Im glad you spent time in making this map, it turned out really well. As other people before me have said, its cool that you made space inside the ship. Looks like it could play well with infection although it wasnt built for it.
The way in is by the airlock, in forge. if you were playing a game the only way you would fall off is if you deliberatly did it, thenits your own fault if you have to kill yourself
Oh ok, thanks... I liked playing with my stupid friends and they launched themselves out of the MAC Cannon... They couldn't kill themselves and were too stupid to jump off the map
You and i both know that a warthog run like that would take up on whole side of avalanche to even be plausable
i tried to make a pillar of autumn at one time and i failed lol. this is quite a bit better compared to mine but there are some details you missed. inside is pretty good, what i dont like about the inside though is that if you have a shotgun on the inside you will masacre everyone because its sooooo close quarters. but of course this is aesthetic so 5/5 for aesthetic quality, but playability would be my only issue
This by far is the best ship map I've ever seen. You made everything in a nice shape, the boxes were arranged nicely, and the crate idea is great. For looks, 5/5
Cool looking - good interlocking - big size - grand - amazing for a varioty of diffrent gametypes - 9/10 - this gets my download - keep on making great maps!
That is Two short a message - delete it before someone reports you -- also there isnt sutch a thing as 6/5
What I want to see is someone making the Executor you know darth vaders flagship that would be sooooooo cool!
this is a powncake covered with awesomesauce. this LOOKS like the Pillar of Autumn, and is playable! 5/5
i rly cant remember if i had already posted on this map but anyways, this map is instant bonnerage! god this is amazing. its real facinating how str9 everything is . you deserve mucho credito. Forge god! keep forging <3 DDD infinity+infinity+i almost had a girlfriend/5
Ive actually made an imperial star destroyer, look it up on my fileshare. the exectutors too big to really make in any semblence of scale.
This looks so amazing! Better than Titan! but I have one question, is this version larger then the titan version?
This is simply the best ship I have ever seen!!! Your interlocking is very, very good and I love the Mach gun thingy. When me and my friends were messing about on this, some guy jumped out the hole right at the very top at the front of the ship but at the same time someone shot the mach gun. As soon as the guy hit the ground the crate killed him. I loled sooo hard. Brilliant 5/5