Hey everyone this is my first attempt on Forgehub. I found a lot of great info on here and the result is this simple, and (my friends all think so) very fun map. The Oval Inspired by a demonstration of Timed game events here on Forgehub, I wanted to create a map that featured some sort of door mechanism, but that also left room for great gameplay. What better first try than having a few doors open up to let combatants into an arena? Its a small Semi-Symmetrical map (its an Oval after all) with 4 spawn areas, however it supports up to 16 people ( in 4 teams ) or up to 8 man Free-For-All. This map supports Slayer, KOTH, Infection, Territories, and CTF. (However I would really reccomend using my variants of course) Each of the four main teams has their own spawn room -Heres the Red team or "Defender" spawn -The Blue team, Attacker, and Zombie respawn is here -And finally, the 3rd -And 4th team spawns Basically, at the start of each round, each team begins in their own area (if you are playing free for all with more than 4 people, some teams will begin inside The Oval). However, after 10 seconds, your doors are opened, and you are free to move out and wreak havok upon your enemies. After 20 seconds, a fence wall will spawn and lock your door in place, so try not to destroy the door mechanism with your weapons before 20 seconds are up, or a team will be locked into their spawn for the rest of the round (this was the only real flaw with the map, and I couldnt really see any solution other than creating a time limit). Now for the gametypes: Oval Gladiators -This is the bread and butter of the map. My friends and I love close quarters combat games, epsecially with multiple teams. The pace is fast and furious, and its always a good time. Each team begins with all players having swords. However, when a team falls behind, they will spawn with Gravity hammers to help them catch up to the leaders. Each team member has 3 lives. Each round lasts 5 minutes. Each game consists of 5 rounds. Movement speed, gravity, and damage resistance are all increased. Infinite ammo, swords and Grav Hammers. Every player is invulnerable to damage upon respawn for 5 seconds, to help prevent spawn camping. -Some overall Carnage -A little double teaming action -Free for all chaos -Hammers are the great equalizer -Stick with your partner or teammates, or your toast Tiger Pit -This is the other main gametype we like to play. In ancient Rome, one of the favorite gladiator games was to have a man fight a wild animal, Lions and tigers were often used to test the mettle of the combatants. Now its your turn! The "Gladiators" spawn in the middle of the Oval, and depending on the number of players there could be up to 4 tigers waiting behind the doors. Pick the right door, overpower the tiger and try to set up shop, but if you pick wrong, expect to be taken out from behind by the quick tigers. Humans get shotguns and assault rifles. Tigers get energy swords. Alpha tigers are tough to kill, you need to team up to stand a chance. Regular tigers arent too tough, but they still pack a punch. The last man standing will receive 1000% damage resistance. However, the Tigers damage is definately high enough to whittle his health down in about 4 sword strikes. All players receive infinite ammo, and have increased speed, health and gravity. -This alpha tiger got ambushed, killing him requires teamwork -The last man is tough to take down, time yor strikes -Killing Spree! Alright guys thats all ive got, here the links and I pray that all those pictures worked. -The Map Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details -Oval Gladiators Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details -Tiger Pit Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details (Didnt realize I wrote a book there, but hey I put about three weeks into this map)
nice, i love how you put many different versions and games into this map. my favorite has got to be the tiger one, it reminds me of the real colisseum. and the multi team sword sounds fun too.. this has got to be the first foundry map i have downloaded since like a couple weeks
this is great map it looks great and well foreged and i love the four rooms so theres not that much spawn killing i think you should not be able to go in the halls or rooms for example you spawn in the room and walk out but if you in the middle you cant go back in the rooms great map 4.5/5
Thanks for the great feedback you guys, I cant tell you how pleased I am that I got a good reaction. I realized just now that I forgot to give a huge thanks to my good friends Matthias3 and BReck42 for helping with and inspiring the map and gametypes. also I noticed that one of the screenshots isnt working so here it is now; Ah and one more thing, I forgot to mention that gametype compatabilities in my initial post. You dont HAVE to download my variants, the map is compatible with Slayer, KOTH, Territories, Infection, and CTF.
you can edit your post, just press edit in the bottom right corner. looks cool, kinda like coliseum. you could make a nice sandbox version. overall, kinda sloppy... 3/5
you raise a good point Battery, however the sandbox would cost me money, which I cant spare at the present moment. Ill definately make a V2 on sandbox if I can ever justify the cost. (all I have is the heroic DLC)