The Movie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I've seen 127 Hours but not Buried. I happen to agree with you about its script though, and the graphic scene really had my blood running cold.

    Fight Club...damn...that's as original and as engaging a movie can get. I have to watch it again some time soon.

    Also, watched Lost in Translation last night.

    It's not the most entertaining or especially fast movie out there, but I absolutely loved the story and how much of an impact it made on me. Good watch.
  2. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Lately I've been watching a lot of older movies for the first time like Forest Gump and LA Confidential, and The Sixth Sense was the most recent one I watched, which was pretty damn good. Makes me wonder why Shyamalan's more recent movies suck so bad.
  3. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Older movies?
  4. Spawn of Saltine

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    Alrighty...I watched Sucker Punch tonight and holy **** that was not what I expected. If you've seen the trailers don't believe them!

    The premise of the movie is about a girl (baby doll) who got framed for her sisters murder and gets sent to an insane asylum. The guy who runs it does very nasty and backdoors type things. The main attraction he offers is a whorehouse. All of the ladies are his slaves. Every girl has to do a 'dance' for the audience to please them and earn this guy his money. Baby Doll is a special dancer and really earns this guy big bucks. Everytime baby doll starts dancing she imagines herself in a dream world (what you see in the movie trailers) where she and her dancer friends are kicking the **** out of mystical creatures. Baby doll and her friends want to plot to escape from the whorehouse and find 'freedom.' The only way for them to get this freedom is from Baby doll dancing for people and putting them in a weird daze where they can't take their eyes off of her.

    The fact that the movie takes place in a whorehouse is very odd, but whenever the movie switches into Baby doll's ****ed up fantasy dreams things get really awesome. The visual effects are un matched. You can mash 300 with Avatar and you've got the visual effects of this movie. There's no sex or nudity which is slightly strange considering that is what baby doll is forced into.

    Overall this is surprisingly one of my favorite movies. It will definitely be one of my top 5 this year. Well worth the watch.
    #124 Spawn of Saltine, Apr 1, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
  5. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    It was my understanding that the brothel was also her imagination. Hence the dramatic change in scenery, including Blue getting that ugly mustache in the brothel and not having it in the asylum. So really, she was only ever put into an asylum, then she imagined a brothel and all the fight scenes.

    During the film, I thought it was all a kind of "escape from reality" thing that she was doing, but the bus driver at the end being in her imagination in the fight scenes changed that. I think this was all her fantasy recollection of the events after the lobotomy happened.

    Edit: Also, the stepfather's brothel role of "Father" seemed to be some exaggeration by Babydoll, a role that personifies the greed and selfishness that the stepfather in reality portrayed.

    Edit2: And the Highroller. The Highroller is the same person as the Doctor that gives the lobotomy- the Highroller is the brothel fantasy version of the Doctor. So yes, I'm convinced that the Brothel was part of her imagination as well.

    It's also been suggested that the opening scenes were her imagination as well, but those seem plausible as reality.
    #125 trunksbomb, Apr 2, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2011
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Some of the things i have watched lately (that i haven't seen you speak of);

    Chronicles of Riddick extended edition - Adds an extra 10-20 mins on the film, pushing runtime up to 2:12. These are mostly completely new scenes that give loads of new depth to characters and provide a roundedness to the story. I really like the Riddick films, despite them being immature or cliché at times.

    Letters from Iwo Jima - Like CoR above, i have seen this before when it was released. However that was a long time ago and i wanted to be re-engaged with what happens. This is one of my favourite films, and i think it is because it is essentially American stylization of a Japanese story. It boasts some impressive poetic irony that seals the deal for me. I would recommend this to anyone capable of watching an (almost) entirely subtitled film.

    The Way Back - I really looked forward to seeing this, mainly because Ed Harris stars in it and i love practically all of his films. I wan't disappointed at all. I found the story endlessly engaging due to it's historical and exhilarating ties. Also there were a whole bunch of performances i thought were fantastically compelling and provocative, namely Mark Strong and.... Ed Harris!

    Couple of things i can't be arsed to talk about; 127 Hours, Battle; LA, Inside Man, Man on Fire.
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I just saw The Adjustment Bureau and I don't know where to begin, but this will be spoiler-rific. Pic-related.

    To start with I'm probably a bit of an over-thinker, but I'm not going to stop doing as I do...or thinking as I think. Whatever.

    I remember watching the trailers for The Adjustment Bureau and wondering if Matt Damon could support a movie like this by himself. He's certainly showed his style with the Bourne series, but those are mainly driven by the action. Damon's muscles verses an entire group of bad men.

    So on with the movie. I watched it and I was left with more questions than answers and I think that has a lot to with the movie not knowing what direction it wanted to take. The trailers made it seem like we were going on a thrill ride in a world full of meta-physical implications. The movie does not live up to that; you'll have to fill those holes in by yourself.

    The first half of the movie does pretty well by itself. It sets up the characters and guides me gently into its own little world of make-believe, which I was totally fine with and enjoying until David Peters (Matt Damon) goes stock stupid. This is not the Matt Damon I know. He does not do this. He does not get beat up by the bad guys and say "Yes, I'll be your *****, just this one time." It's also not the character were lead to believe he is, although one could argue the already flimsy plot would have been a lot flimsier if the character didn't undergo some growth through adversity, but it's more like David Peters gives up being who he is, because he gets a talking down to.

    At that point, I wanted to take-over Damon's body and punch himself/myself in the nuts.

    I'm getting off track here, but it's incredibly frustrating, when a movie loses sight of its own potential and backtracks the other way.

    Oh yeah, there's this whole plot thing I haven't mentioned at all. Did I mention I over think too much? Let me catch you up on the story. Guy runs for senate and loses, but in a twist of fate meets a woman in the men's bathroom while he's preparing a speech about losing the race. Then they meet again by another twist of fate. Then yet again later even at the behest of the best the bureau has to offer in free will crushing.

    So, then we arrive at the point where Matt Damon is left with a choice. The one where he chooses love, which we know he's going to ultimately choose or his and her dreams. Seriously, the best the heavy handed honcho "The Hammer" from the bureau could do was ask him to choose the fates of two people. I'm practically yelling, in my head, that it isn't fair that he should choose between two people because either choice he's left with goes against her free will without considering what she really wants.

    That's where the entire plot falls flat on its face. Never mind all the other glaring loopholes in the movie. At this point I really wanted things to wrap up so I could leave and go see my niece.

    Then we arrive at the actiony part of the movie. I say y because it has all the editing of action movies without the action. There's even one point where Damon's character and one of the suits from the Bureau turned protagonist lover mention that he has to make it to the blue door and stresses the point somewhat. Then I thought well maybe here's going to be the big showdown. Nope. Just damon running in the rain without even one baddie blocking his way. What made it double frustrating was when another bureau boy points it out to the "Hammer" and they basically say "well this a problem, we should put a stop to this" and then don't.

    Oh yea side note, the bureau people travel in between their world and ours through doors by way of magical hats. So, here we've traded the Matrix's door warping properties of the Keymaster for hats. Also, the bureau people can gauge what you're thinking when presented with choice, but they have a harder time doing it when you're surrounded by water.

    Now, the movie never really cashes in on that point. Damon has a couple of encounters with the bureau good guy near water to somewhat illustrate the point and even further then the rain sequence, but it was rather arbitrary.

    I thought that since Damon was already thrust into a world of irrationality that he should do the same in kind by heading down to the local Toy's R' Us and stocking up on super soakers and water balloons. Also, he needed one of those beer hats, the kind that hold drinks on top of your head and fill it with water.

    But that's a fantasy as was any idea that the conclusion would conclude anything of relevance. Here Damon has ironically found the girl in a bathroom and he hurriedly tells her he's sorry before whisking her away through doors that portal to other parts of New York City. Here is where Emily Blunt's acting shines as she is genuinely shocked and overcome by the sudden turn of events and has this moment of what the **** is happening, just as I was asking what the **** kind of resolution is this. He didn't even bring you flowers along with his half-assed apology?

    Then they take a stop at the Statue of Liberty where he then asks her if should would like to continue on this train wreck of a climax. Only after he's forcibly taken her through these doors does he stop to consider what she wants, but it turns out she really loves him that much and is fully willing to run through more portals even though she hasn't seen these baddies that must be chasing them.

    So, yea there's more I could rant about, but the following picture pretty much illustrates how I feel about the film.

  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I just saw Sucker Punch. I also thought the trailer misled me and was a disappointed because of it, the raw escapism I was expecting wasn't included. But I approve of the overall theme they went with although it was basically boxed into three or four peppered-in quotes.

    At least the action was no disappointment.. my favorite was the World War I scene.

    I didn't much care for the soundtrack. I realized that I recognized and could name each song throughout the movie but I don't think the covers were very flattering in most cases. They fit alright with the action that was taking place, though. And I remember saying out loud "holy **** that's an obscure Beatles song... well played."

    Overall, I review it favorably although I had massively high expectations that weren't quite reached.
    #128 Indie Anthias, Apr 3, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2011
  9. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    you know, I'm sick of conspiracy films ending with the conspiracy never being revealed to the public. It pisses me off and it's so unoriginal and overdone.

    guess what i just watched.
    What's that? You can't?
    that's because it's been done a thousand times!

  10. Security

    Security Ancient
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    What did you just watch?
  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    the ghost writer
  12. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    I watched The Orphanage a couple days ago and oh man is it good. Horror is a genre that i don't expect much out of but this one blew me away. It's like a delicious good movie center hidden under a horror film shell.

    it really isnt the typical "OH MY GOD ITS A GHOST LETS FIND OUT WHAT IT WANTS" plot as you'd see it far too many movies that come out and it's worth a look.
    #132 CHUCK, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011
  13. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I watched over the top which is about Sylvester Stallone who is a truck driver and he has to rescue his son by arm wrestling his way to the top.

    The title over the top works in a couple of ways because first of all over the top indicates a drive to push yourself to your max and then overcome it, transcending whatever limitations you thought held you back, but over the top also refers to the point in an arm wrestling match when you literally push their hand over the topmost point and take control of the arm wrestling challenge.
  14. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Umm, yeah.. I got some review and stuff.

    Primer- Watched it on Youtube. It's a pretty damn awesome movie. It's felt really fast and it jumps around a bit, kinda like how Inception was. I wasn't really feeling the ending, but the rest of the movie definitely made up for it ten-fold.

    Office Space- I've heard that a lot of people liked this movie, but honestly.. to me.. it was meh. There were a handful of good parts, all humorous and fun. It's a movie to see, but not dwell on or even review it for tha- oh wait.

    Sunshine- I really liked this movie, I thought it had an amazing story and this movie shimmied it's way up to one of my favorite movies ever. I didn't really like the "villain" and I don't quite understand why he's so strong, but it gave a little horror towards the picture. Yeah, the ending was definitely the icing on this delicious cake. A gotta-see movie.

    [REC]- Well, all I got to say is.. if you seen Quarantine, then you've seen this movie, minus the subtitles of course. I mean Quarantine has the same exact scenes, the shots are dead-on, and even the actors seem to be replicated in some weird way. It's the same exact movie. But how I'd rate it? I'd say watch it if you have time to spare.
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    sunshine is a pretty badass movie. cillian murphy is damn cool
  16. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    lol you've seen Quarantine? well that's where that ****ed up, i didnt think anybody saw that horrible movie. [REC] is one of my favorite horror films, and Quarantine is pure absolute garbage that just ruins [REC]... gahhh. bad acting doesn't sell handheld footage-style films :/

    also i knew you'd like Sunshine, Danny Boyle is a super versatile director (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire). Sunshine is boss, srsly. You've seen 28 Days right camo?
    #136 CHUCK, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  17. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Bridesmaids is the funniest movie I have seen in a very long time. It's not a chick flick. Go see it.

    I take back everything negative I've ever said about Kristen Wiig.
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    A Beautiful Mind

    So we watched this in my Psychology class this past week, and I absolutely loved this movie. It's captivating, intelligent, exciting, and just plain interesting. Russell Crowe does an amazing job as John Nash, and is easily able to get the audience invested in his character.

    Unfortunately, the people at my school are complete douchebags and idiots when it comes to spoilers for movies, and revealed that both his roommate and daughter were not real. Luckily, they never said that the federal agency was just a part of his schizophrenic mind. I found the handling of Parcher's role masterful, as the audience thinks in almost the exact same way as Nash. We are sure, even though it hasn't been outright disproved, that Parcher is also not real, but there is always that sense in the back of your mind (up until the reveal that Parcher was, in fact, fake) that he could actually be real.

    And that is where the purpose of the movie comes from. That lingering feeling that, no matter what you've been told, and taught, and what you've lived, this could all be just a figment of our imagination; that this world and the people in it have no purpose beyond our imagination and that we live a lie. This is what schizophrenics and many other people with debilitating psychological diseases deal with their whole lives, and this film's ability to communicate that with the masses is amazing.
  19. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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  20. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i saw the new Pirates movie today.

    its more of the same, of course, but still entertaining.

    super hot mermaids.

    also, ian mcshane should have been in every movie.

    the mermaids were so hot

    it was like the victoria secret fashion show but with mermaids

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