The Oblivion A strange contrast to the Beatiful watherfall and the hopes of the prisoner Download Map Download Gametype Description: This is my first prisonmap so criticism wantet The target of the prisoner is to come to the teleporter that bring them to ransom... Ideal Player limit is 8 player (2 guards and 6 prisoner) Have fun^^ (lil note: Gramar could be bad because im from germany and its difficult to write something like this thanks)
Hey, your map looks nice for a first-time prison map, but looks breakable over the cells. Anyways, I am from Germany, too! Maybe you would like to forge with me a bit. Toll; der dritte Deutsche in FH! BTW: Watherfall-ohne h...
i really like that the prisons are up high, this can produce hilarious moments when they jump "to their death", but its not that deep, make it larger, but keep it relatively similar
looks like a cool map - like the water effect but maybe you could do some more morfing keep trying with your maps cos you have shown that you are good at making them. 7/10 looks terrific, and I love it, but it looks very, very similar to an old prison break map, but with a waterfall, and some other stuff, and some neatenss, and some deliciousness. anyway, it looks great. 4/5.
Looks pretty good, but i would like to see some more pics to get a better idea of the map. What happens when robbers escape? Where in the facility can you go?
this is pretty good for a first time prison map... nice job i see some interlocking... but i would like more plays better looks better and u can make things how u want... not sure i get the ransom part... but at least the post was to standards rofl.. nice job looks fun would dl but over limit...
Out of the cells and jump off, nice job for your first prison map this looks really fun to play on. Also I like the waterfall adds a nice aesthetic feature
I really like your map. It is not amazing, but it is still very good, especially for a first try. I look foreward to seeing what maps you will create in the future! Ich mag wirklich Ihre Höhe (your level). Es überrascht nicht, aber es ist noch sehr gut, besonders für einen ersten Versuch. Ich betrachte wird schaffen foreward zu Sehen, was Sie aufzeichnen, in Zukunft! Bear in mind, I did use, but I felt the need to at least TRY to be accomadating.
Wow. I'm impressed. You show a great understanding of advanced forging techniques. You actually nailed the waterfall as well, yours looks pretty realistic. I can't give this a full review because I don't have my xbox, but I can say I like what I see and I hope to see more from you in the future.
Thanks for the good rep I try to make better maps like those and another thanks to the usefull citic thanks for translating^^ (but it sounds horrible in German XD)
waterfall looks realy impressive and i think this map is one of the best ive seen in my personal opinion at least the best prison map ive seen. . . - ToXiiCz