foundry maps would I be able to have fun playing big team-ish games on?
Okay okay okay, thank goodness, I was so pissed for a second. I am glad I was 100% before I went on a flamewar... <3 P.S. Project Z is about to be posted =D
You see that </3? That hurt me. =[ sadfaic... No, but really, the way you come off sometimes, you seem to have some serious problem with me, so what else am I to think? There have been a few occasions, that of which I cannot recall now, where you have posted similarly to earlier. What else am I to think. This is enough of the bickering though, The Review Hub page is supposed to be a bit more professional then "rabble rabble rabble..."
i am glad to see reviews being done again, keep up the good work. however, from now on, i think personal messages would fair better for this thread, because it took the professionalism of it down a peg. thats just my opinion.