The game is supposed to be stealthy, Viet. That is why the the 2 main guns in the game are suppressed. Seriously, I hate the BR as I said before. I don't mind the carbine being ingame but no BR.
It looks like the SMG has transformed somewhat, when we consider in halo 1 & 2 you would aim at the floor and by the time the magazine is depleted, you're leaning backwards with your gun in the air from the unbelievable recoil. Now, this is a stealthy, accurate weapon, which looks relatively easy to control. It'll be interesting to compare which is 'the best'.
The BR os still going to be in the mulitplayer. It's the same exact multiplayer as Halo 3 its just on a seperate disc.
ODST's cannot dual wield any weapons. SPARTANs could only use two guns at once with the aid of the aiming systems in their armor.
Am I the only one who thinks the ODST pistol is now a carbine? Watch gameplay vids and see what I mean.. Anyway; I think I prefer this (SMG) to the assault rifle. Even with the recoil.
No these pistols are much faster (thus calling them the Auto-Magnum) I also believe that they are stronger. Also (OP) are you sure that it fires 900 rounds per minute? That is 15 rounds per second. 4 seconds of holding the trigger to waste an entire clip?