So most of you guys have seen the news post of the Friday Night Fight. First of all I would like to address that it will always be the Staff vs. [insert community team here]. So you can forget about having an FNF with your group against some other group, sorry. This is like the Bungie's Humpday. The date for the next one will be Friday, May 9th at 7:00 PM EST. Ok now for the good news. We will be letting everyone of you guys, yes you, the community to choose and create your teams. You can have a pick-up team, a group of friends or another community. You can post in this thread to create your teams or set up a thread in Off-Topic Chat. The leader of the group will contact me of their team once it is finalized. If not your team will not be noticed so be sure to do this. When you contact me you will have to format your team in the following way. If you do not meet the requirements then your team will be ignored until you do meet the requirements. No, you cannot have more players, this is a 4v4 match. The maps will be presented at a later date. Of course we will be picking which team we are going to play, so even if you are the first to assemble a team you are not going to be automatically in. Registrations will be closed on Wednesday 7th at 12:00 AM EST. Staff Team: Player 1: Grif, Grif Must Die, age private, proud owner of a DBS. Player 2: projectt2501, projectt2501, 17 Player 3: Asper49, Asper49, 14 Player 4: Soggy, Soggydoughnuts, 16 Back-up 1: TXGhost, xxTXGHOSTxx, 16 Have fun and let chaos rain down upon my message box. -TXGhost
Oh, thanks. That information is very helpful. Lol... Will it be possible to sign up for this? I want my informationz!
Sweet, I wanted to participate in this. Team Name: <Los Peces de Shlov> Players: Dom says Oi, Albyhouse, Mike N ACE 92, Running Chron. Player 1: Dom says Oi, Dom says Oi, 14 Player 2: Albyhouse>, Lol Zombie, 13 Player 3: Mike N ACE 92, Mike N ACE 92, 15 Player 4: Running Chron, Running Chron, 21 Back-up: forge hub name, xbl gamertag, age Back-up: forge hub name, xbl gamertag, age OKAY IT'S BETTER LOLZ
Can we make another thread requesting teammates, or do we need to do it privately? And can normal members have staff on their teams? (Like, can some staff not play on the staff team, but if they chose our team, they can???) [EDIT] Oh, that might not work out... is this setup just like a Bungie Humpday?
hey Dom, can I join your team? I don't have a team... :[ FH name: Zstrike13 GT: Zstrike13 Age: 14 PM or something... id love to join
Well ok no Staff now that you have forced me to it, and yes Insane I will push it a little earlier say around 7 PM EST. This has been edited into the main post.
ZOmg... I can't have a team now... I was planning on doing a Foundry 3D team, but that would require Projectt2501 (the co-founder, basically), who is part of the Event Staff. [EDIT] Whatever, I might as well make a team now and delete it later if I can't do it: Team Name: Foundry 3D Players: Player 1: xXmooregamesXx | xXmooregamesXx | * Player 2: Player 3: Player 4: Back-up: Back-up: *Is there a reason we have to say our age? If so, tell me, but if not, my age is private.
Hey Moore, I'd be willing to play on your team if we could make ourselves the 'Old Guys with No Official Status!' team, lol. That means you, me, Titmar, and Sarge.
Ooh, I'd love to see an 'old guys with no official status' versus staff game. Make it happen, people.
7 is still kinda early, I'd have about an hour. Could we go earlier, just for that day, if I'm in it?
I'll try to make it in on this if someone reminds me about it. Plus it'd most likely be a good idea to grab me early and have a few warmups first. Ty - s tygard55 - 20