The Movie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    You really should reconsider rewatching some of those films. Seventh Seal impossible to watch? What... If you didn't like the dubbing, then I suggest you watch the subtitle version (I prefer this one). I'm also surprise you said it was slow, I thought it was quite engaging -- perhaps with a rewatch you would understand it a bit better?

    Also, I recommend you check out more Bergman films even if you said you didn't like The Seventh Seal.

    So who else is really excited for Black Swan?:

    YouTube - BLACK SWAN - Official HD trailer

    It looks like The Red Shoes had a love child with Rosemary's Baby and Cronenberg’s The Fly.

    Oh boy, that came out wrong.
    #41 PaperThinWalls, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  2. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    i meant to say subbed, that made it hard to watch
    dubbed would be easier
  3. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    Well then I suggest you adjust to it or learn the language (Hehe) because I'm not a fan of dubbed and I would never personally recommend it.
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The Social Network

    I'm not sure about the rest of you, but this movie came completely out of left field for me. In fact, I was expecting the movie to be mediocre at best. After all the positive buzz (9.5 on Rotten Tomatoes last time I checked), I decided I'd give it a shot.

    This is a movie where it pays to concentrate. There are transitions in time and place throughout the movie, going from one meeting where Zuckerberg's former best friend is suing him, to another meeting where three other men are suing him, and to possibly several different points in the story that are being recollected at these meetings on more than one occassion within a couple of minutes. This could have been confusing, but it's handled so perfectly and cleverly that, if you pay attention, the story flows nicely and in a comprehensive way.

    This is also a much funnier movie than I think anybody would have imagined. Timberlake is very entertaining as Sean Parker, the founder of Napster, and provides a lot of the light-heartedness of the movie, while still being portrayed as more of an antagonist. There are many other subtle moments and quips all throughout the movie, and really helped develop several of the characters, especially Mark in a few cases.

    The acting is solid, the writing is intriguing, and it's all topped off by a genuinely interesting story. This movie may not have the effects and set pieces that make movies like Inception great and exciting, but it is just as entertaining. I walked away with a mix emotions ranging from satisfaction to melancholy. Great movie, go see it.

    #44 Shatakai, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Just saw it last night.

    Shatakai, I love you man. I also love how every statement in your post descriptively examples how great the movie is and especially how your opinion is just how I think of it.

    Very great movie in my opinion.

    You should go see it if you haven't seen it or don't plan on seeing it. Trust me you'll like it.

  6. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Princess Mononoke is one of my all-time favorite movies.

    Why did I just say that? It's because I just watched it for the 2nd or 3rd time since I last watched it when I was very young. Great movie.

    Has anyone else seen it?
    #46 RaBBiiTTT, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  7. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    In need for a bump for sure, especially with all the fantastic movies that came out this Holiday season.

    If you can't tell I absolutely loved Black Swan, I'm already a huge Aronofsky fan, and it didn't take much encouraging for me to see the show. What I was left with was a great psychological thriller that keeps your attention gripped throughout it's entirety. Natalie Portman did an absolutely amazing job in this film, probably her best acting in her entire career, you truly feel like she portrayed the disjointed character of Nina Sayers.

    Like most of Aronofsky's films, visually it's gorgeous. The CGI in this is amazing, especially during the performance of Swan Lake, as well as other bits like the opening dream sequence (I still love the opening). If this film deserves any award from the Oscars it'd definitely be cinematography, because of it's sheer beauty, as well as Aronofsky's wonderful attention to visual detail.

    I personally do not have very many gripes from the film, some argue that they were left confused at the end, but I think that throughout the film it explains itself. I could understand some confusion, but if you pay attention to them explaining the story of Swan Lake (which is discussed VERY early in the film) then you should have no problem catching the meaning.

    As of now it's my favorite film this year, but I have yet to see True Grit, after that I feel I will be able to accurately judge that.
  8. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Experiencing technical difficulties, will fix post when they are resolved.
    #48 Prosper, Dec 30, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Vanilla Sky

    This is a pretty old movie, speaking from my perspective specifically, and I wouldn't of even watched it had it not been for my parents. The title didn't bring back any vague memories of anything, so I went ahead and sat down to watch.

    First of all, this movie is quite a puzzler to those that don't pay absolute attention to it. Up until the very end, I had a very strong idea of what was going, and this was only destroyed because of a two second twist the director put in at the end. The beginning of the movie seems to be almost forcibly straightforward, and you feel as though you are being tricked into believing something that's not true.

    The plot in general is excellent in my opinion, and really carries just the right amount of foreshadowing (even in the title of the film) to lead viewers on and keep them interested. Along with it, Cameron Crowe did a great job keeping pace and continually changing the background not only in setting but in an indescribable emotion like way.

    If you didn't already know, I wasn't going to mention it yet, because some people generally do not like him, but Tom Cruise was a fantastic actor in this movie. He perfectly executes his role, constantly adapting his character as the film progressed. I wouldn't quite say he was made to fit the role, but he comes quite close and many of his problems and the challenges he faces seem like yours, and I actually felt as if I needed to solve them. This is probably just as confusing for you to understand as it is for me to write.

    Penelope Cruz turns in an outstanding, if not exceptional performance, as well, as Sofia, the woman of Cruise's dreams. There's an alluring innocence she brings to this role that works well for her character and makes her forthcoming and accessible, yet she lacks any hint of mystery that may have added that special `something extra' to the part. But Crowe knows how to get the best out of his actors, and he certainly did with Cruz.

    Overall, I'd suggest this movie, only if you are willing to pay attention and let yourself be immersed.

    #49 Youtuber, Dec 31, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  10. Blair

    Blair Forerunner

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    Last Saturday was my holiday and i watched movies all the day...

    Pirates of the Caribbean
    Scorpion king
    Hill have two eyes
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    ^ Holy ****.

    Moving on.

    Some notable movies I've recently watched are Snatch, Tron: Legacy, Serendipity, The Town, She's Out of My League, Step Up 3, and Get Him to the Greek.


    - Damn, this movie exceeded my expectations. Snatch has very likeable and animated characters accompanied with a hilarious story that made me think how all these characters are connected.

    Tron: Legacy
    - The story is frustratingly not well thought of, but the visuals healed the movie's wounds quite fairly. I couldn't help but mention that Jeff Bridges (The DUDE) is charismatic as always and Olivia Wilde is amazingly gorgeous as Quorra.

    Step Up 3
    - I wasn't surprised to experience the same story pattern once again in this movie. Nevertheless, the choreography, visuals, and soundtrack were attractive enough to lure me into watching it.

    Get Him to the Greek
    - This movie offers an interesting and rather original story. The laugh factor of it, to me, goes up and down. I don't really know what else to say about it, but it's just above average in my book.

    - Serendipity is an engaging and emotional tale. The concept of fate is mentioned throughout as well. I was absolutely disappointed when the ending credits rolled. More could have been done with the movie. It's seriously way too short for my liking.

    She's Out of My League

    - A lot of guys (honestly, including me at one point in my life) can relate to this movie, so there's little to no doubt that it gives a strong message. Although the theme is pretty nice, the movie just didn't give me that "wow" factor. So-so.

    The Town
    - Awesome. Jeremy Renner, as always, gives a great performance once again. I just love how this movie kind of uses a common plot and makes it its own, turning it to something unique. This film is boss.
    #51 RaBBiiTTT, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I was actually kinda thrilled that they centered on Moose's story... and glad they got a new hottie to look at. Sharni Vinson is just smokin'.

    I just watched this last night. It was a good film, nothing impressive though.

    Just watched a couple more dvds last night...

    The Other Guys
    Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlburg star in this film with Dwayne Johnson, Samuel Jackson, Eva Mendez, and Michael Keaton. The beginning of the film started off strong with The Rock and Sam Jackson taking the lead. When Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlburg took lead, the movie kinda fell into a lull. You'd expect a movie with this cast to be much better.

    The A-Team
    Liam Neeson is no George Peppard. Come to think of it, the entire A-Team was no substitute for the original cast. Nonetheless, a decent action film on it's own. Looking at Jessica Biel doesn't hurt at all.
  13. Security

    Security Ancient
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  14. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Hey man, don't make fun of Google Translator users.
  15. Security

    Security Ancient
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    ^ Those movies look awful.

    He knew what he was getting into.
  16. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Whatevs bramen.

  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Don't be a twat because someone who doesn't speak english well uses a translation service. Be appreciative that someone is taking the time to share and translate their thoughts with you.

    Anyways, I agree those movies look terrible. Limitless piqued my interest, but if quickly died, because it's another morality tale about unchecked ambition. It would be cool to see what I could do in a week with that stuff as would anyone else if they were in the same position.

    I'll probably go see green hornet/lantern with my friend who's into the whole comic stuff. He wants a game based on all the colors of the lantern universe, which I said would be a unprofitable venture.
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Green Lantern is due out June. Green Hornet comes out on Thursday(for Australia, at least).

    I'm looking forward to the Green Hornet. It's a somewhat of a different take on the superhero story. In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne can already kick some serious ass and in Iron Man, Tony Stark is already a super technology genius, etc. etc. They cast Rogan knowing he wasn't the obvious choice so that they could have audiences saying, "this guy can't do it". I'm looking forward to it. The Green Hornet character is older than Superman and Batman dating back to 1936, so I'm hoping for an entertaining movie.

    And Rusty, they ARE doing a Green Lantern game. Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters. I doubt that this'll be any different from ANY comicbook movie videogame, but I'm optimistic.

    2011, is shaping up to be a great year for comic book movies.

    Jan Green Hornet
    May Thor
    Jun Xmen: First Class
    Green Lantern
    Jul Transformers: Dark of the Moon
    Captain America

    I'm missing a couple but these are the big ones.
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I appreciate comic's because of their iconic nature and the human desire to be heroic and the human aspects to the characters themselves as they are faced with difficult choices, but I fear that these movies aren't doing comics any justice. I feel they are becoming an abused genre just like the macho tough guy acts of the 80's and 90's. The recent Batman series and second rendition of the Hulk are the only two that come to mind that have been decent films in their own right.

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