The Off Topic Section

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemihara, Sep 7, 2008.


How should the Off Topic section be fixed?

  1. Remove it.

  2. Moderate it more closely.

  3. Leave it as is. Smart people will just ignore it.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    There's currently an opinion held by some of the members of this community that the Off Topic section is going down the drain with a bag of flaming dog crap duct taped to its head. It has basically become just a spam/flame section of the board with little left to offset it. I'd like to see what the opinion of the community in general about how the Off Topic section should be fixed. Should it be removed entirely, moderated more closely, or just be left alone?
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    My position stands. It should be monitored much more strictly so it doesn't get fully out of hand.
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Let the admin decide. It is their site.
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    A lot of recent threads have been powered by ignorance and anger. I feel stronger moderation is what's needed.
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I really enjoyed the Off Topic section. I hope that it grows back to its former glory.

    We do have the power to report posts and we must realize rules are rules, and this is probably why it's being debated, no one wants to report broken rules in off topic.

    So let's start moderating away, make it a better place once again.
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I say leave it as it is... It's fun and stupid the way it is.

    Sure I won't tolerate Racism/Porn... Etc...
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I just want to know the user's personal opinions. This isn't a petition; this is simply just curiosity.
  8. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    All the Off topic section needs is a little good ol fashioned moderating. The off topic is mainly used for just saying whats on your mind at the moment. If Off Topic was taken off, we'ed have to post in general chat and other sections were posts count, preety soon, without the off topic section, alot of people would become bored, and countless many will have warnings and infractions up the ass. So all off topic needs is a little loving from the admins and mods more often, set some people straight.
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I said this to thesilencebroken and I thought I'd repeat it.

    Right now I see this little uproar that's going on as someone dancing and teasing one of those british guards, eventually their patience will wear thin and a stronng might punch will be layeth upon their face. At that point they'll scream what was that for but before being able to finish their question their face shall be kicked in.

    If and when TDF comes back, I doubt he'll be pleased.
  10. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    I really can't come up with a decision. And I'll tell you why:

    Decision 1: Delete It-
    I probably like this one the least. I really have enjoyed several off topic threads. It allows me to stay up all night and not be incredibly bored. And also, when there is a good discussion that really isn't serious or belong anywhere else, Off Topic is a great place for it to be.

    Decision 2: Moderate It-
    The reason I don't like this is because it's a stupid idea. Sorry, but having mods monitor crap is stupid. Especially after Shock's post about keeping the map forums in line, and how the moderators would have to spend more time in the map forums. I mean moderating it harder is useless. Spam will be spam. And as long as posts don't count, there will be spam. And the mods and staff shouldn't have to even venture in there if they don't feel like it.

    Decision 3: Leave It-
    See I like the principle of this idea, of keeping Off Topic intact as much as possible, but anyone can see that something must be done. What that something is, I don't really know. I'm sure someone smarter than me could find a solution, but I can't. Not sure what should be done, but none of these options are quite right.

    Perhaps you could have Off Topic post count. A separate post count that only shows up on your little info side bar on posts in off topic. It has no affect on rank, but it allows it so that the posts actually matter to some extent, so that spam could be stamped out.

    I know I said I couldn't think of any ideas and just hucked one at you, but it's just because I'm inconsistent and that's a bad idea anyways.
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Honestly, Off Topic is Off Topic.

    Posts don't count, rules are slorta looked at differently in there. Admins and Mods were double posting in the Countdown thread, often triple posting and laughing at the fact that they did.

    But seriously, who cares if they did? No post count was recorded, no body was injured or hurt, emotional scarring did not occur. The only reason for the double post rule is to make threads look cleaner and more presentable. But what's the need for that in the Off Topic section? Off Topic is basically the Punk kids Junk Yard where they all hang out and **** around with no cops in sight. Who cares if a little rule is broken here and there.

    If anyone truly cares then they can report it. Sure people don't report posts often but that's because you give them no insentive to. Perhaps give some kind of reward to a report that pays out. But seriously, removing a whole section because of a bit of spam in a section that has no post counts? Why is it such a big deal? How is it really effecting you people?

    Let Off Topic be Off Topic, like it is at every other forum I have ever seen. The junk section for messing around, with a +0 post count. It's not that big of a deal. Why make it one.
    Mastar likes this.
  12. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    How about everybody go outside, get some fresh air and exercise. Maybe a tan.
    And perhaps friends you can hang out with outside of your masturbating closet?
  13. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Horrible idea.

    Basically at this point the only people who report are obnoxious kids who want mod and loyal. I'm not saying I haven't reported, but I do it only after several warnings (depending on how new they are).

    If you add incentive, you gain a lot more members doing it. That includes noobs who don't know how to use it and several members who will abuse the system.

    Reporting shouldn't have any reward at all. And you really should warn new members first before reporting them. I remember when I first started I wanted to leave because I got an infraction and was confused and asked for help and no one would. I mean we should help out members and the staff, and not because we'll get some reward or be that much closer to mod/loyal, but maybe to clean up the site a bit. That shouldn't be the mods job alone, since really their not the ones tossing out the spam and double posts and other infractions of the rules.

    And besides the Reported Posts thing is filled up all the time as is, or so I've been told.
  14. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    That's all well and good, but the rest of my post was the main focus.
  15. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    i know and i think that that was good and i agreed. but the part of the post i had a problem with i addressed.
  16. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    well.... all members who have been main offenders over the past weeks can be given one day bans, (as you would give a child a smack for doing something naughty)

    that might make people wake up to the fact that its not OK to treat the Off-Topic section like a toilet. Shocking them into submission.

    Well... that was actually a pretty stupid idea. But I can post it anyway because its Off Topic.

    Anyways.. I would like the off topic section to stay. I want it to be like it used to be way back at the start of the year. Those were the days.
    Reynbow likes this.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Suggested rules:

    1. DQ is more heavily monitored(Most of his threads are just an old pic).
    2. ANY threads that are just a pic are deleted and the creator infracted.
    3. No post consisting of "fillr, nou, lol(and variations there of).
    4. The off-topic forum is not for you to ***** about the mods.
    5. Have conversations in your visitor messages.
    6. More moderation in general.
    7. If the countdown thread is unlocked, don't post when you woke up/going to bed/or doing homework.
    That is just IMO.
  18. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    I think deleting it is stupid, there is gonna be more spam in other sections and profiles are gonna be used excessively. Mods watching it is stupid with all the spam. And leaving it as it is is probably the smartest idea so far. But they should up the amount of letters you have to put at a minimum, I know for groups you have to put at least four letters and that is kinda low.
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Off Topic Section is like the stock market.

    There are constant fluctuations and recessions of stupid.

    It's just the way of the world.
  20. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    You just had to base that around me didn't you? The off topic forum is a spam forum. Only the other rules should be in effect (racism, flaming, necro posting, ect.)

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