The Official E3 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by chrstphrbrnnn, May 31, 2009.

  1. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure that was all CG, not actual gameplay.
  2. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    yea i know but even so it will still be awsome, it was just so well thought out come on your not sayin you dont like it are you?
  3. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    metroid fusion was probably the best nintendo game i have ever played
  4. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    nintendo 64 goldeneye beats all no matter what, all other nintendo games that is
  5. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Goldeneye was really good. That was the first FPS I played.

    They are giving a live demo of AC2 as I am typing this... it looks like a graphically reworked AC1, but it has a weird DaVinci style flying machine, which is unbelievably silly...
  6. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    FF win win win win.

    Sonys motion demo? Fail.

    Better than motion plus, fail compared to NATAL.
  7. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    IGN is doing their Halo 3 ODST interview live in less than ten minutes everyone!
    IGN E3 2009 Live Press Conference
    Don't be confused, right now their showing yesterday's gameplay demo in their standby. Check the schedule, it is at 1:30 PDT, 4:30 EST.
    #107 cakeChart, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  8. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Sony's press conference was very underwhelming. It started off with a pretty cool demo of Uncharted 2, which actually looked nice. It spiraled down with the already-leaked PSP Go, which isn't that great to begin with. MGS: Peace Walker looked cool. Final Fantasy VII for download is great. The Assassin's Creed 2 demo was really very silly with the DaVinci flying machine. I am not sure why they bothered showing FFXIV, they aren't even done with FFXIII yet... finish that first! The motion demo was so-so, doesn't even come close to NATAL. The Last Guardian was interesting, I'll have to wait for more info on that one. God of War III looked like a graphically-improved God of War II... nothing special.
  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Alright, the Sony E3 Presser has just ended. Now time for my thoughts on it all:

    Sony opened up right with a wonderful gaming intro/montage. This set the mood, really got us all excited. We already knew that Nintendo's Presser was never a contender against Microsoft, but Sony still had a chance. Now, going into this Presser I wanted to see 2 things. 1) An emphasis on the Exclusives PS3 has to offer. As a potential buyer, I want to see why I NEED a PS3 to play the games I want to. Multiplatformers won't do that for me. 2) A price drop. Money is tight right now, and if you want people to play your exclusives you need them to want to buy your console. It's a 1-2 punch. Hype up the exclusives, make people want to play them. Then drop a price drop bomb. But did Sony do this?

    Simple answer: No. From the start, Sony went with the attitude that "We have the most games to offer, on the best possible system", showing a majority of multiplatform games that I can just play on my Xbox. They further enunciated this by dropping some numbers and figures, with the constant "We are the best" line. There is a point where you need to accept the fact that you are at the bottom of the console wars Sony, and saying how you "deserve to be" on top is not helping your situation, or getting any of us to care. Then there was that PS Eye fiasco, but I won't get into that yet.

    Lots of montages and spiffy trailers. Lots of talking. Little focus on their exclusives. There was a point where the montages became too much, and even I was losing interest in it. We get it, there are a lot of [multiplatform] games. However, they showed an amazing gameplay demo of Uncharted 2. They also showed, and it pains me to say this, the world premiere of gameplay footage from Assassin's Creed 2. Last thing I need is for PSfans to rub this in my face saying "Ha, they chose Sony because Sony is better with controls and graphics." Graphics, maybe, but definitely not controls. They also demo'd God of War III, a truly beautiful game. I also cannot forget MAG, a game I want to see succeed because I've been dying for such a concept to be made. So 3 exclusives, and one game that is for both that everyone has been dying to see. Pretty good, pretty good. But that's about 15-20 minutes out of 2 hours. 2 hours of talking and showing off things that Xbox (even Nintendo at times) have. They did demo more though...

    PS Eye. The top secret motion tracking addon that was supposed to be the talk of E3. Supposed to be. Microsoft took that away with Natal, and the guys demonstrating noticed that. They kept saying "only a prototype" and lets face it, you only say that when you aren't confident. The whole presentation was embarrassing, from the clunky controls to the obnoxious PS3 Fanboy saying "THIS BEATS NATAL, THIS BEATS NATAL!" No. No it doesn't. The most you will probably make of the PS Eye is taking snap shots of your nuts, and sending them to all your PS3 friends with the tagline "Xb0x cAN SuCK mY........". Seems to capture your maturity guys, and Sony seems to capture your cocky attitude. Because the presenters decided to throw out some insults Microsofts way with things such as "We are the only to have actual footage showing us, because this isn't fake," and, "It takes buttons to play a game". As if to seal their fate, they then displayed a very ****ed up superimposed weapon thingy, of which they conjured up a gigantic sword that was forged in the very fires historic and ancient Japan, used to kill Giant Enemy Crabs.

    It was pathetic, to say the least. Yes, you got precision with a controller and a camera. Microsoft got precision with a camera, and twice the features. Also, at least theirs didn't seem like a prototype, though they are playing it off as being one. But hey, at least Sony beat Nintendo's Wii Motion Plus, right? Well, I am not so sure, because here's the deal. Wii ruined Nintendo for gamers, who is to say it won't do the same with Microsoft and Sony? When I think of Natal, I don't think of playing games that revolve around it. The most of Natal I want to see in a game is me actually speaking with NPC's in roleplay games, who can recognize me and respond to my emotions/facial expressions. I don't want to move or anything, I just want that in my game. Then there is scanning things in, navigating the menu and all that, most notably recognizing me and signing me into my profile. But I am done talking about this.

    PSP Go came about, which was somewhat cool. Gran Turismo will be having a game for PSP Go, and Hideo is creating Metal Gear Solid Peacekeeper, which seems to be screaming "4 person Co-Op!" However, any excitement I had was killed with the pricetag of $249. Ouch Sony, will you ever learn from over-pricing your ****? Again, I take this moment to go back to them showing off Mulitplatform games. Showed Final Fantasy 13, better graphics better experience, more expensive console. Great. But then they made an announcement that shocked everyone. Final Fantasy VIX? I call shenanagins. XIII isn't even coming out till 2010, and you're here saying "We have footage of 14!-and it's exclusive to Playstation!". What. The. ****. Sony. That was uncalled for. You have plenty of exclusives that gamers have been dying for you to show off, and you talk about a game that probably won't be out for 5 years? Microsoft wasn't even supposed to be toting around exclusives, and they did better coverage of the ones they had than you did. Seriously Sony, wtf?

    I know, I am forgetting a bunch, but by this time you probably feel like you read enough. I'm talking more than James Cameron did about 1000 foot tall trees. So I'll just cut to the chase: Microsoft won this E3. They had a good pace, they showed 10 exclusives and put an emphasis on the fact that "We have the games that you want to play, only on our console", the very strategy that Sony should have used. The released info on Natal, one of their best kept secrets that blew both Nintendo's and Sony's motion control out of the water. They were flashy, the kept away from talking, but most of all numbers and figures. We came to these conferences to hear about games, not how many copies sold in South Africa. Sony had a chance, they really did, but they failed to deliver on the 1-2 punch they possessed. Too little emphasis on their exclusives (without even showing most of them) and no price drop. In fact, they didn't even talk about a price for the PS3, they chose to leave it alone and hope we all forgot about it. Well I didn't, and all I can say is this. Sony, I really want to play all these exclusives you have, but I don't have the money or the information to be a confirmed buyer. Better off sticking with Xbox, because they have most of the games you have as well and I already own one of these. I would be a bad consumer if I didn't choose the cheaper system with more to offer. Goodbye and goodnight.
  10. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    H3:ODST interview with Joe Staten just ended. Joe himself confirmed Heretic to be a Midship remake! And as for the game, the interview made ODST looks to be even more promising than before.

    The next game is mysterious, as IGN's schedule says "Unannounced Microsoft Title"
    #110 cakeChart, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  11. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    i agree NATAL was much more advanced the motion demo doesnt even compare what so ever
  12. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    yeah i saw that on G4 yesteday that was awesome. Although all those cosplay people couldnt get any nerdier
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Just saw the Old Republic trailer,....and I'm truly speechless. One of the must fluent, defined, and inquisitive trailers to date. I can't remember my facts on the game itself, but wasn't it going to be an MMORPG, or will it make it way to the consoles with one contained version....or something along those lines. But that trailer commands me to share with my friends, and have hopes about the future of Star Wars, and games as a whole. Definitely Bioware's best product to date.

    Edit: Also, Chris, if you want I could create a list of new trailers, and announced games for you to put in the OP if you'd like.
  14. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    yeah its an MMO

    wow if third-partys can utilize this tech then the Wii is going down the drain.

    back to the drawing board nintendo...
  15. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    yea the wii is gone once this hits not doubt about that and i agree with the old republic that it is amazing but i mean sure it may be nerdy but still dont put aside the fact that its awsome
  16. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    The game looks awesome. Im just saying all those people who were dressed up on stage were nerdy
  17. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    are you sayin you didnt like the movie starwars of you dont like the people that acted in it because it seems lame or both?
  18. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Yeah sure if anyone wants something put in the op, send me a message
  19. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    well if you saw when they showed it in the E3 conference a bunch of dorks dressed up like jedis and sith went up on stage while the bioware and lucasarts dudes introduced the game.

    Love the movie. Even thoguh people are to embarassed to admit it, if you are white or have white parents or are stupid and have not watched star wars at some point of your life you need to get your ass kicked
    #119 Plan B, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  20. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    ok thank you for clearin that up it seemed as if you didnt like starwars and i absolutly loved it so yea but i do agree with your first statement.


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