You have to watch the whole video....Id say hes better than Numa Numa
Nah, numa numa is so much catchier. The kid, well I think he's a lot older than what he looks like, is goofy. But, it doesn't beat numa numa.
He looks really young...but he has a mustache and that crazy hair... So confused. This is the guy's youtube page: YouTube - BeenerKeeKee1995's Channel His myspace: KeenanCahill on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads He's 15. Oh, and he has a video him dancing to Numa Numa
Ok I’m going to ramble. People like this really get me, I don’t know exactly what it is but I just find it difficult to tease or make fun of them. It’s not so much guilt, but, they themselves. It happened quite a bit, for instance I’m pretty skinny, 5'10 and 140 lbs, and the other day I walk into McDonalds and I see a content old man sitting in the corner eating a bunch of breakfast food. I’m thinking, "wow, what a ****tard" or something along those lines, but then a minute later it changes. I don’t know if something happened to this man, or his life changed drastically so i find it hard to make fun of them. "What if he really can’t help being obese or something terrible happened to him?" I want to call this kid weird as ****, and say he needs to grow a pair. But what would i say to myself if he then came out and said “blah blah, my father just died, and this is how I get my emotions out" Then I’d feel like a total ****. I don’t know exactly how to put what I’m trying to say in words.
I know exactly what you mean, bro. There are some people you can make fun of and there are some you can't. There's no rhyme or reason to it, it's just a feeling in your gut.
wow such a deep conversation from such a silly video....No but seriously...I know what you mean...the thing you have to remember is...this is the internet...your never gonna see the kid...what he doesn't know cant hurt him. thats what i think about....
Has it ever crossed anyones mind that he is a mature midget (not being derogatory). It can explain the facial hair and... i don't even know.
He looks like a 9 year old ginger kid with a bumfluff moustache... When you get a kid trash talking in Halo 3 MM, imagine that the guiy on the other end is this kid, and it won't get you down lol. Nice vid though, I guess...
The key is to be heartless & remain on the internet where you can constantly belittle others, while remaining completely anonymous. Practice this, and you'll have approximately 5 people kill themselves by the end of the year. Remember, heartless.