the old mine this is an very little map for 2 to 8 players in normaly games its just an 3:3 duble boxes big but in one side there comes an tunnel at the attaces base there lead to the defence base the defence base also chance place in oddball/neutral assault games the bomb spawn on a platform whit 2 fusion couls works on any game type but is best in objected those pics are old the defendeds base in asymmetric games the flag spwan point in normal games items in the map 1 bubble shield 1 regenerator 2 battel rifels 1 sentiles beam 1 brute shoo 1 custom powerup 2 spike grenade 2 plasma genade 1 mauler(only in symmetrical games) 1 sercret weapon(only in asymmetric game) an owerviwe the tunnel anohter owerviwe this my fist post so dont bee mad i have did something wrong download the map here
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Oh my bad, it most still be linked to the old forum. Anyways, you fixed the probleml which was no pictures.
turning the boxes upside down looks a lot more professional and clean. give it a try and c how u like it
Now that you have fixed the issue with the size of the pictures, add some more please because I can't tell what this map is all about without teh pics.
Honestly it doesn't look too good... No interlocking, things are sloppy, good idea, but learn some techniques, redo the map, and come back again.