The Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrawingMan, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    I got to play Gears of War 2 today at work. It is so ****en EPIC (get it? get it?)

    I only got to play the second level so far, but so far i know I am gonna get my moneys worth.

    The LANCER makes you feel so powerful, and its also easy to aim because you can see your bullets as they fly out of the gun.
    There was that other weapon that that shoots one shot at a time, kinda like the carbine, It owns sooo much. You can blow peoples heads off with it, literally.

    The part were I got to play, your inside a Hospital or some sort of whilteish blue building, your following this other COG soldier around, shooting Locusts as they appear around the place.

    I Curb stomped so many bad guys, Until I figured out how to use them as MeatShields.

    The whole game is super intense, I didnt know what was going on half the time, One minute im walking in this hallway, next thing im fighting some grubs, a few seconds later I open this door that leads outside, were there is an epic battle going on, Door opens and all I see at first is 3 Carmine's and one of their heads blowing up. I was like NOOOOOOO! Cause Carmine is my favorite character....
    ..anyways, so im taking cover and this big REAVER just lands on the ground infront of me, ****er is HUGE. Im rolling under his legs shooting his belly till it finally dies out.

    I got to a Cutscene after that and had to stop cause my lunch break was over :/

    This game is gonna own, I already know for a FACT!

    Who out there is getting it?
    What do you think about all the new stuff?

  2. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    Im getting it and i think all the new things in that game are just sexy.
    But i have a question, how did you get to play it? D=
    And is there anything thats really really oddly new that i should worry about?
  3. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    The entire game was leaked about a week ago online :D

    So far what I did notice is that Characters walk a bit slower than in part one. Even the roadie run, although still fast, felt a bit different.
    So far, I dont see anything "new" that you should be worried about, The controls are exactly the same, with extra features now, like hold A to pick up a body, or Crawl away. Stuff like that.
    Ill post more on it tomorrow if the guy brings it to work again, ima take my Memory Card and try to get me a quick achievement or two :D

    but other than that, everything is the same ol Gears of War you know and love. Im recommending it dude, dont Rent it, BUY IT.
  4. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    Pick up bodies????????? =D
    that sounds like fun. But im going to buy it no doubt about it, ima be in the line for however long it takes, if you get anything else on it please tell me.
    I want to get as excited as i can before it comes out. =D
  5. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Heck, i dont think I can last this long having actually played the game, I need my dose of Gears 2 NAO!
  6. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    Then i guess im lucky!
    At least your gonna play it tomorrow though, right??
    Ahhh lucky D=
    i want it now they need to speed up the release.
  7. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    I just **** my pants.
    No joke.

    You do not undertand how pumped I am. I am getting it the day it comes out, so you wan play wit me send me a friend request lol. anyone.

    I can't explain how pumped I am. It is going to be amazing. The remade levels have the same layout but look one thousand times better. I holy shitted at the new canals. I love how much color they added, and no weak visibility maps yet. Lancer is for noobs though lol. I own with the sniper so I hope they didn't change it. Legit.

    GT= Bloumbas
  8. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Oh I see, it was leaked. There's at least one video of part of the level you just described.
    I watched all of the action and skipped most of the cutscenes.


    One thing's for sure, it's going to be a great game. Lots of action.
    I think they set it up well for both new and old players.
  9. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    All this new stuff about gears 2 makes me want it more!!!!!
    Im getting it the day it comes out. WOOT. and you sir are SOO lucky you get to play it
  10. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Drawing when I get Gears 2 would you please invite me to Horde Mode games? We never talk anymore.
  11. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    My brother illegally downloaded it and played it. lolz seriusly, its awsome, and there are a few unusual things in it. But I am def getting when it comes out, and multiplayer, I don't know, I will try.
  12. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    fo show!
  13. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Damn u!!! *points*

    I still need to pre-order it. And whats up with that Golden Weapon ive been hearing about?
  14. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I really want to pre order, but idk. I'm hoping I get it for my birthday or christmas or something! The Avalanche level thing looks awesome (saw it on IGN).
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You lucky bastard. I'm really looking forward to this; it'll be the only thing to get me off of Halo for a while. I'd keep away from the achievements until it officially comes out, though. They may not be up yet, but even if they were xbox could ban your account. Be careful, I want to play this with you. :)
  16. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Wait...? gears of war 2 came out already? If it did, tell me the date it came out. I thought it would come out in November...
  17. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    It not coming out til November...
  18. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    it didnt come out yet, someone leaked it on the internet and he got to play it.
  19. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Oh...i wonder if GoW 2 will be as scary as the original. The original game had a couple of "WTF!!!" moments.
  20. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    It certainly did
    And I was playing with this guy on Gears and one of his friends was playing Gears 2 we were all flippin out haha

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