Playa? You have an account there? Same here. It's one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I hate being a coward and running away though. Playing, is not hiding while making fun of the people looking for you.
I like to play the original intended way that bungie set. Is that more specific for all of you smart asses who wont let me have my own opinion?
No no, I mean higher. Once you actually break the barrier, you can jump all you want. You can actually get on top of that building.
Lol HLG isn't that great.. but it can be fun when you're bored and wanna piss someone off. I prefer playing though.
I was a member back when Halo 2 was out. I just rarely posted. Well get a new account on the new website. That site has 50 skins if you don't like one of them. HLG should really die though. As long as keep doing the same tactics in ranked, they should be banned.
Really, what was your username. I was going to sign up yesterday, but got I got lazy seeing I signed up on over 20+ Halo forums these past 2 months. Personally, I find my self to be a very well experienced halo player, but yet I do HLG. Why, you might ask? Is that it gives me some fun that was never put in Halo 3, from Halo 2. To this day, I can't find the words to express the feelings I've had on Halo 2.