Sandbox The Peanut

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by n9netim3, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. Confused Grunt

    Confused Grunt Ancient
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    This looks really fun. One suggestion I would have to fix people from gtting out of their mongooses is to set the player speed really low and their gravity really high, that way if they get out the wraith can easily shoot 'em down. 4/5 for creativity and tons of fun! :)

    Sorry, I thought you said it was hard to kill them. I reread now and saw that they can't die. But if some1 wants to cheat thats there problem, so just boot them.
    #21 Confused Grunt, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  2. n9netim3

    n9netim3 Ancient
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    You may aswell down rate everyones zombie map cuz they all have the same concept.

    Kill, Nock off, Slash, Destroy zombies.
  3. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    You're getting desperate in this argument. Mini games are supposed to be original creative ways of playing a game that aren't accomplished by playing a default gametype. An original zombie map is that with an original map layout. All infection gametypes are pretty similar because they all accomplish the goal of infection and are all based around the default infection gametype. Eliminate the humans. An original mini game is that which has an original map and has an original gametype that allows the mini game to be played. A mini game isn't just one default gametype, it is a gametype created with the specific mini game in mind.

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    I just got an acount like a minute ago and I want to know if you are allowed to use modded gametypes in forgehub? This map looks like a load of fun I had a map like this but there were no mongooses I think you should maybe have mancannons or shield doors that spawn in too. I'd download if I had the Mythic map pack. The mongooses should spawn in the killball so they don't become annoying obstacles.
    #24 KAMIKAZE M16, Apr 2, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  5. n9netim3

    n9netim3 Ancient
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    I'm just done with this whole thing. There's always going to be haters in every situation. that map is probably your friends or YOURS, reguardless there was one person out of these 25 posts that agreed with you. that kinda says something.

    If you have a problem other than the map please leave it aside. the map is completely original. i looked at the minigame thread mabye acouple times in my forgehub lifetime and never saw your box map. it is mere coinicidence that they have similiar names.

    The funny thing is your telling me they are too close to the same game, but then you give me all these suggestions you want me to change and they all imply making my map exactly like the box. Thats was quite a list of things i needed to change so maybe those are all the things that contrast?

    I realy don't think anyone has much of a say in rating, if the map isn't even played by that person, just an opinion =/

    And i'm not desperate, i'm just getting irritated at the fact that i'm getting down rated by someone who hasn't even played my map. I don't mind crtitisim or down rating if the arguement is legitimate but your arguement is based on this whole idea that i need to change my map (which u call un-original) to be like "The Box" (which is original) and thats what would make it un-original.
    #25 n9netim3, Apr 2, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  6. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    I bet the peanut was fun to make.Id love to play but im allergic to peanuts :S LOL jk jk Looks like a brilliant map and ill rate after test
  7. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    I don't need to play because I have played a lot of games like it to know exactly how it plays and what its flaws are.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well....This is very unique and i love this idea! Needs more mongooses but it still has my download!
  9. E93

    E93 Guest

    Played this yesterday with a ton of my friends, and they all thought it was pretty schweet, including me.
    One wanted to make a version of it that instead of a peanut, was a *****. My friends are so mature.

    Anywho, great idea, sweet map.

    Only things you need to work on:
    Getting more spawns up there, even if there aren't enough mongeese, because having a guy down in the cript the whole game because there wasn't a spot for him up there is just stupid.

    So yeah, think about that.
  10. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    i am def downloading this, this is a great idea. if you make v2 make more mongooses and another wraith, just an opinion
  11. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Nice idea its nice and neat and everything and what not so i like looks very fun and yeah so umm thats it. 5/5 Good job!
  12. Ghost Hero500

    Ghost Hero500 Ancient
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    LOL the peanut thats a funny name anyways nice work
  13. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Actually looks intensely fun. Nice first map.

    I would also recommend adding another Wraith and eliminating some of the exploits.
  14. TheGreatBrownie

    TheGreatBrownie Ancient
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    Very interesting! Actually, this concept was the original idea for my map, "Hectic Highway", except instead of a Wraith, it would be a trapped Hornet that can only shoot missiles. 5/5! Nice job.

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