The Ravine

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Ix Genius xI, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Ix Genius xI

    Ix Genius xI Forerunner

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    Hey guys this is my first post on anything remotely like forge hub so forgive me if this thread is rookie. I used to make some pretty hectic maps on Halo 3 but I never got around to sharing them with anyone but my friends so I thought I would post my first Reach map somewhere, so here it is :)

    This map is rather HUGE, or at least very big, and so its more a BTB map, or 6v6 slayer map.
    The idea for this map was to have a basic fighting zone over a drop, which of course will kill you if you fall, and to have both teams fighting across this ravine. There are two main ways to cross the ravine, the longer route meanders across platforms and bridges but has more cover than the direct route and in most cases is out of line of site from the spawn sniper towers (which contain snipers, but only with 4 shots). This route contains 2 DMRs one for each side, 2 Grenade Launchers (one for each side) and a plasma launcher (in the middle platform that is next to the banshee spawn). The more direct route over the canyon contains 2 needler rifles (located as you walk onto the bridge), and a rocket launcher. This bridge also has 2 shade turrets, but use at your own risk because they are very exposed. As stated before the map is quite large and so each team spawns with 4 mongooses. Each spawn contains a regular tower and a sniper nest. The sniper nests contain a sniper rifle with only 4 shots, and the tower contains a DMR. In front of the spawns a little way are some crates where another DMR can be found. I wanted to add a twist to the map and so I added an "eye in the sky" this is the floating platform that is located floating in the sky, and contains a sniper rifle that is more useful (contains 3 spare clips) and a falcon (for the team player). There are only two ways to reach this platform. Take a leap of faith, or fly up there with a banshee. The easiest and fastest way to get there is to take a leap of faith, although this carries with it the inherent risk of death. The banshee method, well requires that you get a banshee. There are two leaps of faith, one from each side and they both require you launch yourself along with a mongoose off of a cliff (designated by two cones to give a rough indication of the correct place to jump). If you are flooring it and hit the correct spot you will most likely be flung through a teleporter and arrive unharmed up top. If not well you just lost a point for your team for being irrational and greedy :p. I don't like how the jetpack AA would sort of ruin this map so I have also provided a team slayer variant that spawns everyone with an Assault Rifle, Magnum, 2 frags, and sprint.

    In summary
    Weapon List:
    6 x DMR
    2 x Needle Rifle
    2 x Sniper Rifle (0 spares)
    1 x Sniper Rifle (3 spares)
    2 x Grenade Launcher
    1 x Rocket Launcher
    1 x Plasma Launcher

    Vehicle List:
    8 x Mongoose
    2 x Shade Turret
    1 x Banshee
    1 x Falcon

    Now for the pics
    Overall View of Map

    Main Direct Bridge

    Leap of Faith (Red Side)

    Leap of Faith (Blue Side)

    Blue Spawn

    Red Spawn

    Bridge section (Red spawn approach)

    Bridge section (Blue spawn approach)

    Bridge section (Middle)

    Eye in the Sky

    Thanks for reading my thread :)

    Enjoy the map :)
    #1 Ix Genius xI, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010

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