The Mummy V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ix Massacre xxI, May 31, 2009.

  1. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    (Go to the bottom for Changes)
    The Story
    Okay the story for this map is not very original. A group of
    archeologists came to this desert looking for an acient burial site. This site was supposed to have great riches. Well they found the site and discovered imedeatly that there were no treasures, but they did find a grand throne with a glowing orb (oh and of course some dead bodies). After studying the orb the found an inscription on a panel next to it. It read "So who ever touches the great power will forever be cursed!" Oh course being the fools that they were, they tried to take it. When they did a voice from nowhere said to run or be cursed, and all but one fled to the saftey of the house. The one who stayed took a transformation from living to the living dead. His goal now is devour the corpses of the ones who left him...

    This map as you can tell is a map at which you try to survive if your the humans. There is a gametype and it is called "The Curse". The zombies are black and the alpha zombie is white with oversheilds. They both are on insta' kill. The map is on sandbox and the towers are blocked so you can have a very open game. There are only two
    vehicles, one is a Gauss warthog and the other is a hidden banshee in the crypt part. The banshee is just an extra that I put in to make things intresting in the small place. Enough talking about it let me show you...

    These pics are labled from the top just so you don't get them confused. : )

    This is where the Zombie spawns and it is also where the Throne with the orb is.

    This is a picture of the Throne.

    There are places like these (below) that are there just in case the humans decide to camp in the burial camber the will spawn by these, theres a bunch.

    Now where the humans is outside of the house right by the stairs. This also the house.

    There are three parts to the house, the garden, the bedroom and the inside you see here.

    In the main room you can go down the stairs, on the right as you come in, to go to the basement level. In the basement level there is one of two look out points as you see here.

    This is the other look out point thats outside...

    Now you go through a tele porter that takes you to the garden area. (this tele is in the basment)

    This is the garden area. I call it the garden because its all green from the upside down golf things. There is also a brute shot in here.

    This is the tele to take you into the bedroom area.

    This is the bed room with the top off and the red light gone. In here there is a flare and a trip mine. (look in weapon list) I have fixed the gaps between the floor and the ceiling.

    This is the escape vehicle for the humans (or the alpha zombie). Spawns in 150 sec.

    Well thats it for the pics but if you couldn't see there are openins in the ceiling for the zombies to get in there are two you'll fid them.

    Weapons List
    There are nine diffrent weapons that the humans have at their disposal.

    Number of item - item name - spawn time

    1-Battle Rifle-45
    1-Sniper Rifle-120
    1-fire bomb-60
    1-brute shot-90

    1-Grav Hammer-180

    Things I have added or Changed

    I have added a new filter (juicey) and new artifacts that are uncovered throughout the game.The first one appears after 20sec...

    Here is the second artifact appears after 45sec...

    This is the new radio station with 2 fusion coils and a carbine...

    This is the last stand box which spawns over some respawn points (so when the humans get betrayed they are now sent in the house). Also spawns in 150sec...

    One other change was I took the light in the "Garden" and replaced it with a kill ball (tell me if I need to raise it)...

    Thats it for this map and please leave constructive critisim only. Rate, commment, and enjoy thanks.

    Attention: Must have gametype! (gametype is new)

    Here is the NEW map--> Here

    And the NEW gametype--> Here

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a decent map at first look at the pics, but I would have to dl it and check it out myself. Im not saying that it is bad, just somewhere in between great and above average. 4/5 based on the pictures.

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