The Ocho

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by NYYanks33, Jan 24, 2009.



  1. Feature

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  2. Great

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  3. Good

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  4. Wait Till I Try It Out

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    2 vote(s)
  1. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a Medium sized Symetrical map that supports all gametypes but Bomb & Infection.

    BR ~ 11
    Shotgun ~ 1
    Sniper ~ 1
    Plasma Pistol ~ 2
    Rocket ~ 1

    Frag ~ 12
    Plasma ~ 8

    [​IMG]Red Base
    [​IMG]Blue Base
    [​IMG]Red Side Backlot
    [​IMG]Blue Side Blacklot
    [​IMG]Bottom Blue Room
    [​IMG]Top Blue Room
    [​IMG]Bottom Center

    I know that from the pics the map doesnt look that good but trust me if you can see the places not on the pics.You will be amazed.

    DL Link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 NYYanks33, Jan 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2009
  2. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    wow, good job, i like the big "O" in the middle, 5/5
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why would you tell us that there is more amazing stuff outside the pics? wouldnt it make more sense to take ics of the good stuff?
    also some of the pics look like you rushed because the interlocking is sloppy in some areas.
    3/5 and for v2 fix some interlocks and take out a couple br's
  4. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    eh, is the title of the thread what the title of the map is? if not, den u goin to get locked.. just a tip.. looks good though seems like not much cover or ways to get up to the top level...
  5. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Overall this is a great map but, I would suggest removing some brs and adding in a couple of SMGs and another sniper for symmetrical games. 4.3/5
  6. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can't see what people don't like about this map- Interlox show in the pics and it's quaint/small bases give out very nice and clean structure which just adds to gameplay!
    I hope to see more from such a great forger as you! 4.5/5
    Keep it up!

  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I dont see why it cant support bomb but whatever. Id give it a 4/5. I little sloppy here and there but good overall.
  8. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    THis seems like a really great map. It could use some tuning up to make it smoother in a few places but other than that it looks like a good map. 4/5
  9. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks very good ^^ I think you could possably put bomb gametype in there...
  10. Bleet Tameheart

    Bleet Tameheart Ancient
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    Well, I did a fairly long forgethrough of this...

    I did generally like the map as a whole (pun not intended), but there were just a couple of minor things that did irk me just a little. They're little things, and nothing that would cause enough for a full on v2, but if you're going to be releasing a vX.1, then maybe you should consider these:

    First of all, I really didn't like the bridges in the center of the O, surrounding the shield door. It seems too easy for you to fall in, and the only possible escape is to jump through the center. I would rather see either the entire center of the O turned into shield doors (if it can be done beautifully, that is), or, barring that, raise the bridges and the shield door so that way, if you fall in, you can jump back out.

    Second of all, I didn't realize at all that there was an area where the mancannons are. I thought it was blocked off entirely. Maybe you should try to find some sort of way to point that out, both on the top floor, and on the bottom (say, for instance: interlocked teleporters, custom powerup, etc...). That way, it'll show that there's something important there.

    Also, on the topic of the mancannons, I've had a little problem with it. It might have just been me, but I seem to end up on a loop temperarely, where I hit the lift, hit the thing that's supposed to ricochet me onto the second floor, and fall back into the lift, which sends me back up to the... etc, etc, etc. Maybe you could include a grav lift, so that way, it will push you out, rather then rely on the signs pushing you...

    And another minor quibble with that area around the mancannon... When you're on the second floor, you're pretty much hosed if you get engaged by someone on the O itself, with no real means of escape. If it were possible, I would like to see one or two holes in that room on the second floor to drop you down back to the first, or some other alternate routes. That way, you're not forced to go toward the enemy to get away from him.

    Another minor quibble of mine is that the fence walls laying on top of the L walls by each base are raised a little bit, which makes walking onto them a little troublesome. It's not a big thing, but if you want to go for perfection, maybe you could interlock it into the corner wall below, so that way, there's no little bump when you walk onto it. It's certainly no big deal, but I'd like to point it out.

    Also, it may have just been me, but it seems that the area toward the top of foundry (near the back hallway) was rushed, or you just ran out of materials. Granted, what you do have there is decent enough, but if it was possible, either blockade it off (which sounds doubtful), or put some use back there (such as, say, with tele's on the back platform to keep the action going).

    And also, in the back area, the walls geomerged to be a ramp (notably Blue side, but possibly red) are a little crooked. Again, it's nothing big, probably wouldn't notice it if you didn't look, but it's there. Also, on a related note, see if it's possible to geomerge that wall further into the central wall that's part of Foundry, so it doesn't stick out quite as much.

    Now then, with all of that being said, I did like the map overall. Nice touch on the center O, as many people have already said. Also, I did like the crate + barrel barrier that you had there, along with the geomerged weapon holder with the RL. I didn't notice anything significantly wrong with the weapon setup, but there might be something that I'm not seeing with a simple forgethrough... possibly a lack of close range weapons, for instance.

    This map could be improved with a few little tweaks here or there, but in it's current state, it's still a great map.
  11. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the tips and YES, a V2 of this will be released very soon.
  12. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    V2 will be released Saturday.

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