The Plaza Author: Brute Captain The Plaza is my latest map to be posted on forgehub. Recently, after revisiting the Halo 2 campaign, I was motivated to create a map with a certain area in mind. On the very popular, "Outskirts" level in Halo 2, there is a courtyard at the very beginning where two hunters are encountered. I very much liked the look and feel of this particular area, so I set off to make a map. This is not supposed to be a remake however, just something based off of it. Map Geometry: The Plaza is comprised of four different levels, including the ground, and three main structures. It is a fairly small map as well. The main structure has three different accessible levels. The ground floor with a large sculpture/artistic element, and two entrances. The second level has a platform around the inside and outside edges, with two main entrances. One of the secondary structures, storefront B, has an entrance as well as means of accessing its roof which has a sniper perch with protective railing. The other storefront has no entrance on the ground level but provides means of accessing its more exposed rooftop. Something interesting about The Plaza is that I added aesthetic sounds behind Storefront B. I made barrels and propane tanks spawn and fall so it sounds as if someone is working behind the store. There are also a series of geometry interlocked boxes that are reminiscent of the palm tree planters in the Halo 2 courtyard. Gametype: There is no specific gametype for The Plaza. Compatibility: The Plaza is a smaller map, and is thus designed primarily for FFA variants. It is reccomended that party sizes start at 4 and exceed no more than 8 players. It has been formatted to function with Slayer, One Flag CTF, One Bomb Assault, Oddball, Territories, King of Hill, and Infection variants. It however, is not meant for VIP or Juggernaut variant because the level just doesn't play well with them. Weapons: The weapons are as follows: 6 Battle Rifles, 3 Assault Rifles, 1 Shotgun, 2 Sniper Rifles, 3 SMG's, 3 Spikers, 2 Magnums, 1 Plasma Pistol, 2 Needlers, 1 Brute Shot, 1 Rocket Launcher, 2 Carbines, 2 Maulers, and 1 Machine Gun Turret. Equipment: 1 Bubble Shield, 1 Deployable Cover, 1 Power Drain, and 1 Trip Mine. Vehicles: 2 Mongeese Players: The Plaza is reccomended for parties containing between 4 - 8 players. Link to download The Plaza: Download Special Thanks: Sangheilios - For giving me the idea for aesthetic sounds. Cosmic Rick - Thanks for checking it out. Defiler - I enjoyed testing it with you. Everyone - I thank all who have downloaded or commented on my map. Pictures: Map Overview Side View Opposite Side View Storefront B Storefront A Sniper Perch (On top of Storefront B) Main Building Interior 1st Floor Main Building Interior 2nd Floor The Descriptions for each image will be directly below it, just to avoid any confusion. Please leave feedback and comments in both this forum and the thread, thanks! - Brute Captain
great interlocking AND merging with the map geometry! looks really well-made. my only small complaint would be your choice of the human sniper rifle instead of the beam rifle..which would give it a more authentic feel i think
Thanks and also I did consider that before. When the map was tested with a beam rifle people were getting off too many shots too quickly so I decided to switch it back to the human sniper rifle each limited to 1 spare clip. - Brute Captain
fair enough. im glad you tested it and made an educated decision about it. most people wouldnt go that far. well done.
Originally in the Halo 2 campaign are there was a tree, so I decided to do something equally as aesthetically interesting. - Brute Captain
I skipped your description and looked at the pictures first, and it immediately reminded me of Outskirts from Halo 2, well done. That was my favorite portion of Halo 2 and it looks like you've done a great job recreating it in Foundry.
Looks really great. I love how you used the interlocking and merging to your advantage. Looks great can't wait to play it.
I DL'd this a couple of days ago before you posted it here (yes, I was stalking you). I haven't had a chance to do a forgethrough yet, but the pics alone show vast improvement from your last map Centrifuge, which was still impressive. Excellent idea to have noise going on in the background; I don't think I've seen that done. I like the geo-merging, too. See, you didn't need me after all... ;-) I'll be back to comment further after a forgethrough.
Lol, oh squiddy, but anyways, , you skipped my description!? Oh teh noes you didn't, not after all that time writing it. Teh lolz. - Brute Captain
i don't really see the outskirts aspect of the map but it is good nonetheless and that centre piece (two boxes merged) is like modern art it would look like crap anywhere else but there it just works
Very nice job. Those 'aesthetic sounds' are exactly the type of flair I like to see/hear in maps. The rocket spawn mound reminds me of the corporate art in one of my maps. Stuff like that is what separates good and great maps for me. You might have to invite me to play sometime.
Looks very good! Will check it out later today. I was thinking about making a remake of Outskirts too. Now I guess I dont have to.
I decided to add aesthetic sounds only late in this map productin, but thanks. Also you mentioned the interlocked boxes reminded you of something on which of your maps? - Brute Captain
Love the aesthetic sounds so much, Very well made map. Plays greatly as well. Also love how instead of just blocking off part of the map you made it very aesthetic.
Actually a mix of one of the aesthetic elements in my to-be-released conquest map and the corporate art structures in 'The Lobbies'. I'm not saying it's unoriginal by any means... just reminiscent.
Thats how I look at all maps. I look at a picture or two first, and then if I'm still interested I go back and read the description. So don't worry, I did read it, just not in the order you intended.