[SIZE=+2]The Overhang[/SIZE] (By suicidalpenguLn) So this is my first map post on forge hub, and I named it The Overhang because of the large structure hanging over the center of the map. It is a symmetrical map built on the center level of sandbox, and is rather large. I would suggest playing with 6+ players. The really unique feature of this map is that I ghost merged almost every piece of this map into the ground at a 60 or 30 degree angle. Another feature of this is that it is really based around the wraith, my original idea was to make a big X and put in wraiths, but the wraiths ended up having no place to go, so I changed it into a sort of 8 and k combined (). Another thing I added is a hand coming out of the sand, which I first saw in the map Vindication (author’s name needed). So as far as vehicles and weapons this map features: 2 Ghosts- 60 second respawn ( not at start ) 2 wraiths- 90 second respawn ( symmetrical only) 1 banshee- 120 second respawn ( not at start) 4 brs- 30 second respawn 2 carbines- 30 second respawn 2 snipers- 90 second respawn ( not at start) 1 sword- 90 second respawn ( not at start) 1 SPLAZER- 90 second respawn (symmetrical only) 1 beam rifle- 60 second respawn (asymmetrical only) 1 missile pod- 120 second respawn ( not at start) 4 spikers- 60 second respawn 2 smgs- 60 second respawn 2 plasma rifles- 60 second respawn 2 power drains- 45 second respawn 1 regenerator- 60 second respawn ( not at start) 2 plasma grenades- 10 second respawn 10 spike grenades- 10 second respawn 4 grenades- 10 second respawn 2 bubble shields- 60 second respawn 1 over shield- 90 second respawn The reason that so many are not at start is to make it so games aren’t to hectic at the start, but become increasingly hectic as the game goes on, instead of a mad rush at the start and it fizzling out as the power weapons run out of ammo. Also I chose a lot of spike grenades because they make for some very awesome kills when stuck to a 60-degree surface. Now without further a-do on to the pictures This is an Overview of the map This is the section right under the overhang And this is under the picture above And here is the overhang from the backside And here is a view of one of the bases with me doing a sicknasty jump And here is the other base and here is the overview again with dots where power weapons are, blue = sword red= missile pod orange= splazer (s) and beam rifle (a) black= snipers now on to some action shots BOOOOOOOOOOOOM HEAAADSHOOOOT* this is what happens to anyone who thinks they can camp on the top level (almost every time) so the little spiky things at the end aren’t just for aesthetics, they make a great platform to ambush the bases, and perhaps get a nice assassination so that is it for pictures this map plays Slayer Territories Flag One-flag Assault One-bomb VIP (not that well) KOTH (not that well) And even though it is competitive it plays an AMAZING game of 50% gravity zombies. I definitely want CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but please don’t comment on the game play unless you’ve tried it, I realize there are a lot of vehicles and power weapons, but in the tests it was very balanced and very fun, or my testers lie to me L. On the map I would like to thank: testers: xxibemobbinxx Skoot415 Rolandrdm Keneff AllisLost sorry to everyone else who tested but didn't add me as a friend *whoops* Vorpal Saint for advice on the design Whoever made vindication All the community members who helped me out via lolbox So download now before Mothman gets you [SIZE=+2]The Overhang[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=112753794 [/SIZE]
Pretty epic map bro. I don't play Halo but I would have to say it has enough interlocks. Doesn't seem so great for flag because the bases are close to each other and the map is very asymmetrical. Slayer or Infection would be great.
sorry about the link not working, i accidentally deleted a 5 at the end of the link :/ (way to f' up a post) but thanks a ton for all this positive feedback
Umm, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but the guardians are blocked. This doesn't seem to fit in with the map at all, so I'm assuming it was unintentional (you probably just used the wrong canvas; This happens to a lot of new forgers). If this is kept how it is now, it could cause some shoddy gameplay and make your map "escapable". The easiest way to fix this is to tele-glitch outside of the Sky Bubble and delete whatever is blocking the Guardians. You can probably find examples of how to do this on Youtube. If you still need any help unblocking the guardians on your map, just message me and I'll put an unblocked version on my Fileshare. This map is pretty awesome so far, and I'm just looking to make it perfect.
yeah, i tried unblocking the gaurdians and i failed like 20,000 times so i just said screw it... in my tests everyone sorta assumed that the gaurdians were unblocked so it was never really a problem
Review Hub official review Enjoyment: Overhang offers some great enjoyment, but it also has some big frustrations. Symmetrical games are pretty fun, but spawn problems leave easy captures sometimes or annoying kills. In addition, the flag placement leaves something to be desired in both flag gametypes. At best, I’d like to say it gives you Relic-like gameplay, but it just isn’t, it’s more like something that’s tough to get to. Returns would be possible, if the spawns were decent. Asymmetrical placement is even more of a climb uphill to get to the objective. Overall, the game was fun, but maybe just because of BR combat and the fact that I kept getting the snipers. It could have definitely been better, and possibly even a custom games staple map, but by no means was it a map you’ll play once and then delete. Balance: And here’s where this map really let me down. I really, really encourage the author to make a v2 with some more testing and work into gameplay. That being said…there are some major problems with the balance of this map. I like your use of weapons and equipment, that’s cool and mostly well done (may as well make note of this, I think it’s a mistake: one sniper rifle’s got one extra clip, the other one has two). Your spawns leave a huge amount to be desired. Starting points are facing each other, in the middle of the map, resulting in some weird starts to the games. Spawns are more or less randomly placed; many are facing the wrong direction, and you most often spawn in the middle of the map or in a battle. Reaching some spots to take out enemies, like the high areas in each base and the large overhang the map is named after, can be very tough, especially when you’ve got an MLG pro like myself with a sniper, a BR, and plenty to shoot at. Durability: As a mid-level Sandbox map, The Overhang is impossible to break out of through any means I could think of. I’d say that spawns are campable by sitting up at the top, but they’re seemingly erratic and random at best (see Balance), and, as far as I could tell, impossible to predict. Aesthetics: The Overhang really does a nice job with aesthetics with its 30 and 60 degree angle theme. Though some areas play and feel completely random regardless of the theme, all interlocks and geomerges look smooth and nice. There are some really cool parts of this map I really enjoyed, like the “fins” sticking out the sides that both allow access to areas, block lines of sight, and let me run behind them and then “AND GIVE HIM THE BACKSMACK! WOO!!!!” Originality: The Overhang fits a fairly unique niche in the competitive map department. It plays a decent game on both symmetric and asymmetric gametypes, and for the most part seems original and fresh and has a surprisingly strong mix of long and mid range fights. It also has good support for unusual weapons (beam rife, spike grenades), and vehicles (Wraith). I really think this map has some great potential and I hope to see more great stuff from you like this one. I also hope to see a v2 of this map with more work put into testing (run at least 30 tests) and spawns, and perhaps some design adjustments. Enjoyment: 6/10 Balance: 4/10 Durability: 10/10 Aesthetics: 8/10 Originality: 8/10 36/50