The Recon Screenshot.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Azrius, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    So. The other day I am playing a game with a buddy of mine, and suddenly, out of nowhere, the both of us receive a message from someone we've never met. I don't know how they found us, because this random was not even in our recent players list. Regardless, they sent us a screenshot. Or, more specifically, they linked their file share.

    And the file they linked? "Share this screenshot for Recon."


    NO. ****ING. NO. Over the last week I've received about fifteen god damned messages from mouth breathing brats or mentally deranged idiots with the same. ****ing. screenshot.

    I don't want recon.. I don't want you to have recon. And regardless of what either of us wants, that screenshot is NOT going to get us both recon. Bungie is NOT going to be handing out recon to every mongoloid who vomits a picture someone else created into their file share, then spams it to everyone within a 500km radius. It's like there's some sort of insidious wide-scale infection, and the zombies are multiplying every day. Seems stupidity makes you more prone to becoming one of the 'infected.'

    I don't know if I've maybe been added to a 'recon spamlist' somehow. Quite frankly, I don't even care. I'm getting sick of having five messages every day with an identical "Lol u do dis and getz reconz lol!!1" message and fileshare link.

    I have three things to say to all of these ingrates, as if they're even intelligent enough to listen:

    1) Stop spamming me. I don't know you, and with the way you're behaving, I doubt I want to. I file a complaint on each and every person who sends me this obnoxious screenshot.
    2) Your parents must be siblings if you're stupid enough to actually BELIEVE that this will get you recon. I hope Bungie issues an official statement on this soon and proves just how moronic you all are.
    3) Please get a life and stop being so desperate to get recon. I fail to see how getting yourself a pretty little armor permutation composed purely of pixels on a TV screen is an accomplishment in ANY sense of the word. But you know what? In some small way, I actuallyh ope you all do get recon. Want to know why? Because then you are that much more likely to have your account hacked by someone who is just like you-desperate, sad, and lonely. As far as I can tell, that's pretty much all recon does for anyone.

    As for the flaming head, that's pretty much out of the question for any of you who circulate this screen-you've already proven you're far too stupid to ever even DREAM of working for Bungie.

    Is anyone else having this problem?
    #1 Azrius, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
    gobbles likes this.
  2. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    so whats the pic?:confused:
  3. T3hFox

    T3hFox Ancient
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    I'm sick of getting these messages, they're wasting my time. They all just are random shots of recon armor.
  4. Relys

    Relys Ancient
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    Several people have been removed from my friends list due to the above problem mentioned.
  5. tropicalbert

    tropicalbert Ancient
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    I''m with you Azrius. I've received a LOT of messages from people I don't know sending this stupid picture of a recon wielding player. It annoys me and I think that it is useless. Anyways, most of these people receive this screenshot and are not aware of the recon armor, so they just think that by passing a simple picture they'll get an armor that they think is new. I've never seen a Recon but I'm still looking for one. Cheers.

    You basically have every single console right?:D Lucky
    #5 tropicalbert, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2008
  6. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Yeah, I've received many of these messages, and I'm surprised to see that some of my friends sent me it. Its as if chain letters have reached XBL. So damned annoying...
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Well, I didn't get a screenshot, but rather a map recommendation, that had in the map's description saying you will get recon for downloading this map. So, I decided to download it for the heck of it, and I decided to check it out. IT SUCKED BALLS. The map itself was called HALO. Some Halo, lol, all it turned out to be was some Double containers, shield doors, and teleporters, slopped together to become a sucky map.
  8. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    Yes same here, like 20 messages from randoms! And even my friends are starting to send to me, you gotta be retarded to actually think you can get recon from doing that!
  9. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    Ok I don't know what recon is so I don't care- sorry.
  10. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    You're being sarcastic, right :surprise:???

    If your not, it's a type of Spartan armor permutation that Bungie gives to people who have accomplished a major thing, such as win a Tournament, join Bungie's slave, i mean, workforce, do something hilarious that has a slim chance of happening again, etc.
  11. X Jado X

    X Jado X Ancient
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    "Block all Communication".
  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    Huh...that's funny. What picture is it? If you have it, could you put it up here? Some days ago I started getting modded( i'm not sure if they are) screenshots with Kim Kardashian. But from people I know, and I appreciate semi-naked pics of Kim Kardashian. lol

  13. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    That same thing happened to me, I Honestly wonder how they do it, I own multiple accounts and after receiving it on my main, I switched to my alt and it was received by that account to, even though I've never met the sender on my second account, it was hella weird.
  14. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    If I remember correctly, it was a pic of some random marine from campaign.
    And yeah, I've been sent that picture of Kim also. :D
  15. Gnoizic

    Gnoizic Ancient
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    This is the point where File Sharing becomes Myspace :p it's like the little annoying chain mails that if you don't respond, you'll get killed. But this time if you forward "you get reconz" which is safe to say "bogus" to :p
  16. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    The people who put "Download and recommend" in their map descriptions or files in their file share (Aside from that annoying screenshot, which essentially IS a chain letter) are just desperate and know that no one will download their abortions otherwise. I'm not completely certain, but I think that's a bannable offense. It really should be even if it's not.
  17. Phantom Bowser

    Phantom Bowser Ancient
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    Dude totally these people piss me off i have giving like 36 people to be exact bad reviews fr these screen shots. the sad thig is most of them are different and some of the messages are from the same people!!! bungie needs to explain something about this to STOP it now.
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I completely agree. I've decided that anyone who sends me that recon msg will be removed from my friends list.
  19. Lord Beeler

    Lord Beeler Ancient
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    Yea, I have received about 5 messages about this from RANDOM people.
    Some idiots in my recent players I guess.
    Maybe Bungie will tell them.
  20. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    I got that same message this weekend, it was like "send this screenshot to all of your friends for recon". I was like nah im good. :p

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