The person who ruined Halo 3.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Penguinish, Jul 2, 2008.

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    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Yeah it requires some skill but what I'm saying is the AR skill gap is significantly smaller than the BR skill gap. I can use the AR effectively but so can almost everyone past level 30 and thats not saying very much.
  2. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    ya, because its alwas raining and snowing in halo. . . change your font, jesus.

    anyway, in regards to nemi, i see your point, it takes skill to hold down the trigger in the general direction of a person, alright whatever.

    but think about this, we both have ar's and we're running at eachother shooting, who would win? we both would. but if we both had br's we could strafe, jump, crouch, and meticulously aim 3 shots in the chest and 1 in the head. Every now and then it'll be a tie, but generally there will be the clear winner. this is far more a testament of who the better player is than the ar scenario. finito.
    #62 bnasty574, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
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  3. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Its Time For A Midgets Opinion!

    Well heres my piece on it.
    The AR is almost fine as it is....ALMOST.
    I love how it was brought back from halo 1 as i personally like how it looks.
    I do not think it should have been the staple spawn weapon.
    I much prefer my stapler as an SMG provides you with much more versatility for a mid-short weapon since you can dual it.
    Frankly it is ridiculous that an AR trumps a br at MID RANGE.
    Long range=br ftw
    short range=AR ftw
    But as it is,at mid range IE a good distance from each other the AR will either beats the br guy -by pointing the gun at his chest and holding the trigger in (woot?) while the Br guy has to aim at the guys head,actively fighting rather than merely holding the trigger in.-or will cripple the guys sheilds to the point where a well aimed water pistol will kill him,
    which plain out sucks since the Br guy actively went out for an aiming weapon.
    Dont get me wrong i like the AR but something as simple as making SMG's the staple and having AR's on the map would stop this retarded "abuse" of whats not even that great a weapon.
    Incidently whats exactly is causing all the halo 3 lag?
    I went and played halo 2 again and theres is not even a lick of lag at ALL.
    Even when one guys ping is red its only screwing him over and not the whole party....what did bungie do?

    And frankly you people who are arguing against penguin need to f***ing read his posts becuase your clearly not and just writing speeches becuase you think hes a "n00b" becuase he dislikes the you beloved AR.

    And dear god whoever it was who said it was ironic that the mod was "bitching" i have only this to say.
    1. Becoming a FH mod does not make you a god,you still a normal person who can ON OCCASION not like something or disagree....jesus
    2. Look up the definition of ironic,realise just how stupid that comment was.Then stop using words you think fit the sentance becuase you think it makes you sound doesnt.
    Feel the wrath of my neatly paraghraphed wall of text and cower before its awesome might.
    #63 Supa Midget, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  4. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    i said it before, ill say it again. GIVE IT UP PEOPLE! No one is winning this argument, it's ridiculous to argue about something that will probably never change. I think this forum should just be closed, all it's gotten us is bad tempers and -rep.
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