Amazing aesthetics. They seem to watch you wherever you go. 5/5 for aesthetics. I will have to try to get a game for this map. good job.
HO-LY-SH*T! This is amazing! I'm DLing as I type. This is probably the best thing since sliced bread! The skulls look flawless. However, I will have to get back to you on the gameplay. Boy, are my friends gonna flip when they see this! I'd say a solid 6/5 and, if i could do so, a feature! I'd like to see you top this!
I have to tell you, this map is so far the most eye-popping Sandbox map I have seen. Two skulls in each base makes this map stand out so much. I can't wait to see how the game play turns out. BTW, make your post more organized. I found it to be inconvenient. Wait, no Team Slayer? Some advice on your weapons and equipment list: - More plasma grenades - Add some frags - More BR's - Replace shotgun with mauler - Too many equipment. Remove one or two. Good job but it still needs tons of improvement.
Awsome aesthetic skulls, although the middle is a little too open but i cant blame you because of the huge budget the skulls must have used up. Judging by the pics it seems to play well, keep it up.
THANK YOU ALL!!!! Following the useful feed back I have received I have freed up some money and added to the middle area It now looks like this,it is also set up for all gametypes From this angle it still LOOKS open but it won't be from ground level it will affect the gameplay so it needs to be TESTED As soon as I TEST the new version I will replace the old version TESTERS NEEDED ASAP My new GT is Ezekeil2Ofive17 {capitol E capitol O instead of zero} send me a FR or jump in
Nice, zeik. I've been wondering what you've been working on when I've seen you online. I know this sounds cliche and lame, but I do get a very different feeling with this map. It doesn't seem like Halo, and in a good way. Idk, I can't really explain it, but sweet map dude. I can see this one going a long way.
The pic with the two skulls facing each other made me laugh. This could be a feature, if gameplay is as good as it looks. I'm totally downloading this, but only based on looks. To be honest, I can't imagine gameplay being all that great on here, but we'll see. Edit. I'll test, invite me. GT: ChAoTiC I
Wow this map is absolutely incredible I think this could be my fwvourite sandbox map so far. It is incredible built incredibly asthetically pleasing and incredibly creative. I would think this map to be a featured map and I think you should go to the ATLAS group on bungie net and submit this cause it is worthy or matchmaking. Overall 6/5 You have my download for sure
Oh my jesus christ this map looks amazing! this is VERY unique i love it! The aesthetics are amazing and gameplay looks very fun. Ill definitely DL 5/5
I smell a feature.... nyah nah nah nah nah nahhhh.... /singing Anyways, like everyone else has said in varying amounts of spam, the skulls are absolutely amazing, and really show the effort that you put into this map. I can only wonder if the rest of the map suffers from the resources that were sucked up by the skulls, but then again, I have yet to play the map. I will, however, get at least a game or two on this before I come back with a review. I won't be able to get a game until at least Friday though, and if you want to ensure that I can get a game quickly, add me and we can try to find a party big enough to play this properly. That way you can get some immediate feedback as well. GT is IAwkwardSilence. Edit: I don't like the Gloomy filter. It never improves gameplay, except maybe in a casual game like Draw the Line's Armageddon. But even then, it's not that great. I would suggest taking it off.
This map has some awesome looks. I'm not sure how the gameplay will be, but I amgoing to find out soon. Those skulls lookk amazing, and you could probably have a great aesthetic map post just with those skulls, but you also made a map around them. Brilliant. I am downloading right now.
I love, love, love this map Zeke. The interactive aesthetics is what gets me on this map. Who doesn't love arming bombs in skulls? This is another quality map that you've produced, but this one sure as hell blows the other ones out of the water. Keep me updated on future maps. P.S. I abuse the grav-lift and broken column glitch every chance I get. It works quite well on this map.
Thanks Furry I think it is a great map and I like the gameplay it produces running someone over while your hog burns or as you said arming the bombs in the skull are just the highlights I had no idea about the G.lift damaged column combo such an unexpected bonus!
Lol my first thought on seeing that was wow, thats awesome, but wrong forum. Then I realised it wasnt just an aesthetic map but a fully functioning playable map!
The pictures look amazing and it kinda reminds me of indiana jones for some reason lol. great job. 4/5 =]
Probably the best aesthetic map that I've seen so far that is also playable. Great job and looking forward to more maps from you. 5/5!
So I downloaded it and played with a few friends tonight. It was pretty fun but I do have a couple things that I think you could improve. One, there is an insane overload of equipment on the map. Seriously its everywhere. Two, I personally think that because its such a large map you should either put more BRs on it or spread them out more. And I know that the effects you used are supposed to make the map look gloomy or whatever but it made gameplay a little difficult. The aesthetics were amazing though. I do like the map those are just some of the things I think you could improve.
Thank you for the feedback and taking the time to play the map however you are wrong and I will tell you why First off there is no need for any more brs working on the model of 4v4 2 players get brs if you all have them it would end up with people hiding and camping on the elevated areas and crouching behind things while picking people off either as theyu exit the base or spawn,itsd the same reason there are no firing positions in the eyes or sniper rifles. Although it is a large map most of the action takes place in small,tight areas The reason you dislike the gloomy filter {just take it off} is the same reason you think there should be more brs its what you like not was the map was built for As for the equipment there is 1 extra peice then default sandbox and again working on 4v4 its a peice each I'm not trying to have a go just illustrate that this map plays EXACTLY how I wanted it to play the amount of equipment allows player to attack more and the lack of brs stops camping on high areas and forces teams to attack Maybe try ctf next time with more people Its a playable map with great asthectics