The Posidome Created by Orbitalshot & Uncle Borat! Recommended Players: 2-4 Players Supported Game types: KOTH, Odd Ball, Face-Off Slayer, Team Slayer, Slayer FFA, Jugernaut Important!!!! read this! the gameplay is very different that what it seems, dont judge by the maps look for gameplay! The Posidome is a map that I started about 2 weeks back, about a week in Uncle Borat began to help, Progression of the map quickened. We got testers to test the map, they all loved it, we got great pre-reviews. General Map Details. The Posidome is a Assemetrical map made for 1v1 Matches or 2v2, 3v3 is sort of pushing it, but it can be done. Weapon placement is just about the same on both sides of each base. Each base is identified by the custom power up's interlocked in the base's forewalls. 2 walkway sides lead from one base to another, also there is a bridge centered above the center map decoration. Underground of the whole base, has 3 tunnels and 2 mancannon elevators that go to main floor. Weapons List. Battle Rifle x2 Covenant Carbine x2 Plasma Rifle x2 SMG x2 Mauler (No Extra Clips) x1 Plasma Grenades x2 Screenshots. The blue base The red base Entrance to Under tunnle. the entrance is on either side of both bases. inside of tunnle The center hall in the lower tunnle, it conceals some explosives to prevent camipng and a mauler spawns after 150 secs. on either side (you can see one) there are lifts to the mid section of the map. The lifts lead to either side of the centerpeice, and yes you can go down. This is one of the two side paths, they lead to either base. A Couple Action Shots. Control the bridge, its a good defencive point. Double kill/ extermination Teamwork helps alot. NOOooooooooooooo! Download The Posidome Here Quotes Chisox21 I'm a fan of this one. Its one of the better small game maps i've seen. From the pics it seems to be a bit large for a 1v1 though; but playing it would give me a better perspective on that. Overall well done 5/5 FIRST REPLY! Trust me, the map seems big but is small, but seems small and is big at the same time. does that confuse you? and yes, through the various tests i had with all those people they say that they would never think that the map played so well with 2V2 and 1V1, until they played it. so everyone try it out before saying anything negetive about gameplay. Solo92 i remember playing this with you! it was so much fun on 2v2! even though u got owned. ;~) great job. extremely clean. 15/10 Im pretty sure that i was playing with a guest without a clue or something. anyways thanks.
I'm a fan of this one. Its one of the better small game maps i've seen. From the pics it seems to be a bit large for a 1v1 though; but playing it would give me a better perspective on that. Overall well done 5/5 FIRST REPLY!
nice map i think ill try it out. but it is veary... hmm... indepth i think it looks really fun and what type of map is it? because you put it in "Competitive Maps" but i think it should be in MLG but i wont contact a mod so other then that this looks really fun!
meh. it looks a little too small for any serios game. maybe its just the pics that make it seem small.
i remember playing this with you! it was so much fun on 2v2! even though u got owned. ;~) great job. extremely clean. 15/10
thanks everyone for your comments. but one thing, if you say 5/5 or 100000000/5 please atleast rate the map, it would be helpful, thanks!
wow, this map is very clean and great interlocking. nothing much else to say but besides how smooth the map and gameplay probably is. 5/5and once again good job. keep forgin
Did you ever get to fixing the little bumps on the.. I think blue open box? Oh, and the fence walls? 4/5 if not, 5/5 if so. Those little things were what kept this map from an awesome level of 9001.
Haha! Uor Map is up! im glad that you let me photoshop the images, they look great, but besides that, not only do the screenshots looks great our map looks great! and 90% people think it's SEXY! LIKE ME! lolx anyways, even though I helped make the map i still have to rate it. Overall Rating: 9/10 "I'm Glad That I Helped With The Making Of This Map!"
I was there for the testing of this map, and I contributed some ideas, and you took some. This map has ended up very nicely. This is probably one of the best 2 v 2 maps out there. I love the lower level and the fact that objectives are below the tunnel. During the game it is often intense and fun.
Nice map, smooth interlocking, and design. I don't think it'd support team gametypes very well though considering the size.
This map was too sexy for me, I really couldn't handle it when we were testing. Awesome job you guys, 2v2 FTW!
Best 2v2 Map eva This is great map. It does look small, but the multi level design is superb. Gamplay is always smooth and extremly fun. you have to download to judge it,trust me. Download it. Love, Zachary9990 PS.I'm the guy in the picture with the ODST helmet.
Yes soccer everyone knows this map is too sexy for you. thnaks for the comment. Thank yuo for agreeing with me that you have to Dl the map before you comment. because its true, it plays better than it seems to.
Thanks, I'm Glad You Think Everyone Should Should Expierence The Map And Also, TRY THE MAP BEFORE YOU JUDGE IT ( not twoards you zach) >just to anyone that says any bad about it.
Hey! I didn't you posted this. I really enjoyed testing this one. It is really fun. I notice the small, but good changes you made since I last played it. I like your new center peice made with the window panels and the shield door. I also like the new jumps int the center that I had suggested. I also like the change from the shotty to the mauler. Great map. To others, d/l this.
Wooooooooooooh!! its finally released.. I tell you Orbital this is a whole different style for you and you did an amazing job.. I feel like you should keep this style because this map was a masterpiece its merging is fantastic and nothing like you used to use.. Im glad this is finally finished.
i didnt you posted this, did you make a typo? also thanks for the help testing it helped alot with the fixes. why thank you, the only part that makes me =( is that no one looks because it plays soo much better than it seems to. thanks for contributing in he testing though it helped alot. also i have another map im going to release soon, i think youll like it.
ahem* Orbital and Uncle Borat did a nice job.. anyways glad you like the map, the merging and interlocking took a long time, it was a pain for orbital in the beginning then i helped him and we got things done a bit faster.