Heroic DLC The Pillory

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Blaze, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    The Pillory


    Most of you may know this as "step up" a heavy map made to improve the standoff heavy map already made, but now in it's last version has made it's way to a 4v4 - 8v8 map jump improving the original standoff. Yup no more heavy. You can consider this the standoff hardcore almost, because of the way I have made the map to play competitively, with set ups and strategic plays in mind.

    I have worked in 2 snipers into the map, to use them you must open the doors to your base allowing your enemies to access it easier. besides that the maps weapons are almost the same as regular standoff.

    Mancannons have been added to the map, one on each base. The reason for this was to make it less dangerous for a person on foot to get across the map.

    *Note* None of this was ghost merging, it was all done WAY before ghost merging was realized.
    BIG thanks to Ja Red Is Ninja for merging one of these for me back in the day. :-D


    Feel free to ask about anything. I did not put a lot of info because the map is fairly simple.
    #1 Blaze, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  2. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    I think the snipers are in a bad place. People who play on this map probably wont look there. The bride looks like it could improve gameplay, but other things just looks out of place.
  3. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Damn, that's pretty good if it's not ghost merging.

    I had a map planned like this, but here it is! Nice job. I hope it improves gameplay, is it pretty much just that bridge added?

    Nevermind. It doesn't look too good at the second look. The bridges are off to one side, they should be in the middle of the bridge. The Mancannons look like they could send the flag carrier too far out, but could be stopped with the sniper. The sniper is in a horrible location though. I suggest putting it by the radio antennae.
    #3 another orphan, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    That's good that they won't look there. The sniper is there so it isnot used as much as people would use it in different map. The snipers were over used when it was outside of those doors and now they have to take away to gain. It was my substitute for making a risk to get it in the open which actually worked out a lot better. If you are into competitive playign you usually study the maps as well.

    The bridge is to add a line of sight block and a mid highground to control. By everything else being out of place you mean...? I assure you that everything is there for a reason. I had MANY testing sessions and versions. That's why it took me a good 4 or 5 months to release this.

    Give it a try. I'm sure you won;t be disappointed, unless it's just not your style of play. I have made sure that the gameplay was the best this map could hold.

    Have you played it yet? lol.

    This is why I dislike a lot of the forgehub community. haha.

    Play the map before you criticise. Then if your criticism is constructive I'd be glad to take in consideration.
    #4 Blaze, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  5. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    I think it would be pretty darn sweet if you added more bridges over the center and connected them :D (Maybe with geomerging)
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I pondered this when I originally was redesigning the map, but when it came to building I didn't have enough items. and Plus i have built the bridge starting in the only open spots big enough for a box. But yeah, I had originally wanted to make it wider too but couldn;t. :-\
  7. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Damn my sloppy typing, I've had to re-type this post twice because I accidentally backed out. Anyways, my internet is out, so I can't give a proper evaluation by downloading it. I'm stealing a neighbor's wi-fi.
    You need to supply more screenshots of the map. I see some strange structure near the back of the map, by the gate [or cliff-road], but I don't know what's in it or what it's for.
    You should also supply a list of the spawn times and locations of all vehicles, weapons and equipment.

    Again, with the bridges in the middle bridge - Have them in the center of the bridge, not one side. Standoff is a symmetrical-flip map, so it would be unfair if the bridges are on one side of the bridge. Let me give a hypothetical situation...

    There's a sniper on shady-side cliff. He spots the flag-carrier moving across the bridge, but the two bridges block his view temporarily, so he cannot snipe the flag carrier while he's behind the bridges. The flag carrier sucessfully brings the flag to his base, gaining his team a point.
    The sniper notices this slight unbalance, and moves to the cliff-side. The flag carrier runs across the bridge again, but this time he has no cover from this side, allowing him to be killed. The sniper's team returns the flag.

    You need cover on both sides of the bridge. It can't be unfair like that, how I explained. You need to be able to hide if there's a sniper on either side, not just one.
  8. Farbeef

    Farbeef Forerunner
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    The bridge is awsome :D but i would suggest moving the snipers like what every one else said and changing tbe map some more, (like you did with the bridge)
    3.5/5 could use a little improvement but not bad
  9. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    Do you mean you dont have enough boxes or budget? cuz you could throw in a couple fence boxes
  10. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    So youre saying that if it was ghost merged then it sucks balls?

    It doesn't matter AT ALL if something was ghost merged or not. I'm sick of people saying "oh it's not that good because it was ghost merged." Ghost merging does not automatically lessen the value of a map. People need to stop comparing between ghost merged and non-ghost merged maps becuase it simply doesn't matter.

    Key word: LOOK. You can't judge a map by its looks alone. Judging based on just looks means absolutely nothing. Actually play the map before you judge it. Blaze worked on this for five months, there's no doubt he had a reason for everything.

    Once again, how do you know? This map was released no more than 5 minutes ago, I don't think you could've dl'ed and gotten a game on this map in that time. How do you know it's a terrible location?

    Putting it by the radio antennae is a bad idea, it would just turn into a snipefest. Do you realize how open Standoff is? If the snipe was placed there, whoever picked it up could pick off anyone on the map. By placing it where he did, Blaze offered a risk vs. reward option (which i particularly like :D). By getting the sniper, you are allowing the opposing team easier accesss to your base. Very strategic, and also its not in an area that will allow the sniper to dominate the whole map.

    Edit: woops, i was a little late xD
    #10 Ozarka, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  11. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Ozark.. Holy ****. Nice bitchout.

    I meant it's good for geomerging. Ghost merging is easy as hell, but he got the bridge done smoothly apparantly. I never said if it's ghostmerged it sucks balls. It's good for geomerging.

    Again. My ****ing internet is out, so I can't test it out. He didn't provide enough pictures, so I couldn't really see the map at all. The only pictures were of the bridge or the top of the base.

    And I didn't see the "gain from loss" thing until he said it. It's smart, you have to open up your tunnel to get the sniper, but it gives the enemy another way in, WHICH IS SMART. I don't mind the damned sniper anymore, and I don't want to get in a huge flame war over it.

    The only problem I still have with the map is that there isn't enough pictures, there isn't a spawn-time list, and that the bridge in the middle is slightly unfair, giving cover from only one side.
  12. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    UH... i can't get on my xbox so could someone post a sniper pic... PpLlEeeAaaaaaaSsEeee

    (another orphan is a very quick typer!)
    (I finally figured out the sniper location with my puny mind)
    (But still it would be nice)
    #12 suffocation49, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I'm just going to stop replying for now and let you guys play it. :)

    Thank you Ozarka.
  14. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Yep. Don't listen to reason, be a stuck up prick about it.
  15. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Hmm. Whos the prick here? lol. and i hadn't gotten to read your other post before I posted that. :p Chill spaz.

    Stop relying so much on pictures. i gave you an overview so that you can take a look at what I did to change it and now you have to download if it looks interesting and do a forgethrough. after a forgethrough if it still interests you then you play a game. :p

    Also, instead of criticizing on things you don't know about, ask. As I have said in the post.

    For the weapons and times...
    Remotely the same as standoff but I'm not going to list all of it cause it will give you more to say needs changed when I played it and made sure everything worked fine. :-D

    I know what I'm doing. I do have 2 features, it's not like I'm going to post a map with 4 swords and 6 lasers set on 10 respawn time. haha
  16. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    He can't DL right now :/

  17. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    Yes, I know I'm a spaz :p

    And now we're on slightly friendly grounds, I'm going to kindly repeat myself.

    My internet is out, I cannot test out the map, and people will be more likely to check out your map, if you provide some more pictures.

    Again, about the bridge. It provides slightly uneven cover. You only need to move the bridges forming the upside-down V like two feet over, so it would provide cover for both sides.
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I know he can't. I'm telling him to save hi comments for when he can but telling him questions are acceptable.

    Yup. I will get a fewmore picture as soon as i get a chance for sure, thanks for askign kindly. and, the bridge actually has 1 bridge on each side. It's even, don't worry. I'll add a better pic of the bridge when I get one.

    I actually am going to try and get a gameplay video up which will help a lot.
    #18 Blaze, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  19. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    the dark box creates an optical illusion. :D
    #19 suffocation49, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  20. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah i was trying a bridge on standoff and the shadows made one like black looking lol. Anyway, from what i can see (yes i haven't dl'd and played so don't jump my ass) it looks fun. The sniper spawn is genius, the bridge looks really smooth, but those 2 bridges off the the left of one base, what do they serve? lol or am i just seeing stuff. And is there a lazer? or Rockets cause there are alot of vehicles so if there isn't 2 rock's or at least a missle pod that could be massive vehicel over kill. Anyway my qeue is full atm but i'll delete something and try this out. At least do a forge through, so be back on later with a more indepth reveiw.

    Edit: Review time haha, well i did a forge through, and i must say very good layout. I love the windows in the base. Sniper spawn i like it i really really do. I think almost every time people will open the tunnel for sniper. The amount of power weapons is wow, good spacing too. I retract my statmen about vehicle over kill cause more than likely if you use a vehicle you will be shot with, rocket, rocket pod, and lazer haha. All in all great design, good weapon layout, playability is probably sweet (idk i havn't played yet).
    #20 CaptnSTFU, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009

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