I used to prefer Red Bull, but I noticed it making me tired after a while, and another one just wouldn't help. I also noticed myself getting extremely jittery. Anyway, does anyone know any good drinks that actually keep you up? What do you prefer?
I think its called balls..... drinking one too fast makes your head hurt and drinking two in one night makes you shake
None I don't think there is one. They all seem to have pretty crappy side effects. Everyone's been talking about this stuff lately, though: I haven't tried it, but supposedly there is no crash or jitters.
Maybe you have a low caffeine tolerance, that seems pretty extreme. I would recommend chocolate milk. You ask why? Because its so damn good.
Mine still best if you can find a long enough straw. Oh you should buy a can of Whoop-ass apprently its a drink(thank you alg II).
Don't drink energy drinks if you want to stay awake. They are like sugar; they last for a few seconds, and causes you to use up all your energy to stay awake. By the time the effect wears off, you feel twice as sleep as you did before. Just drink regular fluids, or soda to stay awake.
I drink a marvelous drink that usually will re-hydrate you in almost every situation. It's called Water. Have it be on "the rocks" or straight up. And it's what you should be drinking.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs THE ULTIMATE ENERGY DRINK!!!\ but for real, I prefer monster and full throttle
I'm not really a fan of energy drinks, to be honest. Give me a banana (so my feet don't cramp up- yeah, it happens) and a cream soda and I'm good.
Cream soda is dilicious. I personally drink Dr. Pepper and the occasional Mountain Dew, but not too much Dew cause it reduces your sperm count or something...