First off I would like to say this is NOT spam. I'm not trying to advertise the programme in any way. Okay. So the shoutbox is dead, I have a solution. BR Chat Its a chat programme from some crappy game multiplayer game. I have created a ForgeHub clan/channel within the chat programme. (The mods/"coloured folk" can create their own "VIP" channel if they want) unfortunately you can't download the chat programme individually, so you have to download both the game and the chat programme. Here is the download BRchat/Uniball here is the homepage: (NOT advertising, educating so you can give a background check if you are paranoid) 1.Download 2.Install 3.Open BR Chat 4.Enter a name and password (yes its secure) 5.type "/join forgehub" 6.Press Enter 7.Talk to your ForgeHub buddies BR stands for ByteRyder not Battle Rifle ;[ Hope this helps. There is probably another solution thats easier lol EDIT:Fixed the link
Or...You could just use the IRC and achieve the same thing. BTW, your link to that uniball site is broken.
It's just typing... If you're using Firefox download this Add-On Then just put this in the address bar to open the ForgeIRC irc://