I completely agree. Spoiler After the cargo plane sequence, the rest of the game felt rushed. They never explained why Drake has a fake name, why Talbot was able to survive bullets and disappear into thin air, or what exactly was going on between Elena and Drake. I mean, maybe all of their hardships and her facing death was just referring to the second game, but I feel like I missed something in between the two games.
Spoiler the game peaked at the part where you board the moving plane. in full control, straight up running out into that runway behind a giant moving plane felt soooo awesome and free. then it switches to gameplay where you're stuck walking slowly in a straight line through the desert... from there it did have a lot of fun parts, like the horseback convoy chase among other things. the story itself from there got pretty lame though. they left a lot to assumption. i did love how they explained drake and sully's teaming up (that whole beginning was my favorite part of the game) but yeah, it just kind of ended. but i did find myself thinking "man do i love these characters." until uncharted 4 i suppose
Ps3 got yellow light. Been in a box under my bed since, that's the only reason I got back on Xbox. Had some good times on it though, I loved littlebigplanet, Killzone, Resistance, uncharted and a few others.