The Rack on Tours

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by buddhacrane, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    • [jumpto=overview]Map Overview[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=disclaimer]Disclaimer[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=comment]Opening Comment[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=features]Features[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=notes]Important Notes[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=pics]Pics and Hints[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=links]Download Links[/jumpto]

    [aname=overview]Map Overview (lolz)[/aname]

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    This map is hard, really really hard. You must be an experienced puzzle map player if you want even the slimmest hope of finishing this map. I would advise AT LEAST completing my Hell on Earth and Re on Carnation puzzle maps first, even those won't help you that much because I use new ideas that you won't have seen before. Basically you need to really THINK HARD and use that thing called a BRAIN! If you're too lazy to think then don't bother playing my puzzle maps, 'nough said.

    [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]

    [aname=comment]Opening Comment[/aname]

    This is my latest and, most likely, last puzzle map until the release of the Mythic Map Pack. It's been more and more of a struggle to come up with several brand new unique puzzle concepts with each release and, rather than stagnate and make crappy predictable puzzles, I've decided to make this my last until I get some new inspiration.

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    So, with my last puzzle map, what makes this one special? I'll break some points down for you:
    • Geo-merging (In a puzzle map? Madness!) - Yes I've actually spent alot of extra care and attention making this puzzle map neat, something you will rarely see in a puzzle map. So now you can admire its elegance whilst tearing your hair out!
    • Yet more unique ideas. Out of the 13 or so puzzles, there are at least 8 or so completely unique concepts that I guarantee you've never seen before. You'll never know what to expect and you'll have to keep on your toes if you hope to succeed.
    • No budget glitch. I set myself a little challenge to see if I could build an interesting puzzle map whilst keeping to the budget of the map, I hope I accomplished this.
    • Unique layout. You'll be sent to a few different areas of Foundry, but I managed to avoid using the middle of Foundry. Each area uses the Map's geometry, giving each room a different look.
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    [aname=notes]Important Notes[/aname]

    Before bringing on the pics and hints (Which you WILL need to study if you want to stand a chance of completing this) I shall just say a few important things:

    • This is a solo puzzle map. The idea is to complete this map on your own. By all means have people in your party, but do not jump off their heads and do not use them to block teleporters!!!
    • This map uses a checkpoint system. At some point you will reach a room with several teleporters, this is the hub. During the course of the puzzles you will unblock teleporters for the hub; this is a convenience I have created for you so that you don't have to redo puzzles.
    • There are no "Rooms of death" or "Wrong passageways". I do not try to trap you or send you the wrong way. When you make progress in the map you are actually making progress, every step is a step further to your goal.
    • I have greatly reduced the "Challenging Jumping" elements of the puzzles. After feedback from my previous puzzle maps, I've made it so that you won't have to be a master jumper to complete the map. That said, there is still a jump or two you have to perform, but nothing of the difficulty in Re on Carnation.
    • My maps have always been a mixture of Mental and Physical challenges. This is still the case. You will find puzzles that test your brain and others that test your skills.
    • This map is fairly short. Because I wanted each puzzle to be interesting and unique and I didn't use the budget glitch, I couldn't make this as large as Hell on Earth or Re on Carnation. This is about the length of Blockout but with the difficulty of Re on Carnation (minus the jumps). You may prefer this because it's not as Daunting.
    • To hide or not to hide? In the "Pics and Hints" section, for each of the puzzles I have stated whether there are hidden objects or not. If a puzzle has hidden objects then you will need to find those first to help you solve the puzzle. If a puzzle does not have hidden objects then everything you need is in plain sight and there's no point spending forever trying to look for something that doesn't exist, the puzzle will be about using what you have been given in some inventive way.
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    [aname=pics]Pics and Hints[/aname]

    Puzzle 1 - No this isn't a karaoke contest, but you will be "Reaching on up!". Gravity is both your friend and your foe in this situation. Please make sure the path is clear though before attempting to reach the higher ground. (Hidden objects)

    Puzzle 2 - You wont want an itchy trigger finger here, every bullet counts. You need to end for the map to truly begin. Clay pigeon shooting at its finest! (No hidden objects)

    Puzzle 3 - Ah a room with a view, shame that what you need cannot be seen. You'll want to dig for oil at the base of the pipeline, don't get too close though, them pipes be toxic! Oh and we dig with our feet around here. Do you remember the cigarette packet from Re on Carnation? (Hidden object)

    Puzzle 4 - This is the hub! The weapons help enumerate the paths of each teleporter. So you'll be wanting number 1 then, shame it's blocked. You'll go flipping mental trying to work this one out. Pull the hidden leaver! (Hidden object)

    Puzzle 5 - "Hey how'd you get up there?" I'm standing where you need to get to! One powerup helps while another hinders, how to use one without disturbing the other? A hidden item will be very useful for a very short period of time. Once you reach your destination, remember to unblock the teleporter for your first checkpoint. (Hidden object)

    Puzzle 6 - Drain the source, and only the source, of the mongoose's ability to fly and you'll be able to escape this box. (Hidden object)

    Puzzle 7 - To get to where I am you'll need your helpful goose again, but how to get it there? An annoyingly un-reachable item from the very very beginning of the puzzle map may not be so un-reachable anymore. (Hidden object)

    Puzzle 8 - Everything you need to block the misdirecting path can be seen in this pic. But the objects are not necessarily used in the way you think they are. Infact, if you really want to block something properly, best using yourself. (No hidden objects)

    Puzzle 9 - Shoot through the portal to unblock the portal, but don't sharpen those bullets too much, you only wish to wound, not to kill. Powerup to power down, but be quick about it! (Hidden object)

    Puzzle 10 - Use the force, your mind, mind-bullets, telekinesis, whatever you want to call it. Moving the ball to unblock the teleporter is a case of mind over matter, and if you can't do it then you're just "Really Bad". (No hidden objects)

    Puzzle 11 - Make yourself a lift to reach out of this room. A mysterious glow provides a clue, as does another mysterious glow! (Hidden objects)

    Puzzle 12 - Explosive bowling is the new pass-time here. Don't worry, the powerup will keep you safe if you misjudge the fuse. (No hidden objects)

    Puzzle 13 - Last puzzle! No hints for this room, but if you've managed to get this far then you're probably the next Einstein so this one shouldn't be a problem for you. Just remember that gravity has no barriers. (Hidden object)

    End! Yes you're rewarded by getting exploded into millions of pieces, life is cruel!

    [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]

    [aname=links]Download Links[/aname]

    #1 buddhacrane, Nov 2, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2008
  2. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    o great my puzzle comes out the same day as buddha cranes's lol
    i was waiting budda thank you im gonna complete this today no matter what
    i love you(your) puzzles

    Downloading now will get back to teh cnc stuff later will edit

    your mazes actually make me better at jumping
  3. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    The first picture made me think wtf? Then as I scrolled down, I was like oohhhh. The map looks really hard, hell on earth is one of my favorite puzzle mazes of all time. This is a deffinte download, Can't wait to play it.
  4. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    These are always fun!

    Anyway, this seems very well thought out and developed, especially the usage of the out-of-map-barrier inclusion. Overall it seems very intriguing and interesting; not necessarily the best forged map, but at leased you didn't just through everything together like most puzzle maps.

    iTrabajo Bueno!
  5. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    This is one hell of a confusing puzzle. I'll be interested to see just how challenging it is. Knowing it's a premium made map though - it'll be tough.

    Each puzzle is quite different and I can see it is going to get on a lot of people's nerves, especially mine lolz. One thing I have to ask though, how the hell did you come up with an idea like this? It's pretty fascinating and needed a lot of genius so it better be worth it ;)

    I'd love to write something a bit longer for this, but I'm completely confuzled. (Also I've just done a piece of English Coursework/Essay so my imagination is zapped!) I'm definately downloading to see what this is like and I may have to get back to you on this one.
  6. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    Yeah now you can play FC 2 more often....

    Haha it was alot of fun testing this map and all of the puzzles during the R&D stages of your map making. I knew what i was supposed to do and was still completely confused on half of it.

    It is really impressive in how difficult a puzzle can be especially when using such a small amount of foundry. These puzzles are almost all completely new and made in such a way that you wouldnt realize they are like any other you've seen before. Great Job---And Good Luck to anyone trying to beat this.......... (trust me you'll need it)
  7. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    Yes..another puzzle map from buddha! This map looks confusing,pretty,and awesome at the same time.I remember like a week ago i played a demo of this map and it was hard but pleasingly fun!Nice job man
  8. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    YEAH!!! Buddhacrane i <3 passionately for this map you have blessed Forge Hub with.

    I cannot continue my post for i need to go play it at once.
  9. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Ok so I am on the Puzzle 5. I can't figure out what to do. I hate you Buddha! Yet I dont. Arghhh. Your maps make me very confused! Good job. I love your maps they are pretty much the only ones that challenge me. I'll keep tryin the map. I want to be the first to beat it. I wish it were longer. I hear your not going to make another one till the mythic map pack comes out. Tears. O well I'll get back to you when I get farther or more messed up in my mind.
  10. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    All i have too say is.... OMFG HE FINALLY MADE A MAP WITHOUT HARD JUMP CHALLENGES!!!! I loved your other maps I loved how every idea was unique and used brand new ideas... But, I didn't like how there was jump challenges... I hate jump maps but love puzzles so the mix was just MEH for me.... But now since you make it less of a jump map and more riddles this may be the frist map that I'm not pissed at trying to do a jump challenge (damn that jump outside the map on hell on earth!!!)
  11. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Yes the newest puzzle is released. Im so glad that it is up. Testing it was so fun and the new ideas are amazing. I thinkthe hardest part is the is puzzle 5. I had to remember what trick I ManBearPig I found and showed us. But all in all i think this is definitely your hardest puzzle to figure out.
  12. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Ok I past puzzle 5 I'm now on puzzle 8. Arghhh. I really want to be the first person to beat it. Has anyone beat it yet?
  13. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    .... I can never understand a map from pics so here we go! Well the techniques you used are pretty well used if you ask me! The map is clean and looks new for the puzzles I have seen. The post is fine and the pics show just enough. Good map/post!

  14. ShaggyxChipmunk

    ShaggyxChipmunk Ancient
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    looks cool bit def fun to explore
  15. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Sexy! I queued but probably won't be able to try until next weekend :( Anyway it looks pretty great, I still don't know how anyone can forge anything outside of Foundry but somehow you managed, nicely

    BTW, your "Download Links" shortcut thing is broken
  16. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    the map itself looks awesome, and extremely challenging, but the one thing i was the most impressed with was the post itself. it is probably the best map post ive seen, great job.
  17. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Ya me and my friend, Whatupdog, his gt is viral nuts just beat it. lol. Any way I liked the map greatly. My favorite part was puzzle 8. The main thing I like about your maps is that you are always original. You most likely know this already. Anyways I can't for the mythic map pack comes out. Not for the maps but for your next puzzle. You really should have made it longer. O well it was fun while it lasted. I will actually probably play it again just for fun. I also like your picture description clues. Because you don't really know how much they help untill you have figured them out. One good example is... O wait all of them were good examples. Thanks for explaining the title. BTW the title is a band. Who knew? I have never heard of them. Well I've probably typed enough. I don't want anyone asking for help. The most I'll do is just keep repeating the clues Buddha gives you.
    P.S. Great interlocking and geo-merging for that you get a 5/5. LOLZ
  18. xxbaddboyyxx

    xxbaddboyyxx Ancient
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    I'm stuck on number 1. I've gotten the Grav Hammer and teh sword, but what now?
  19. Whatupdog

    Whatupdog Ancient
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    Wow. I can't believe it hasn't been out a day and I'm done. GMF Painkiller and I were the first to finish (or at least the first to declare it). It was so great, each puzzle was a new challenge to figure out and it pretty much drove me crazy. My only advice is to thouroughly study each clue and use your brain.

    It was pretty short, yet beats any other puzzles out there. I don't know how you do it, Buddha, but great job. I'm looking forward to the Mythic Map Pack.
  20. That One Addict

    That One Addict Ancient
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    Just downloaded it and I have gotten all the way up to puzzle 8. Amazing map Buddha. I will hopefully alert you of my further progress.

    Just reached puzzle 10 or 11 I believe. Puzzle 8 was amazing, one of my favorite puzzles to date. I had attempted to do something along those same lines in one of my puzzles I just was never able to find something good enough. You however did. You are amazing
    #20 That One Addict, Nov 2, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008

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