Sandbox The Relic v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by versatile verve, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    Relic v1
    Made by: Versatile Verve

    Video of Relic v1

    Bungie Video not working?? Try the youtube video below:
    YouTube - Halo 3 Sandbox Map: Relic v1

    A FFA slayer map. 6 players max.

    General Facts
    Location: Cript
    Floors/levels: 4

    Weapon List
    Brs: 3 -every 10 secs
    Carbines: 2 -every 90 secs
    Snipers: 2 -every 120 secs
    Mauler: 1 -every 90 secs
    Needler: 1 -every 90 secs
    Frags: 4 -every 10 secs.
    Plazma Granades: 4 -every 10 secs.
    Overshield: 1 -every 3 minutes
    Active Camo: 1 -every 3 minutes
    Bubble Shield: 1 -every 120 secs.
    Power Drain: 1 -every 120 secs.

    Overview of Top Red.

    Side View of Bottem lift

    Side View of Top Lift and Power Drain

    Long Hall- Coming from Or going to Powerdrain. (ramps to roof on left.)

    1 of 2 Sniper spawns.

    Cave Wall Side of Red- Needler


    Ghost Edges: Circled in Yellow

    These 2 pictures require some explaining. Please refer to the pictures and to this text as I tell you to for the best possible experience. If you would look at the 2 pictures below, you will notice I circled 2 lines in yellow. That is where the ghost edge is.

    A ghost edge is jumping off an edge in the wall, (a place an edge and vertical slant meet.) To do this, You want to hit your head on the bottem line, (so jump so your head hits the bottem) and then jump again, and thats it, You did a ghost edge!!

    Dont expect to get this jump first try, Ghost edges are on the more advanced side of jumping.. But even if you cant do these, theres lots of other jumps in this map waiting to be found that you can do. Also: NO CROUCHING. When you try an edge ghost, You crouch after you jump again to get extra height. Not before!!

    To help you a little more, the first ghost edge you hold foward the whole way. If you look at the second picture now, theres a little ledge(tube ramp corner) sticking out of the box, the trick is to ghost edge up the line and land on the ledge which you can then jump from up and onto the block large it is merged into. Good luck. :p

    For more help heres a vid on ghost edge's and ghost jumps i found helpfull on youtube when i was learning jumps:

    YouTube - Halo 3 - ClearlyMe's Tips on Ghost Jumps and Edge Ghost's















    #1 versatile verve, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    wow looks like there is alot goin on with this map man, i love the half merged walls to add an extra jump really genius i'll dl and get back to ya.
  3. LegendaryFluffy

    LegendaryFluffy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Woah, this looks really involved. I haven't DLed yet, but I will. Just from the the pictures i'm getting a sort of Halo: CE Prisoner vibe. it looks really cool. I'd say work on your presentation though. Make your post look a little more professional, but the map itself looks fantastic.
  4. DabilahroNinja

    DabilahroNinja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Apart from occasional wonky forging, this map looks very good. Alot of routes in and out of places, and jumping to higher places.
  5. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback guys. It realy helps when people comment on my maps, i like to go back to my maps and fix little bugs, add/remove things depending on what people think needs improvment.

    As for it looking unprofessional, i was hoping no1 would notice till i was able to edit it lol :p i put it up in a rush and had some problems with the videos, i still cant get the one on how to edge ghost to embed lmao. Well, ill get it all fixed up by the end of 2day, sorry if anything about it botherd u, (like the white text, i have to change that ;p )
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    I really liked what I was seeing until I got to :25 in the video, you removed that cache right? Please tell me you did. It's not on the weapons list so I assume you got rid of it. The aesthetics on the map are nice and I can imagine the playability is even better.
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It is a very very nice map has a good layout and plays well (i ran a few customs) my only thing is i can tell your still new to the whole forging thing. Now you don't have to interlock everything but some of the walls need to be interlocked to keep nades from going in between cracks. Also if you haven't heard of ghost merging here is the link.
    New Forge Glitch aka Ghost Merge

    Alot of itmes need to be geomerged into the floor for the same reason still great map but get these techniques down and map a v2 it will be much much better.
    #7 CaptnSTFU, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  8. XxBurkiexX

    XxBurkiexX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    GREAT JOB MAN!! THis map looks insane. Love the idea of ghost jumping. Definite Download.
  9. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thx guys, And no the mass pile of weapons is stil there, u cant get to them thu, ever, go head and try.. :p shield door in the way.. :)

    And no, im not new to forging, this was just a map i was kinda lazy on making lol... It was my first ffa map so i just messed arround abit, Note the crazyness. :D

    as for ghost merging, yes i know what it is, but like i said, this map was a little fun project for me. :) thx for the sugjestions thu. Ill fix it up in v2 if anove people like this one. oh, and just a lil heads up, im working on a map that is allll ghost merged into the top of the cript on sandbox.

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