The Perish Background: This installation was originally a place of prayer for the Forerunner. But after an accidental flood outbreak, it has left this place abandoned for centuries. Only recently has the UNSC rediscovered this location. They have taken this old sanctuary and turned it into a training ground for new Spartan recruits. Map Description: The Perish is a medium-sized competitive map. It supports all gametypes except Invasion and Race/Rally. It is large enough for 2-8 players to fit comfortably, but it was tested with a 5v5 Team Objective and played well. Infection does have a few minor tweaks to allow less camping, and it also plays out during the dead of night… no pun intended. The map consists of four large rooms (Prayer Room, Yellow Diamond, Red Garden, and Purple Room) that are multi-tiered and a mid-sized outdoor area with an access to part of the roof. Weapon Listing: Gravity Hammer DMR Needle Rifle Needler Shotgun Plasma Repeater Plasma Pistol 4 Assault Rifles 2 Grenade Launchers (1 Spare Clip) 3 Pistols 5 Frag Grenades 6 Plasma Grenades 3 Health Packs Notes: This wasn’t officially tested, I was lucky enough to have a few friends get together for a custom game night. I have to at least thank them for being the guinea pigs for this map. keinebeineboy TheKein TURK3Y5 0WN Y0U nofatchx83 kkvaughn8 This is just to name a few. Pictures: Purple Room The skylight from the rooftop above the Purple Room Yellow Diamond Room Yellow Diamond Room from a different angle The Prayer Room The Outside (Blue Base) Red Garden Room (Red Base) (Capture plates are now removed since Reach only requires a flag spawn, which in turn is a capture area.) Action Shots: Spoiler Spoiler Infection Shots: