Here, I'll basically just cover everything I await this E3 below (and yes, it is similarly styled to G4's E3 predictions. It's just a layout that works. 3 Anticipated Titles: 1. Mass Effect 2 I loved the first game to death, so much that I kept it a month past the day the rental was due. I never bothered owning it, though I always wanted to, but now with the 2nd game coming over the horizon I will make it a goal of mine to purchase this game. Why now? Besides price drops and used copies, the decisions you make in each Mass Effect of the trilogy is supposed to carry over. That means, screw over one dude in the first game, he'll remember it in the 2nd and might not be so obliged to help you with an important mission. That is, in my opinion, one of the largest selling points to this franchise. However, I hope to see a bit more done with the "offworlds". There were plenty of planets to "explore", but for the most part they were bland and boring. I'd gladly sacrifice most of them just so I can have thriving planets with more to do. Maybe certain planets are a city? And others detailed/unique terrain? I don't care, just so I don't have to drive around in a rover so much over annoyingly bumpy terrain. 2. Assassin's Creed 2 I liked this game, despite it's flaws. Shoot me. As I see it, in the first game Ubisoft spent most of it's time creating the free running mechanic. Now that they've aced it, and gotten fan feedback, the 2nd will focus on perfecting gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I loved the gameplay before and still managed to find ways to entertain myself with the repetitive missions, but in Game Informer's cover of Assassin's Creed 2, we got a good look at an array of interesting features. Also, I am really digging the time period/environments. Italy is beautiful, and the Renaissance is one of my favorite periods of history. Albeit, our new assassin stands out even more with all his sash and swagger, but you cannot deny that it looks awesome. What I am hoping for, ability to upgrade weapons, buy/sell stuff, bring the planning/assassination mechanic to smaller targets besides the 9 head guys, and make escaping more intense and more of a challenge than hiding in a bale of hay. 3. Alan Wake We all heard about this game a very long time ago, and really haven't seen much of it since. I am hoping to hear more about it this E3, because what I have seen so far really intrigues me. Playstation will have Heavy Rain, a game that has been gathering much media attention, and in my opinion Alan Wake can be its main competitor on the 360. But beyond that, it Alan Wake could mean a triumphant return to games that do not center itself on a shooting mechanic, let alone FPS. Beyond that, there isn't much to say about this game since knowledge on it is that limited. The Console Wars Microsoft: Please, for the love gaming, let the Motion Controller for Xbox 360 remain a rumor. However, it is more than likely not. Whether or not we'll see it this E3, I can't say, but it is a guarantee we will see the "Motion Flu" hit Microsoft and Sony. No one can deny Nintendo's success, but their success comes from mothers who buy their children little plastic play toys. The Wii has become the new "Family BoardGame night". I'm sorry, but leave gaming for the gamers, not soccer mom's who are for abstinence only classes. Besides that, Microsoft has been quiet. Too quiet. There hasn't been any big reveals or leaks, so what do we expect? Well, whatever it is it better be big, because if it isn't Microsoft will have to deal with sore ass fans, and PS3 fanboys who will make the one year Sony might just save it's pathetic ass bigger than it actually should be. So, here's to hoping for Elder Scrolls V. Sony: PS3 Slim, PSP go... Seriously, the only people who give a **** on the ones who still stand by Sony's side like obediant lap dogs. Whatever it is with Sony's fetish for "slim" products, that's not what is going to save them from their financial failure. We all know about the PS2 Slim, so there is no need to go into details about the PS3 Slim (if they do it... which I think is a fair bet). PSP Go, a worse PSP. It is slim, strike number one. Awkward button layout, strike number too. No disks but only games downloaded to the handheld's memory?- strike number 3. However, Sony is getting a solid game lineup of potentially heavy hitters: Uncharted 2, God of War 3, MAG, Rathchet and Clank Future, and other's I am just spacing out on. But will Sony emphasize on these games at all? In my opinion, they need to, so they can convince potential buyers that "You want a PS3, just for this game alone." If one game can do that, it is probably God of War 3. But let's face it, the PS3 is ****ing expensive. Sony needs to announce a price drop this E3, along with all it's exclusives. There are several games I am willing to buy a PS3 for, but in the end the thing is just too damn expensive. Nintendo: The N64 was my first ever gaming console, and I loved it. I still have it. However, as I said above, Nintendo basically slapped it's core base in the face and left to go play footsies with the soccer moms. An abused wife can only put up with so much before she gets a divorce, and to Nintendo's core fans, they are being pushed to that point. However, the Wii Motion Plus will be the emphasis this E3. They'll run their mouth about sales, how they are dominating the "gaming" world, blah blah blah, Motion Plus. When asked, they'll say what they've always been saying "Mario and Zelda are around the corner guys, now hop on this Wii Board for some Shawn White Snowboarding!" To be honest, I have little hope in Nintendo. Of the two things I think are destroying video games, Nintendo is one, and Activision is the other. Together, they'd probably destroy the world.
Yea hey announced legend of zelda spirit tracks look up the trailer its terrible. I hope nintendo has a real game to announce for the older ggroup of fans that have liked them since before the wii.
Spirit tracks is DS though.. I want my OOT style zelda...TP was clooooose...but just barely missed amazing zelda. Probably woulda been better for the GC
I'd like to hear more about the PS3 slim, seeing as how I am purchasing a PS3 in the coming weeks. However, nothing will come close to Mass Effect. I remember the Christmas I got it, I was sad because I would have preferred getting CoD4. After beating Mass Effect, I can definitely say I did NOT regret getting it that Christmas. Its such an amazing game and after reading the books I can faithfully say Bioware is going to kick in another amazing story for us. If you've read the books, then hopefully you're hyped like me to hear more about the collectors.
Apparently Microsoft requested that they have their conference start at an earlier time than originally planned. The extra time is supposed to be for a huge announcement that will take place at the end of their conference. What could this huge announcement be?
Hey chris, you should add in the OP that you can watch at here at IGN if you don't get the G4 channel, like myself. Also, Sweeny, I wouldn't say the new assassin looks out of place at all. I think he looks even more IN place, judging from his extremely renaissance looking attire. That's just me though.
I think this is what will happen due to the extended time Microsoft requested: The speaker for Microsoft addresses the crowd with a big grin and says, "It was a great time we had here this day, but before we go we have one more thing to show you." As he exits offstage the lights dim. Then, a giant green ! flashes on the huge LCD screen with the familiar "You've been spotted sound" as Hideo Kojima enters on stage, and announces that Metal Gear Solid 4 will be coming to Xbox 360. But not just Metal Gear Solid 4. No, the meaning behind the annoying teaser of a website that has been taunting gamers for weeks now will be revealed at Microsoft's press conference as Metal Gear Solid 5, instead of Sony's. PS3 fanboys receive the ***** slap of their life and although acting like total idiots (because they are most of the time), they have enough sense to know that the jig is up. Simultaneously they draw loaded guns, and waste themselves in unison. Sony goes on stage an puts alot of focus into the PSP Go and PSlim3. "Some men have a feet fetish. Others, a BDSM fetish. Here at Sony, we have a slim fetish, and we have just filled ourselves up with a double serving. We present to you the PSP Go! and PSlim 3! Oh, and we have some games coming out just for our system, which is a first and is absolutely amazing. So, we prepared for it and decided that as of 2010, Sony is going all Digital, and throwing disks in the trash. The internet is the future, and so is downloadable content. It may be true that our revenue has severely decreased due to lack of sales, but it also decreased because we paid off OnLive to not show up today." "Excuse me, but will we be seeing a price drop anytime soon for the PS3?" asks an anxious journalist. "No. But you will see one 9 months after the release of the PSlim3. Instead of a retail price of $550, the PSlim 3 will be available for $500." However, the only people who would even consider this "groundbreaking" and "a sure and decisive win for Sony at this E3" all now lie dead without heads, in their own blood. Amidst all the chaos, Nintendo moves forward as scheduled to a crowd of soccer moms and math teachers. An awkward lady gets on stage with an awkward celebrity and together they share an awkward moment of Wii Fit Plus with the new Motion Plus. However, drowning out all of the awkward laughter, the classical and not awkward Mario Theme is heard, as the lights shut off on the awkward performance and instead light up a Nintendo spokesperson. He announce a trip to the Old School with a new Mario adventure, calling it "Mario 64 with the benefits of technology from today." He says "But there is more!" And the lights dim as attention focuses on the LCD screen, which shows the first teaser for a new Zelda with undeniable qualities similar to Ocarina of Time. The awkward laughter has died down from the awkward mothers, as they look on with disgust. One even shouts "What about the Wii Fit?! or Wii Yoga?!" Just as Hiroshi Yamauchi dowses the Wii Fit in petrol gas, and ignites a match. He takes center stage and begins to address the new direction he is taking with his company. "The other night I was visited by 3 ghosts of Gaming Past, Present, and Future. After getting the life scared right out of me, I decided that I liked the past the way it was, so now we ARE going to address the core gamers, the ones that made Nintendo and myself what we are today. We've been shoving you aside in the past by saying "Mario and Zelda will be coming." But now, it is actually here!" However, the cheering of the Nintendo Fans cannot be heard past their monitors as they watch live coverage of the event. Instead, there is only silence from the mothers who realized that Friday Game Night will be seeing a return to LIFE the board game. Where are all the other journalists though? Well... Back at the Microsoft Conference.... Man, woman, and child all gaze on with glassy eyes at the giant LCD screen hanging above their heads. A storm is brewing... I'm talking about the storm brewing on screen. The storm that has been brewing at KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS "NEXT" for the past week. The screen fades to black as the lights fade on and Hideo says with a huge grin "Did you see that?!" Of course no one saw it, and the only one who did is having a seizure thanks to the lightning. Hideo exits stage as the Microsoft Rep comes back on and says "That is why we are the best gaming console around, have a great remainder of your E3" The end. (totally calling it)
Lol, Sweeny. Although that would be a very eventful E3, I highly doubt that most of that will happen. I do have a feeling that Microsoft is going to steal another PS3 Exclusive. That would just make me lol all day.
Holy ****! Sky-360 partnership. Facebook on 360. Stream shows, seemingly live. on 360! Twitter on 360. Not to mention the gameplay videos but damn... 360 seems to be getting a big upgrade in the next year. EDIT: Hideo mother ****ing Kojima just announced MGS on 360.
Okay I'm not pro-motion sensing...but NATAL blows Wii out of the water. Where is my ME2 and bethesda!!!!!
Mass Effect 2 will probably be at EAs press conference and Bethesda probably don't have anything exciting to say to be with Microsoft. Pic of games announced.
When they say the metal gear franchise, are we revisiting the older ones in the series on Xbox as well?
I think its just the new MGS starring Raiden for now, but they might port other ones based on sales at a later time... I am so excited for Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach!
If you look on IGN at the live video stream, it says that ME2 will be shown at the EA Press Conference beginning at 4:00 PDT.
Right when I get home , I'm watching the ME2 thing. Screw finals. Christopher, edit this into the op: E3 2009 Latest Highlights at GameSpot MGS on the xbox, Halo reach, L4D2, Crysis 2, the last thing I can be satisfied by is Mass Effect 2...