The real MLG Flare 3.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by HezbollaHector, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    This looks fairly well built and enough different from most mlg maps that I'd consider downloading it, but I personally don't think it would play very well with mlg gametypes (I'm soley judging on the pictures though). I don't really like the way that there is only two ways on to that walkway in the middle. Overall I do like it, and from the I'd give it about a 4/5, from the pictures.
  2. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    MLG flare has come a long way since when I first reviewed it. I'm glad you took my suggestions and improved your map. I kinda want to bang my head into the desk now since whats his name made his own version. I replied quite a few times to his thread too! Bah, oh well.

    If you need help with a new project I can help you out. I don't have as much time as I used too. With college and work, but I can definitely help.
  3. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    ummm the signs are there for cover and also for an easy jump up to the mid. so there is no problem with it. like i said earlier everything is balanced on this map

    and thanks transaction!
  4. VGI dYn4sTy

    VGI dYn4sTy Ancient
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    dude great map!! its one of the best mlg maps i ever saw i give it a 9.5/10
  5. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow thanks a lot! im working on a new one but im trying to get a partner off the mlg forums
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Cool, it has a similar layout to mine, but mine was posted a few days after. BUT I DID NOT COPY THE DESIGN! In fact, I was building the map over a period of 5 days while I was at the beach. The layout similarities are truly coincidental. I even told Tex I was planning to make a "revolutionary map". But yeah, this is better than mine. It had more planning involved I can tell. I only have a problem with the center because it looks similar to the MLG big names (Onslaught and Amplified). so heres a 4.8/5
  7. nickseeknconker

    nickseeknconker Ancient

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    i would recommend making the middle a little more complex so they dont die right when they rin their for maler i like the idea of the bases its kool i like the layout

  8. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    Anytime Hezz and hey pimp its great how your like " yea i helped, so i abviously did much more then death did." Yet i enjoy the fact that your put in a box and 4 signs. Now i dont want to stir up a ***** fight or panties in a bunch but i thought i say that i dont have time to listen to you guys tell me how i stole it its so old and it'd be nice if you acually stopped telling people what i did instead of what i didn't. Peace
  9. c4rb1n3 pro

    c4rb1n3 pro Ancient
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    Looks great!!!


  10. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry that you guys have to hear death, he has something up his ass since i havent talked crap to him in weeks. haha well enjoy the map!
  11. pootytang

    pootytang Ancient
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    damn im new here and so far the maps look great this one deserves a w00t w00t for sure!
  12. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    I will rate this map as soon as I can download it. seems to be down right now.
  13. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok sounds good, i love ratings/reviews

    and thanks pootytang i tried my best to make it awesome
  14. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    its not that you havnt talked crap to me its that you havnt had the chance to sence you know i've been busy in what the call "real life" so if you want spam my XBL I really wont care and i just hadn't had time to send the message untill yesterday so woops sorry i could say it earlier.
  15. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    so youre going to talk crap since you predicted that i would when i had the chance when you were on? that makes no sense at all im sorry but i havent sent you any rude messages in the past weeks but i kind of got over the little thing you did. and i have a life, ive been hanging out with friends and my girlfriend all week, please dont talk about **** when you dont even know what someones life is like ok? it makes you look like an idiot. dont post in this thread anymore or i will pm a mod since what youre doing now is considered spam.

    sorry about that guys :p i just had to respond to that BS
  16. deathfromabove

    deathfromabove Ancient
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    i really dont care about mods they can suck my dk if thats your way out of things "Mods" your pretty hopeless. And dont lie i see you sent me huh.. about 32 messages saying "***,***,..,..,..,..,..". Whatever if you wanna be that way thats kool.
  17. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    i sent you messages telling you to take the map down, the only reason they turned out to not be "polite or kind" is because you were being a smartass and refusing to take it off. just stop talking and make life enjoyable for the rest of us ok? i came home hoping to see a nice comment on how the map is good and i see youre here and youre STILL talking crap even though i havent said anything to you in weeks. i have no idea whats wrong with you, i thought this whole "map stolen" thing was over with and we had both forgotten about it. i guess youre too immature to let something like this go and obsess over trying to piss me off. all youre doing is making me feel sorry for you being so weird and making me laugh at your stupidity. just quit posting stupid crap thats irrelevant now.

    oh and by the way you might want to go back and redo english since youre spelling is terrible. oh and one last thing, if youre goint to talk about someone having no life then youre a great example, you are still arguing and obsessing over A STUPID MAP! just let it go and do something fun ok?
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    If you two don't take it to private messaging, I'll put you at warned status. I'm going to ignore the past few comments, but if you ignore this one, you'll get infracted for all of them.

    Lastly, don't respond to this either.
  19. V

    V Ancient
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    Wow this is a nice map! I like how the bases are closer together for an MLG map. Most 2 base MLG maps focus on making the bases far apart to add some "elaborate" centerpiece which then leads to nice to ok-ish additions on the sides and minimal effort in and around the corner areas. But with the larger bases, you had less centerspace to work with and less work to do in the corner areas and the middle of the map but you still put enough there to not give it an open, forgotten feel and I like that. Now if you still have some resources, (preferrably Wire Spools) I'd say place them or anyother small object that can be used as filler (crates would work too) by the dumpsters on the garage side of the map, preferrably two of your choice. That's the only area that seemed to bare when playing this and I think just that small addition would provide enough ample cover without cluttering the map up. Overall, I really have no complaints, for an MLG map this is very nice (and I say 'for an MLG map not to bring you down but because of the smaller number of resources you can put in a map before you run out of cash) and I give it a 9.2/10 and 5 stars.
    #39 V, Aug 25, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2008
  20. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    thanks a bunch! i think i have around 90 dollars left so i could make some changes but im pretty much done with this map, im already working on another now so i dont want to take time away from that and get distracted by this map.

    and sorry tex, it wont happen again

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