The Misty Cages By: Canadians360 MAP: The Map is created on The Pit and features several rooms or cages linked via teleporters. This was made for a nice change of pace from the typical sandbox and foundry maps. I created this map a long time ago and I must say it was fun but very flawed and easily escapeable. Now I still can't say it is 100% escape proof but if your trying to escape it will take a long time. As long you are playing with others you will most likely die before getting out. As you may have guessed this map houses needler bassed gametypes. I have created three to be played on this map which I will explain bellow. PICTURES: This is the starting point for teams. Located on the third floor of the main bases where the scrolling jackle target resides. This is important. DO NOT walk past the cones I placed for your safety. You can die if you go too far. Directly underneath the starting floor is another cage. I also made cages above the green boxes above the invis hallway. Of course I then made a cage in the invis hallway. Then of course the sword room. All teleporters were placed with care and strategic purposes in mind. There is two ways in to every room and the only random chance is wether you will end up in the botom floor of one building or another which are linked to eachother. You catch on to where the teleporters lead fairly fast so bare with the confusion for the first minute or so. Now for my games seeing as how they are on the pit they do have a few honor rules that are fairly easy to follow. 1) Dont camp teles and assasinate. With two teles in each cage its really not a problem and you actually loose points for assasinations. Just dont do it, it kills gameplay. 2) This is fairly difficult to do but still, dont try and escape yes after two minutes of pounding you could get out you dont need to prove it. Try and actually play the game its more fun. 3) Dont have a pink team I will explain why later. 4) Have a good time. GAMES For the games I have maid I have some general rules and traits that I will now explain. Players spawn with needlers, no unlimited clip. There is plenty of amo around on a tele in every room. This stops people from staying in one cage the whole game. Players also have no starting grenades and no grenades on map. Players have 125% speed boost since needlers are homming. 300% damage resistance which translates to a little less than a full clip of needles for a kill. Radar shortened to 10 meters, enhanced. Cages are small so its not an issue the enhanced radar just takes away a campers advantage. A steady hand and watchfull eye beets cheep camping any day. Players that have just spawned are pink for ten secconds thats all. It gives the player a little humiliation now everyone knows he was just killed. However it is also an advantage over non pink players, for the others may have a moment of hesitation to see if a player is on their team or not. But they realize quickly so its not an amazing advantage. This is why no pink team. Above is two normal teams and a dead pink body of a spawned player killed before his ten seconds was up. Now on to the specifics. Cage Mist Terit: (2v2-4v4) This is my preffered gametype for my map. The territory placement was very well thought out in this map. Teritories never lock allways up for grabs. The first territories go to both floors of the building bases so capturing it right away is advised. For recapturing is very difficult since the floors are not directly linked and a player on the botom can halt someones progress on top and vice versa. Both the territories above the invis hallway are also all one territory but are directly linked so it is much easier to capture. All other rooms are their own seprate territories and are the easiest to capture. Cage Mist King (3v3 -4v4) This king of the hill has a hill in each room excluding the two cages above invis hallway. I am debating how often to move the hills any advice would be apericiated. Caged Mist (Slayer 3v3-4v4) This is normal team slayer on my map. Staying in pairs is a good stratagy. If you have too many members together you will likely confuse yourselves so be tactical go squad style. I hope you all enjoy this nice change of pace any comments and or gameplay suggestions will be openly accepted and put into testing. Please comment and play before judging. Thank you I hope you enjoy these gametypes and my maps as much as I do. Download The Misty Cages Game Down Loads *Cage Mist Terit: (favorite) Cage Mist King Caged Mist (slayer)
Nice idea, but I honestly think if you didnt have the gametypes you made it wouldnt be fun. I also agree with you on how peoples main goal is to get outside the map and they think theyre cool, but it just really ruins gameplay. This map has alot of originality, mast maps i see on the pit are terrible, but this one stands out
Thanx it really is difficult to get out. You can try by yourself and see especialy since there are no grenades. Besides on Koth and Teritories being outside the map doesnt help. There is a way back in if some how some way someone flies out of the map. But anyways Im glad you apreciate the originality if you DL and play a few rounds please send any feedback or possible flaws I overlooked.
This has been done before this would be good if tried making it on Foundry. Or adding more rooms than what you have.
Making it on foundry?? I think that would ruin it and if you read above he said he wanted a break from foundry and sandbox. Making it on the pit is harder and would take more skill than on foundry
I made this specifically as a fun random map NOT on sandbox or foundry. Adding more rooms would be too hectic and impossible to block off. Please play before telling me I need more rooms. However I was putting it into consideration it was just impossible. EDIT: Also keep in mind all rooms reflected this is a SYMETRICAL MAP and has a total of 8 rooms.
Hey canadians I was really hoping to catch ya before u posted this. For the game and maps they're great. It took me 10 min just to find out where to get out of your map since you fixed so many holes. The pink color change was also a sweat idea. You were right about teritories being the most fun and there actually is alot more stratagy with the game type than I thought your map was guna have. I don't have room 4 all 4 map and games but the two are definately staying. I was also thinking how you told players not to camp but put camping stools and backpacks in. I gotta ask why you moved all the needlers from the centers of the teleporters? Also the weapon holder on top of the box would be better in the front but I still haven't gotten out that way so it's not a big deal. Btw you didn't give any recomended players for me slayer needs 3v3 at least other two are ok at 2v2. Ok now here's the part where I blow your mind and tell you how to make this bad boy perfect, inescapable. You ready? OS, Invis, Custom. It seems so obvious now I can't believe no one thought of it yet. I wish I could have told you before you posted but better late than never right.
Yea that wasnt really intentional but is kind of ironic they were mainly put in to mark sides so players know where they are. We didnt really notice while playing but you actually couldnt pick the needler amo up. We never really needed to since there were so many on the floor. I hid all the glowing pink parts to remove distractions. I'll go add those in slipped my mind. Wow cant believe i forgot about that. Ill have to make a v2 with those changes but I will wait a little to see if anyone else has some feedback to offer for my map. Sadly so few DL's I guess no one apreciates old school map forging on the pit or anything anymore. I will be editing soon any advice before v1.1 would really be appreciated. It truly is a fun game and map and could use some opinions before the next version. Edit: Quick question if this map became inescapable would it fit into competitive?
Why did you choose pink? You could have done white/black or something else that you can't choose as a team color.
It's good for a The Pit map. How long ago did you make this because I played a map exactly like this a few weeks ago. An obvious issue with the map is tele-camping. Have you done anything about that?
It just seemed a better fit for an all needler brawl. Bungie deemed the needler the pink mist so it just kind of fit with the theam. Overall I dont think no pink team is that big of a deal or hard to follow this is a casual map. Well I started this befor foundry even was released and I had made it for swords. But there was so much camping. This was also before I knew about bracing or anchoring objects with weapon holders and teleporters. Recently about a week ago i was going through all my maps to delete a few saw this decided to make it work and voila. As for the spawn camping the needlers and long time required to hold your aim at an enamy really makes that difficult. As for the assasinations, I did all I could. Put a few objects behind camping spots that wont block the tele. I punish people for assasinations by them loosing points and have two ways into every room. And I gave everyone an enhanced radar. If anyone thinks of any other way to reduce camping be sure to let me know. My next version is almost inescapable I know I can get it escape proof and when I do ill be sure to post thanks again callum. Also I am taking off the sudden death from the teritories gametype that was an alteration I noted to make but forgot to change before my post.