I wanted to try to get the gna community to do something together, and maybe even learn about one another. You can be horrible at graphics or even amazing at them, it doesnt matter. If you Wish to join in, then you have the right to. As the Title says, Its about a phobia (a Fear), that YOU have. And with that, try to make a signature about it. Now, some fears are harder then others, but the point is to really think about it and be creative about this When you post your image please also say what your fear is (Unless it says in the signature itself) Its likely that ill have more then anyone, however I dont really mind tell others about myself. Here is a Site for a list of phobias: The Phobia List As well here are some of my fears. Fear of Insects ~More to come Be creative and have fun Guys!
Found a really simple one...I'm planning on making a few for this. Spoiler Leukophobia- Fear of the color white. Err, sorry, it's not one of my fears, I just read that rule...
Can we make rules? Like no using Movie characters? I have Pediophobia (Fear of Dolls) after seeing Chucky when I was five.
Funny, I didn't even read the description other than making a signature with a phobia. I'm not actually afraid of being alone (autophobia), but I just made the signature. Apologies for not actually following the exact instructions, but I have a signature nonetheless.
just the start of something i was thinking of.. the scene in shrek when donkey is "lookin' down" through the broken bridge plank.. but the stock was too low quality.. and my topazing made it odd.. just thought i would post this EDIT: oshi forgot about the cutoff.. did that while cropping the image.. oh well
The point of this is to share of phobia of yours. I made this so we could get the gna to get to know one another and work on something together. I mean if i have to post a few of mine to get my point arose then so be it.
Only post if you HAVE the Phobia. Don't post anything else if you don't that phobia or dont wish to be mature about this. If this continues ill just get this locked -_-
Security.. Read the OP. If you have a fear, YOU make a sig about it and post it. You dont post your fear for some one else to make. Maybe I'll make one with the fear of idiots overrunning the world