The Movie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Aug 6, 2010.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    also Platoon seems to be a movie about the most handsome squad of soldiers to ever exist
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    It seemed to me that the film was about the lack of justice in the world, the film ends up with each situation resolved in the worst possible way. Tom Bell retires, doesn't catch Chigurh taking the satchel out of the air duct, and doesn't get back his confidence. In the twist-of-fate car crash Chigurh escapes, when he easily could have been apprehended through his pure misfortune. Moss ends up dying, and not even in a confrontation with Chigurh like he had planned. Carla ends up dying when she had an even chance at living, and Carson Wells ends up dying even though Chigurh could have accepted the money from him.
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    True Grit is aweeeeeeeesome.

    No Oscar talk?
    Who do you guys think should have won the Oscar for Best Picture?
    My pick: The Social Network
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Two movies I wanna see: cowboys vs aliens and super 8.
  5. Scalpel Technique

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    And Bowie's playing the Imortal Nicola Tesla!

    Hey if you like scary, gory F'd up movies you gotta see "I Saw the Devil", its a Korean horror/thriller movie that's sort of a cross between a serial killer movie and a revenge flick. It really freaked me out, and that doesn't happen alot to me any more, I've seen too many horror flicks. The last two that spooked me out would be the Descent and Paranormal activity. You can find a copy with subtitles out there if you know what I mean.
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The Social Network should definitely have won. No doubt in my mind. Ten years from now, or hell even one year from now, nobody's going to give a damn about The King's Speech. It was a movie with fantastic acting and some very beautiful scenes, but that's all it was. Those come out every year during awards season like clockwork. The Social Network was a film that also had excellent acting, but Sorkin's very entertaining script and Fincher's direction, as well as being the first good film to tackle this internet age kind of subject matter directly make it more than just a good film.

    Fincher should've won director too. The other awards I'm mostly ok with. Would've like Hailee Steinfeld to win supporting actress, but mostly because she wasn't actually a supporting actress (she was definitely the lead in True Grit). That they stuck her in the supporting category was very condescending of the Academy if you ask me, like they're telling her (and the other supporting actress nominees) she isn't good enough or old enough for a lead actress nomination. I see that category like the Toy Story 3 best picture/best animated feature nominations. An animated movie nominated for best picture is basically guaranteed the win in animated feature category, so a lead actress nominated for supporting actress ought also to be guaranteed that win.
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    I wanted Exit Through the Gift Shop to take documentary but nope :( (That isnt educated opinion, thats me wanting Banksy to win an oscar.)

    On the topic of the Social Network not taking best picture, it's a bummer. That movie is soooo well made, it's an example of great film-making. It's like a "THIS IS WHAT FILMMAKING COULD DO IN 2010" movie. I was completely fascinated and mesmerized by the rowing race scene, they made this huge race look totally insignificant with blur effects and music choice. I haven't gotten around to many of the others that were nominated (i reallllllly want to see 127 Hours), but i could have totally picture Social Network taking it.

    yeah totally, the lack of justice and presence of horrible **** happening was a heavy theme, hence the name.

    I really see a bigger picture to it all though, "You cant stop what's coming" is such a powerful phrase. It's like, showing that everything is already set and motion and everybody's merely along for the ride. I guess i should have said that chigurh is more like a tool of fate. he's so mysterious in every way, pulls out these weird weapons out of nowhere.
    #107 CHUCK, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  8. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Me too :(

    I agree that the Social Network should have definitely won, my friend insists on saying The King's Speech definitely deserved it. I think she didn't seem to understand the lasting appeal of that movie. It's a representation of the past decade, and what's to come, and it's story (while being a fabricated truth) is relevant as hell, and I can imagine it will be in 10 years, hell 20.
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I haven't been interested in many movies lately except documentaries for some reason. So after watching one about meth and one about solitary confinement I found something really good. It's called We Live In Public.

    I can't quite describe what it's about. On the surface it seems to be a critique of privacy sharing trends on the internet but it takes some really unexpected and just jaw-dropping turns. It's mildly pornographic at parts so be warned. It's in Netflix instant queue so it's easy to get if you have that service... definitely worth a watch.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The King's Speech and The Social Network are both fantastic films. Both relied heavily upon acting and their scripts. Both scrips are equally good.

    The King's Speech is a riskier film because it doesn't contain any social relevance or covers any popular part of history, other than its setting. It also gives voice to those who stammer.

    I, personally, wanted Jesse Eisenberg to win Best Actor, but he played a static character. Firth showed more range in his role and he did an amazing job with the stammer.

    I think The King's Speech is a better story because it's about a man who has to find his voice and lead a nation in a time of war.

    Social Network is the story about the start up of a billion dollar company.

    Anyways, I can't wait to own both these movies.

    I thought Geoffrey Rush should have won best supporting actor.
  11. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I personally don't use Facebook, but the story behind it, the Social Network was purely fantastic. A must watch, if anyone has yet to see it.

    Also saw the A-Team just recently. I'm no where near old enough to appreciate where it came from, but the movie was incredible. There's a bit of a back story given to the tv series, so I interpreted, and the rest of the film post series. Plot was wonderful, comedic and filled with a proportionate amount of ass kicking.
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I wouldn't say the plot in A-Team was wonderful; I wouldn't even say the plot was good. However, it was a lot more enjoyable then I originally thought and was much better than The Losers, a pretty similar film that released around the same time.
  13. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Oh yeah, I definitely oversold that one, lol. Way better than The Losers, didn't like that one as much.


    Just got back from seeing Hall Pass. First saw the trailer and thought, "...oh boy. Owen Wilson." The trailer completely undersold the film. God damn. The movie was absolutely hysterical. I honestly can't recall laughing so much in 2 hours.

    If you were a fan of the Hangover, see this movie. If not, I still encourage you check it out.
  14. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I think the plot seems really cliche. Also, there are way better actors in that movie than Owen Wilson.
  15. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    Recent movies that I really liked... (I am a novice movie critic and streamer):

    The King's Speech - This is not an action packed movie, but has a wonderful plot. Very good acting and character development. It recieved an 8.4/10 on IMDb.

    Black Swan - This movie was a mind-f**k. It is hard to describe this movie without giving the plot away. The main character is a ballet dancer who is chosen for a huge role in an upcoming show. Her pre-existing mental issues catch up with her when the stress becomes too great. You see all these events as she is seeing them. The ending will make you think w....t....f... It got an 8.5/10 on IMDb

    Drive Angry - This one was interesting. It doesn't get many points for plot, though it wasn't a bad one. I loved this movie for the characters and the roles they played. There were so many comical scenes that made up for the corny explosions and exaggerated vehicle attributes. One of the scenes that I enjoyed had Milton (played by Nicolas Cage) having sex, while drinking hard liquor, while in a gun fight. That pretty much sums up the feel of the movie. It received a 6.4/10 on IMDb

    I'll add more as I see fit...​
  16. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Managed to watch Taken today, a movie Ive wanted so see for an incredibly long time.

    It was worth the wait.
  17. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    If what you got out of post was that I was interested in seeing a movie with Owen Wilson, you misread that by a long shot.

    The last movie he starred that was worth **** was Wedding Crashers. This one, very entertaining. As cliche as the plot may sound/look/seem the whole film is great for a good laugh.
    #117 DunkinMyCookies, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  18. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Just watched the 1986 remake of The Fly. I dont watch alot of movies, but Im really glad I dug this one up. Definitely a classic, for both horror movies and film in general.
  19. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Recently watched...

    Cast Away

    - Interesting message but no lasting appeal for me, although Tom Hanks puts in a nice performance.

    Reservoir Dogs
    - Bloody original.
  20. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I like Cast Away. Hanks does a great job with the basically one man show that the movie is, and the script still manages to be engaging even though there's one character most of the movie. Have you seen Buried or 127 hours? Both movies are similar to Cast Away in that they're one man shows for most of their run time, and both are actually pretty solid.

    Speaking of which, I saw 127 hours the first time recently. I was disappointed that I didn't absolutely love it. So much of the script seemed to be the screen writer going "ok it's been too long since we had dialogue, insert a self filming section or a hallucination." Its big climactic scene is extremely visceral and there are a couple other good emotional moments sprinkled in as well, but I don't think it was Best Picture material. Then again, neither was The Kids are All Right and that got nominated too, so whatever. The Town should've been nominated instead.

    Also finally got around to watching Fight Club a couple weeks ago. Blew me away. Despite everyone for practically my entire life telling me I need to see it and quoting it at me, and me knowing the twist since you can't not know who Tyler Durden is these days, I still think it was under hyped.
    #120 Ladnil, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011

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