Sandbox The Octagon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Minime637, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    Yes, this is the Octagon on Sandbox. I am unaware if it has been remade yet on Sandbox, but this is my Octagon. This is a remake of the wonderfull and very popular free for all arena, Octagon V5 on Foundary. I have been working on this for a little while and it is finally complete.

    Fight under the starry sky in this ideal FFA and warm-up arena. Octagon is a small-medium sized map with the basic idea of funn, silly, and crazy warm-up games and FFA games. I am a huge huge fan of the Octagon on Foundary, and i wanted the people with Mythic to experience the same fun as on Foundary. Ocatagon is best played with FFA Snipes, a gametype made by EW Snip3down which allows players to respawn instantly and puts there BR ans Sniper skills to the test. It is also very good to play Octagon with Fiesta Slayer, a FFA random weapons, first to 100 gametype. This gametype is for the crazy FFA shenanegins Halo 3 provides so well.

    Here is the link to the map ---> : Halo 3 File Details

    Here is a link to Fiesta Slayer ---> : Halo 3 File Details

    And now for some screenshots that show off the map. I do not have and action shots because i thought it to be uneccesary and i only saved picture from my V1 of Octagon.

    This is a birds eye view of the arena.

    Here is a closer shot of the arena.

    One of 2 Red Sides.

    One of 2 Blue Sides.

    I hope you all enjoy this map, if there are any tips or suggestions or anything at all that should go into a V3 if there needs to be a V3 please tell me.

  2. pablomeister

    pablomeister Ancient
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    nice remake, ive never played on the foundry version but it sounds good. sadly this map just doesnt appeal to me since i usually play a game of social slayer to warm up. the map looks well forged but it also looks a little bland. maybe try adding interlocked walls into the floor for slight cover and movable objects, that might ruin the gameplay you were going for though, overall i think people will like this as a warmup map.
  3. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Probably should not have made the floor by yourself... this will be extremely bumpy. Also, this has already been remade a few times.
  4. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Looks Great. I needed a very basic arena. There's lots you can do with something like this. You've got my download.
  5. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    I remember this is foundry. Maybe roof it up in a dome shaped fashion and make it like a dome, then we can play bull, just like in foundry.
  6. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I play on the Octagon on Foundry all the time. This one seems bigger and maybe nicer except for the fact of the hand-built ground which could affect gameplay. I think you should put a ceiling on it. It seems nicer that way when playing inside to me.
  7. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    Okay so from what I have read I think I am going to put a dome shaped ceiling on it, I left it open just cause. I will also interlock the entire floor so that it will have no bumps at all, I have noticed a few very bumpy spots on this map so I will get to interlocking. Also I may or may not add to it to create a good bull arena because that infection gametype is great unless someone else wants to add that to this map. If you do feel free to do so just give me credit.
    I'll be back soon with a V3
  8. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    Have you no idea what the octagon is? There isn't supposed to be cover!

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