The Neverlands

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by SpartanPeter, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Act 1 : The Neverlands
    (10 - 16 Players)

    Hello everyone, I am SpartanPeter and i am here to present the first act of my campaign series, Act 1 : The Neverlands
    There is an whole story happening behind this, and you are in the middle of it. But.. that is not somenthing for now, im just showing a preview of this. (It will also explain the name)

    This is not an infection campaign, but this map is made.. for infection. What i mean by that is that not all the maps i will be making, will be for infection, this event also has some invasion actions, and anthing else, i have
    Im posting this because.. i need some feedback, just from the pictures and an weapon list, so i hope you can take a good look at the pictures and the weapon list!
    Here is the weapons list :

    1 x Needle rifle - 0 clips (danger°)
    1 x Plasma grenade
    3 x AR - 1 clips
    2 x Shotgun - 0 clips
    2 x DMR - 0 clips
    2 x AR - 2 clips
    1 x Turret
    1 x Grenade launcher - 3 clips
    1 x Grenade launcher - 2 clips
    1 x Sniper rifle - 0 clips
    1 x Magnum - 1 clip (hidden*)
    1 x Rocket launcher - 0 clips (hidden*)
    * These are hidden, and you have to look better, to find those
    ° This weapon, in combination with the plasma grenade is hard to get, it right next to the flood spreading zone..

    Most of you will be stuck in the lift and have to get out, you have to jump unto the top of the lift, and make your way into the vents. You,ve got some crew members who are covering you, at the elevator doors. The flood assault has begun into the vents, and is spreading all over the ship, you have to get out.

    The flood starts in the vents, and they got 4 different teleporters to spread themselves all over the map. You have to make it till the end, and take every weaponary you can find. It is free roam, you dont wait to progress, so you can always go back.. but work together!

    My budget has 175$ Forge Dollars left, so thats not very much. But please feel free to say anything about that, delete some uneccesary stuff etc. Besides that, any advice is welcome.
    So now the most important thing, the pictures! :)


    The lift, its stuck at that level and you have to get you and your men out, the cable isnt going to hold long anymore.


    The upper part of the lift, find an exit.


    The vents, you have to move fast because the flood.. are just around the corner.


    The flood spawn, in the vents.


    The lift lobby, the room the lift was supposed to go to.


    The hallway, there is an sniper rifle located there.


    Different view of the hallway, showing the second flood location.


    The small cantine, several weapons have been dropped by the crew.


    The staircase, go all the way down, to the cargo bay.


    The ship keeps getting more and more damaged, but keep moving,there is no stopping it


    The room before the cargo bay.


    The cargo bay, holdout here till the time is over..


    The crew has moved on.. but their weapons have not, put them to good use.

    Ok guys, thats about it, i worked very hard on this map (Like everyone here does :)So please give some feedback about the map.

    Its an free roam map, so you can always go back and forth, but work as an team.
    Let me know what you guys think :) Did i do good, or very bad :( Tell me!

    PS : I will answer ANY question (about the map/ me :)

    Update : Made a few changes wich include :

    - An shot gun with 0 spare clips in the lift, the one who takes it, takes the most responsibilty for the team because its hard to get out of an lift when zombies are chasing you, and the AR,s wont help THAT much.
    - Decided to slower the movement, and changed the last man standing in an absolute hero : More damage, Overshielded, Faster etc.
    - Magnum is reduced to 0 clips, and is laying on the one of the tables in the cantine, the sniper has taken its place as "Hidden"
    - Name change : The Neverlands
    I will post an link of the map for you to take a look, it would mean much to me if you could take a look :)!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0

    PS : I Really need some more feedback on the map, and it still has to be tested.

    - SpartanPeter
    #1 SpartanPeter, Sep 2, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2012
  2. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    This map looks good, I would upload it but I for one am not sure how to log on the waypoint fully and for two may struggle getting a group together, especially since Halo 4s coming up, the only problem I can notice is with some of the weapons. Firstly, I'd personally think that it's not worth hiding the magnum, so either place it somewhere more noticeable or get rid of it, I'm not sure if it can be powerful or not with the game type, so may I ask what sort of stats the zombies and humans, and guns have? Depending on the zombies I don't think the SR should be placed where it is, so either pull it back to another area, or you can hide it in place of the magnum. And can I ask if that hallway with the SR is the only one to the next area? If so, it may be worth having another one.

    Besides that, the map looks very good, good job!

    Oh and why did you call the map Battle of the Bishops? Is it some involvement of CPUed zombie in the acts?
    #2 StolenMadWolf, Sep 3, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2012
  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Thanks this really helps, i think i will take your advice and remove the magnum there, because i think it will be overpowered against the infected, and place the SR in that place. There is another hallway to the staircase, but that one is very, very short. And im working out the gametype right now, so the gametype is not complete yet, it involves some testing :)
    And lastly, there is an reason for the name : This has indeed some involvement in the acts, looong story short : It is an battle between the Flood, covenant and us the humans. It is an battle between the three most know in the halo universe, so i saw it like an important battle (it has an much bigger story, but if i explain that here, the whole reply would be longer then the thread :p) What do you think of the name? And i saw you also posted an preview? I will be looking at it right away
  4. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    so far the map looks good, but before you post the actual thread, make sure to put in more cover, to give less los and more aesthetics.
  5. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Thank you :)
    Can you tell me where i need to put more cover? Oh and i will not post this THAT soon, maybe 2 weeks estimated, i still have to find people to test but that is not the problem at all, i have school again :p
    So not that soon, i have some things to change, i dont know if the lift idea will work, but i will test that.
    #5 SpartanPeter, Sep 4, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012

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