With youtube being used so much these days, I think it's appropriate that a thread be made for it. You're welcome to post your youtube accounts, or your favorite subscriptions here. To start, here's my youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/SYTHE5 Youtube Channel list: Alienman911 HLG Flashpoint Meltyourtv Speed-e-cake RaBBiiTTT Scottash Bloo Jay
Heres my channel: YouTube - IxFlashPointxI's Channel And heres a couple of my vids: SKetchup Video Spoiler YouTube - Halo Reach: Death Drop Map Sketchup Skate 3 Faint Montage Spoiler YouTube - Skate 3 Faint Montage Skate 3 Euro Setz Montage Spoiler YouTube - Euro Setz Park Montage Subscribe and more vids will come.
Meltedtelevision. I do montages, machinimas, commentaries, pretty much whatever the **** I want. Click the siggy pic. vv
Melt, get that vid up now. I don't have a cap card, but you can check out my channel (few vids from bungle pro and playing with cap card guys on mw2) Also, I reccomend norlinskyhd, who's an oldie member from here.
I have a gaming channel, where I upload what ever I'm playing, mostly on my Xbox. I have plans on doing some Let's Plays, and such on systems other than Xbox. So far, it's mostly Halo and Call of Duty.
My Youtube - YouTube - Scottash71's Channel Used to put halo music vids up (which I made just with Movie Maker :L). Removed quite a few of my rubbish ones recently. Now mainly use it for failed machinima shorts, surprisingly well received rube goldbergs etc.