Post / Download. Rugged terrain and old mining tools keep this ancient site alive. Rethink your strategy. An All interlocked map. gradient style. I actually took my inspiration from Unchained. while looking around in forge i accidentally deleted a box. which lead to a series of open boxes which looked like a tunnel. bingo. The quarry was born. Its a high base (cave) with a large room but only one floor. outside is the quarry with rifts in the earth and leftover digging equipment. At either corner is a tunnel entrance, used to sneak up on either base or to hide. Overshield being inside. skylights show down to spy on crouching enemies and to fire away. At the bottom of the quarry is the construction base. flag/bomb set at the top floor of the base along with the sniper. All human weapons. 2 shotties with low ammo. 3 snipers. one with low ammo and high respawn time. AR's in bases BR's in field Magnums and SMGs scattered mildly. Screenies: :afro: Middle Ground: The High Base: Low Base: The Tunnel. (YES, TUNNEL) Thanks For looking folks. again this is my first map on Forgehub, ill be coming back with new maps soon. Please [{Download. / Rate.}] , Comment, and i would love feedback as soon as you finish a game or two. please, Pm me as well. Skride,
Re: The Quarry. My first map on Forgehub. not the last. Skride, i've already dl/ed your map, but at Forgehub, do not put excessive text in your title, simply the name of the map will do.
Re: The Quarry. My first map on Forgehub. not the last. Looks quite good. Especially for a first map! Great job... but as Lintendo siad, just use the map name as the title, please.
Re: The Quarry. My first map on Forgehub. not the last. Very, very good for a first map. It's nice to see some one who actually read the posting rules before posting! Regardless, your topic title should be "The Quarry," I'd recommend changing it before a mod changes it for you. Welcome to Forgehub!
Re: The Quarry. oh thanks for catching me guys, i was just slipping in it was my first map. updated the title for ya.
Re: The Quarry. looks great. Im DLing and plan on checking this out in a bit along with some other maps
Re: The Quarry. The little sunroofs in the tunnel add a lot to that portion of the map. Good idea Skride! Queued
Re: The Quarry. Looks pretty decent man.. Ima DL it and check it out for some ideas. I like the sunroof thingies. As stated above, it adds a certain little something to that part of the map. GJ
Re: The Quarry. Dope map. Im impressed.. you used some dope interlocking at different heights to create lots of different angles and a unique map floor unlike the flat foundry. I loved the underground tunnel! I only wish one of the entrances was more accessible to the other base...seemed kinda like both entrances were closer to the other. My only major suggestion is re-think the weapon placement of the sniper rifles. While one side's sniper rifle is exposed, you have the other side's tucked away nicely in a separate room...and theres two of them. seemed a unbalanced for my tastes. but overall great f-ing job, this maps def a keeper homie
Re: The Quarry. ah, very well observed. this is a published version. however, i always welcome additions and most likely (after a few suggestions) will make a v2..... but just replace the first one cause v2 at the end of something just doesnt suit me.... The snipers in the base are high respawn and one has only 4 bullets. its just so another person can have a sniper or the base (ferthest from the tunnel, i have been thinking about messing with the triple staircase) can have a sniper with a clip more of ammo. again its a 3 min respawn on the 4 shot snipe. after a few plays though, i agree with you and ill most likely change it back to one sniper. Skride,
Re: The Quarry. I really like this map. I especially enjoyed the boxes sloping slightly upward to create a nice defensive area. The tunnel is another great area on this map, it truly looks like a mining tunnel, nice work. I have yet to play a game on this map, but after the forge-through, I'll be sure to do just that.
Re: The Quarry. This is by far the strangest map i've ever played. It just seems really weird and complex. I cannot imagine how on Earth you put this map together or indeed came up with the idea (if there was one to start with). But because of this i thought it was a really cool map. It is just so different from other maps that it was refreshing to play in. I think if i saw inside your mind though, i would be disturbed... Good job! Nice map.
Re: The Quarry. Damn that is some freakin awesome interlocking in the map. Lotta time was out into it as we can all see. i like the elements to the map that has a good feel to it. Great job on da map foo! =]
Re: The Quarry. Rather nice interlocking map, the design looks good and is overall nice looking. Only some spots look a tad weird.
Re: The Quarry. I played this map with a few friends and after about 30 seconds there was bodies littering the floor of the tunnel. Sadly...I was one of them. Great map Skride! My friends and i love it!
Re: The Quarry. I really like this map and I'm impressed with what you've built, but I have a few issues based on an initial forgethrough that I wanted to bring to your attention: -I realize that you chose to have 3 snipers on a relatively small map, but why put two in the same room? It seems unbalanced, especially considering the third one is less accessible to the other team comparatively speaking. I know you've already addressed this in an earlier post, but I wanted to bring it up anyway and suggest either deleting one of them or moving one to the middle of the map. 3 snipers are a lot for even a larger map, so I may just delete two of them when I play it. -Your CTF setting is a little messed up. Foundry's default Neutral Flag spawn is in the middle of your map, which would actually be ok, but the return point is in it's default location outside of your map. The Assault setup looks good, and I'll try and get a game of that going soon. -Did you ever try out the Active Camo in the tunnel? I normally don't like the AC, but it may be a more strategic choice here. Other than that, I really like this map a lot. You've done a great job with the construction of it and when I get an actual game logged in here I'll come back and let you know how it went.
Re: The Quarry. Thanks Squidhands for the nice annalysis. I actually plan on making a V.2 soon, as soon as i get around to it. Im going to start from scratch and re-arrange some of the things For starters: - AC instead of Overshield - RESPAWNS ON WEAPONS - 1 sniper, but more Br's - Tunnel is going to be turned a bit more so the lower side can get inside a bit easier - may raise the level a tad to get more rifts in the ground in and add a bigger barrier between bases - and last but not least i'm going to fix all the places where you may be able to get out. so far ive been notified of 3 places, all of which Icannot even make it out of, but others have. so thats a definate todo. thanks for the support on the map guys, im already in the process of making my second. (along with The Quarry. V.2) Skride,