Hey Everyone! I have been working my but off in quest of winning the recent template contest. So far I have constructed 2 bases, and quite frankly, I am impressed with my work. But what matters more is what others feel about it when they play and look at it. I need some help with the center structure. I am lening towards a big building, but I still need some help. I need something that will make the common player go, "OMG WTF BBQ IS THAT A GIANT HOT DOG???" Ya, you get what I am trying to say. So, any feedback would be nice, preferably ideas and critique to help me spark an idea. BY THE WAY, THE GEOMERGED BLOCK, COVERING THE CRYPT WHOLE WAS ORIGINALLY SET TO 45 SECONDS, SO IT SPAWNS, LATER INTO THE GAME. ALSO, THE GEOMERGED RAMP, IS SET TO 180, BY ME, BECAUSE I INTERLOCKED A WALL INTO IT. I DIDN'T DELETE THE ORIGINAL TEMPLATE STUFF. Here are some pictures, sorry about the embedding, halo screenshots.net is being really funky with me today, so is my xbox: http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/A2ADC304CC72214F347698F3E31068AF.jpg http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/6515ED77C9743C4981DCEDCDE6EAFA76.jpg http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/2178F82A84819A4E11E04AEC5C8E38D2.jpg http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/DA9AB6D35E9560DCA3511F7E9F90222D.jpg So any feedback would be nice, AND REMEBER, I AM NOT DONE WITH THIS MAP YET. THANK YOU!!!!! <3
Did you delete the geomerged Block Huge in the center by the crypt hole? If you did, you're map will be disqualified seeing as it's part of the template.
You should embed the pics, but from what I saw it looked pretty good. It's just that the flooring for the 3rd piece and the walls in the 4th pic looked uneven from the pics. Everything else is nice though, I like the slit window type things you made from tube ramps. Can people see over them? If not, I suggest lowering them.
Yes, you can see over them, because there is a sniper located below or nearby each base's sniper slit. And for the crockedness of the walls flooring in the second base, it is really not that crocked, it is just that stupid sandbox glitch were the walls bend at an angle. But for the most part, it is not that noticable while playing. thank you for your feedback!
You're allowed to delete that if you are covering it up with another part of the your map. It is not technically part of the template.
I'm not talking about the block covering the crypt whole. I'm talking about the Block Huge geomerged at an angle next to it.