i get alot of these messages i just delete them and i did get the models pic and im keeping it lol but the person coula had uploaded a hotter model just sayin
I've removed, blocked and reported 2 people on my Friend List because of this. All with witty messages. "You are an IDIOT. Block, remove, report. Get out of my sight" Something like that...
I recieved this picture from some freak once and I messaged him back saying, If you really want recon, send this pic, along with a message that says 'Can I have recon?' to luke at bungie.
Lol I made a couple taking the piss threads about this >.< (Satire) Bungie thread:ZOMG RECONZ!11! ForgeHub thread:http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-screenshots/22760-zomg-reconz-11-a.html
I love the screenshot (If it's the same one that I got) but seriously, how stupid can you be? It's SO annoying.
Don't worry about it, they will get what's coming to them sooner or later. Bungie has already said that they won't give out the armor if people send so many messages. They even might ban those who spam too much. Just click the x button to delete the message and move on. This is just like those messages that are like "send this to 15 people and at midnight you'll meet your crush" or "send this to 25 people or you will die in 7 days". People are retarded and think it's true so they pass it on. You can help to curb the problem by just ignoring the message and deleting it accordingly.
I made a message to all friends and recent players saying: "M2AF if any of you send me this RECON5 screenshot again, I will **** your mother." Needless to say, it stopped.
There are so many .. They are just crappy screenshots of some guy in recon .. It is so annoying and i can't believe so many people believe it .. And my two mates sent it to me and i said man you are retards and they said i know its fake but just in case .. I mean WTF! There is no just in case ! ITS FAKEEE! Yeah lol =]
Woah, I thought this thread died a long time ago. NECROPOSTING. Anyways, the only thing I've seen so far is a map, not a screenshot, that says you get recon for downloading. Yea, just send messages of "F u" to the sender, it usually works.
I know your despair about those damn Recon screenshots. I sent all my friends a (VERY ANGRY CAPSLOCKED) message saying that if they send me one Recon picture, I'll give them a warning, two Recon pictures, I'll give them a negative Review, and three Recon pictures, I'll remove them from my friends list, and file a complaint, and for four pictures, I'll block communications, and permanently mute them, and boot them whenever I see them, or request for their booting.
i've been getting a lot of those but for the "Stealth Helmet" which just looks ****ing ridiculous it looks like the backside of a glitched head or something its stupid...
Stealth helmet is actually the top of Rogue. I hate all the screenshot recommendations. Ill send them back a map recommendation on Foundry that says FCK U! writtin in weapons. And I usually delete friends 1st time they send it to me.
i hate these things i check alot of fileshares and most of them comtain recon pics and i get atleast 10 msgs a day about it what i do is i found a few pics that someone made just for when ppl send you those pics there like u suck or **** like that and this is proof that america or atleast most gamers in america are complete idiots but america is sill the best
I don't think they are trying to get recon...they are just trying to get their dumb screenshot around halo so they can get more downloads and get a Bungie Fav...which in turn I guess they ARE trying to get recon. All I can say is these people are annoying degenerate dumbasses.