3 Editors, 8 people, 3 parts. YouTube - Crisis - A Halo 3 Montage : 3 Editors + 8 Players And, Playahata27 gets owned at 5:13.
I can't tell what's happening. That's why to only good montages are made by Hyena. Hey, someone already posted this!
I can't say i particularly like the music...rather whiny for my preference. Editing is pretty good...but it should be in HD....
That was great. Part one was my favorite. Can you tell me what video editing software was used please? Great job -Nate
I saw playahata27 the first time I watched it (few days a go). That gave me a slight chuckle. Overall, it was very entertaining. Some clips were eh, but the editor knew how to flower them up pretty well.
I don't get some of the editing. I mean, the parts that the person actually wants to see, you change the angle out from first person, or just speed right past. I can understand if there is no shooting yet, and your in third person, and then quick switch to first person to show him actually get the kills, but a lot of the kills weren't shown in first person. That's the point of a montage. Otherwise it's like floating around in theatre mode watching everyone fight. You don't know who's who, and it's more of a gameplay video then. Like 2:47-2:53. What was the point of speeding through the parts we actually want to watch?
Not even close to the most amazing montage. If we're talking Halo, Dualtality kicks this montage's ass to China and back. If we're talking overall gaming, She Looked 16 by Katha is 100 times better than that.
Editing was good, but the filming was terrible. Watching people's legs move around sporadically is well sporadic and hard to follow.
I meant it was great editing wise, and was very impressive. I tend to HATE these montages, but it was pretty fun to watch. The gameplay was decent, though. Could've been better.
Not really. He just makes montages for fun and makes new accounts to play social. He's a really good player, but he isn't the best at MLG. I think he's only like a 40 in MLG or something. He played with pros in Halo 2 though.
Part 3 was my favorite. Editing was nice, wasn't a fan of gameplay though. I still think the Str8 Tage is at the top of the list.
god whats with the over effects, this is why i hate halo montages, having "special" effects on every clip is soooooo annoying. this is seriously the only game to ever have videos like this and i dont get why.
The editing was real good, but the montages just felt out of place. The angles in which the cature card caught the output wasn't the best and I hate editors who just flash the metals instead of the game play. But it was good.